View Full Version : my worst day in this business

2004-08-18, 05:40 PM
my site was just down for the past 24 hours. I have been busting my butt for 8 months 5 to 6 free sites a week and last month was the first month that I made enough money in one month to pay all my bills. now this down time which i had no control over and my 2 top traffic sources pull all my sites |sad|

I think I am starting to understand why there are so many cheating webmasters I mean you bust your butt finally start to make a little money then your hosting service is down for a 24 hour period and half of what you worked for the past 8 months is gone just like that

2004-08-18, 05:46 PM
Most places will let you submit your stuff again no problem as we have all had server problems.

2004-08-18, 05:52 PM
It's just the way it goes, man. Cost of doing business. I've been doing this for years, and if my server goes down my sites get pulled too.

Sometimes you can head it off by annoucing that your server is down, but lots of times I don't even know one of my servers has gone down till it's all over but the crying. ;-}

This is one of the reasons I spread my sites over a couple of servers.

I've been taking it easy this summer, resubbing old sites that had been dropped at some point in the past. Look at it as an oppurtunity.

2004-08-18, 06:17 PM
Why was you host down for 24 hours? That is a little long, even for a HD crash, or something very critical..

2004-08-18, 06:35 PM
I wish my worst day in this business was caused by being down for 24 hours :) If that is as bad as it gets, you are very lucky.

2004-08-18, 08:32 PM
I've had 4 or 5 major server crash's & downtime issues in my years - some as short at 8 hours, some as long as 72 - yes, for 3 days, I had no fucking domains online!

It's a bump in the road - everyone has them.

And at the risk of sounding corny, the good webmasters get up, dust themselves off & go back to the grind.

The scumbags turn to cheating :(

2004-08-18, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by twintone
Why was you host down for 24 hours? That is a little long, even for a HD crash, or something very critical..

according to their support they had to move their data center or some bullshit like that and I am sure i will never really know why they were down.

Originally posted by greenguy
The scumbags turn to cheating

that won't happen here I will quit the biz before I cheat its not my style to cheat to get ahead

thanks Cleo Bill and Jim your input makes me feel better to know that it happens to all of us. Back to the grind tommorow


2004-08-18, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by f69j69b
according to their support they had to move their data center or some bullshit like that and I am sure i will never really know why they were down.

that won't happen here I will quit the biz before I cheat its not my style to cheat to get ahead

thanks Cleo Bill and Jim your input makes me feel better to know that it happens to all of us. Back to the grind tommorow


Well, things can only get better from here right? :)
Hope all works out for you..

2004-08-19, 10:45 AM
did ya ever think what would happen to all the circle jerk tgps if they were down for 2 or 3 days

sites with bookmarkers would be ok but what would happen to all the tgps that just trade traffic

after 24 hrs other sites would stop sending them hits
then when the down tgp restarted they would have nothing to trade, they would be fucked

when they shut down the airline industry for over a week that got me thinking, it could happen to the internet

2004-08-19, 11:00 AM
Hi Tommy|waves|

what I don't understand is how those cj tgps make sales I mean if i go to a site click on a pic and get sent to anything other than the large pic I never go back to that site again I guess there must be people who don't feel the same way as I do about that cause from what i have read they seem to make money but even with me down for a day soon as i was online again i was making sales |bananna|


2004-08-19, 11:05 AM
Fred remember they are in a different mind set then you

you are motivated by money, they are motivated by traffic, numbers on trade scripts and counter lists etc etc

one guy told me awhile back that he couldnt use a certin banner because it pulled to well and the loss of traffic to his sponsor hurt his trades to much

2004-08-19, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Tommy
one guy told me awhile back that he couldnt use a certin banner because it pulled to weel and the loss of traffic to his sponsor hurt his trades to much

Tommy thats seems crazy to me.


2004-08-19, 11:46 AM
thats how they think (most of them)

I understand it, there was a time when I mostly cared about traffic numbers, its a huge rush

2004-08-19, 01:27 PM
I think that everyone in this business has had their shair of hosting horror stories.

The evil host I was with before moving where I am at now. They were the worst. They would crash like clock work the last Friday of every month, and of course they were not there on the weekends.

Anyhow when I fin got in touch with them to fire them and move to a new place. They would only let me get one file at a time to move. It was a real pain in the ass. I was down for almost 30 days. I lost a lot of files in the process. And they wouldnt release the DNS until everything was off their servers.

2004-08-19, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by Jim
I wish my worst day in this business was caused by being down for 24 hours :) If that is as bad as it gets, you are very lucky. Ditto 1000%.

2004-08-19, 01:53 PM
Rick I don't think I would have made it through that I guess my bump in the road wasn't as bad as i thought it would be after hearing some of the bumps others have gone through 30 days being down and greenguys 3 days i think i would have had a heart attack or something if i had been down that long


2004-08-19, 02:06 PM
I was down for 3 days one time to

before if tommys was down I would go into a panic
now I am like (yawn)

you get use to it

no big deal

2004-08-19, 02:17 PM

Ya it was bad I was pretty calm for a few days, its just one of those things that happen. but by day 5, thru day 30. My hair line aged 20 years I was pulling it out by the roots.

Just like GG said, you gotta pull yourself back up and dust yourself off and keep at it.

2004-08-19, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by Tommy
I was down for 3 days one time to

before if tommys was down I would go into a panic
now I am like (yawn)
you get use to it
no big deal

Hopefully I will be able to put myself in yawn mode next time something like this happens

2004-08-21, 03:01 AM
Originally posted by f69j69b
my site was just down for the past 24 hours. I have been busting my butt for 8 months 5 to 6 free sites a week and last month was the first month that I made enough money in one month to pay all my bills. now this down time which i had no control over and my 2 top traffic sources pull all my sites |sad|

I think I am starting to understand why there are so many cheating webmasters I mean you bust your butt finally start to make a little money then your hosting service is down for a 24 hour period and half of what you worked for the past 8 months is gone just like that

Yah man, I can relate. This time last year we were down for 5 days. Shit I thought I was going to lose my mind. Once everything was up and running again, we just picked up where we left off. My best advice when you have a situation like this (which does happen occasionally) is not to stress hard about it. There is just nothing that you can do (as a control freak this was a lesson that was hard to learn), but once you accept that you feel a lot better, and you know everything will be fine in a short matter of time.
As for webmasters who cheat; I don't really understand it at all. We all share the internet, and webmasters who cheat to get ahead with browser redirects, java/ms exploits etc, only hurt us all. I feel the consumer is the most important aspect and that gets lost sometimes in this business, but being in sales for 10 years previous I learned the people who pay our bills is who we ultimately answer to. If we lose their trust they will go somewhere else, or do something else.

2004-08-21, 07:14 AM
I haven't had much downtime, but sometimes my connection to net has been broke. I use that time to build new sites and then when I get my connection back I go and choose ads from sponsor/site I promote and put them in my sites.

Lately we hadn't had any broken connections. Rival is hard here just now, we have many ISPs selling ADSL and they are fast. People change ISP very easily here these days, just like GSM operators.

2004-08-22, 06:23 AM
Originally posted by Greenguy
It's a bump in the road - everyone has them.
And at the risk of sounding corny, the good webmasters get up, dust themselves off & go back to the grind.:(

Best advice in this thread. I had a crash last month.
Took me nearly 20 days to get back the normal traffic. Don't worry, f69j69b - Just keep going.

2004-08-24, 07:45 AM
I had a downtime last week and i think stress won`t help you much. All you can do is just wait until everything will work.Post here about your problems, people will understand.It`s like in every buissnes you got some good and some bad days and like every busissnes you need time to get some more money, at least you don`t have to invest to much mony to start.I was going crazy when my site was down and now i understand that was useless.If you are not cheater there is nothing to be affraid of.

Always look at the bright side of live :) at least you can take a break ;)

Good luck
