View Full Version : Need help ID-ing some Glass Blowing Tools

2004-08-19, 03:38 AM
I know it's a strange subject, but a friend of ours has some glassblowing tools he wants to sell, and we're trying to find out more about them for him.

Most of them are marked with a Murano hallmark and the date 1923, and the most interesting thing is that most of them are also marked with a hand-scratched Star of David.

Hubby thinks perhaps these tools were scratched with the Star of David in order to mark them for Jewish use only, during WWII. We don't know that for sure, but it seems plausible.

See pics here:


2004-08-25, 03:25 AM
Cool pics. I'm not sure about any sort of history on those, but I will ask my friend to check out the pics the next time that I talk to him. His father still works in their shop and has been blowing glass for over 50 years. I'll get back to you if I can help in any way :) Also, email me if you all come up with some prices. I might be interested.

2004-08-26, 07:33 PM
Hey, thanks! They're actually supposed to be listed on eBay in about a week or so. ;)

2004-08-26, 10:01 PM
Dont know if this will help

2004-08-27, 12:06 AM
Wow this is really interesting. Being Jewish and Venice being my favorite place on earth this is a puzzle I wish to solve. Of course Murano is one of the districts of Venice where the great Murano glass is blown. There was also a jewish ghetto in Venice.
It would be my guess that the artisans who worked on the glass were jewish, though I see no reason why someone who wasn't jewish wouldn't be able to use them.
You might have some rather historical items there. Please keep us posted as to what you learn about this.