View Full Version : I lurk therefore I shall post

2003-09-24, 02:54 AM
Well since I browse here from time to time looking for new sponsors and content providers, it would be only proper to say hello. So...hello to some familiar faces that I remember from the old stomping ground. Hope things are well :)

2003-09-24, 04:09 AM
Hello Actorguy :)

Long time no speak, how you doing?

2003-09-24, 06:10 AM
Hey man.

Hope things are going well for you.

2003-09-24, 06:11 AM
AG...welcome and good to see you again :) was wondering what the heck happened to you

2003-09-24, 07:13 AM
Nice to see you out of lurk mood. :D


2003-09-24, 07:24 AM
Hey AG - long time! How goes it?

2003-09-24, 10:06 AM
Actorguy!!!!!!!! |waves|

2003-09-24, 10:09 AM
Good to see you finally post ya bum. |waves|

Welcome to the board.

2003-09-24, 11:10 AM
It all goes well. Carlaschoice is still up and running. Changed to a thumbpreview a while back..hell when didn't I always change it, learned the fine art of trading and traffic is good...Ramster? lol

Moved from the free site making into tgp when Crawdad was still about. Now that...was a challenge. The longest time, bandwidth was the enemy. Finally found out what works for me and have no complaints...well...except that I foot the bill for two servers now instead of one.

Great to see the names of people I liked still involved, as many people have just dropped away. Icq got really lonely for a while |pcsucks|

Still try to help out people when I can never, forgetting the hours spent with DD getting my first link list started. Sheesh.

And that is that. Thanks for the hellos and I like this board look better than the old one.

2003-09-24, 11:21 AM
FYI to all TGP posters.

Actorguy has a high traffic site in CarlasChoice.com and will send More clicks to your galleries than most other TGPs no problem. And he makes the thumbs for ya.

</end plug>

2003-09-24, 02:41 PM
Hiya AG!!

Wondered what happened, sort of lost touch

2003-09-25, 01:00 PM
Thanks Ramster for the kind words.
Ya Dare..it has been a while. Glad to see you are still around and hope you are doing damn fine