View Full Version : Do you use vonage?

2004-08-25, 10:43 AM
I was shown this yesterday, and man does the cost seem nice, especially if you make a lot of phone calls. If you are unsure what I am talking about check out http://www.vonage.com you can call anyone you want over the internet on your regular telephone. You just put a VOIP box in place and pay like $29.95 a month and you can call unlimited anywhere in the US and Canada. That's kick ass. I think i might get it here at home.

Do you have it? Do you like it?


2004-08-25, 06:25 PM
I have VoIP now and it's great. If your ISP goes down though, you won't have phone useage, so I keep a cell handy.
I am going to check into this since the prices are more competitive than my ISPs current prices.

2004-08-25, 06:30 PM
I still dont understand why people PAY for this voice over IP shit...

Since POWWOW in the late 90's you have been able to have an audio conversation for FREE!! My favourite price..

..and now you can do it with MSMessnger, ICQ, YIM etc etc

Why would you pay for something else?


2004-08-25, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by DangerDave
I still dont understand why people PAY for this voice over IP shit...

Since POWWOW in the late 90's you have been able to have an audio conversation for FREE!! My favourite price..

..and now you can do it with MSMessnger, ICQ, YIM etc etc

Why would you pay for something else?


Big difference I think dave. The quality I was told for something like vonage is way different, not to mention you can use the telephone as opposed to your computer. So I can still be on VOIP even though im walking around the house. I have used other VOIP services over my computer and it was always slow, this seems much nicer and some of my clients that use it I never have problems talking to them, no delay etc.


2004-08-25, 09:21 PM
Dave, I use VoIP because it's much less expensive than standard phone service. There's no lag, latency or strange noises associated with using any of the alternatives for PC to Phone. Not to mention you can wire your entire house, so it's as seemless as switching between phone companies.
However, there is a program out there that has saved me hundreds of dollars so far on international and sounds much better than any telephone. It's called Skype (http://ui.skype.com/download.html). It's truly an amazing piece of software. If anyone is interested in downloading and trying it, email or PM me for my Skype ID and I will show you how good it sounds. Right now it's in the top 10 things first installed after a fresh install :)

2005-01-17, 11:38 PM
Ordered the Vonage package crap last week, should arrive this week.
I'll let you know what I think about it.

The only reason I even went with this is our family situation.
2 kids with me
2 kids with mom
(225 miles apart) and an average of 85.00 a month in LD bills... nearly all to Mom or to their brothers. (I do call my mom too)

Got a Local (Twin Cities) number for mom and the boys (even though we haven't moved), so no long distance for them or us.

We'll See.
I'll update when working.

2005-01-18, 01:58 PM
I have been using it for some time. I love it. I pay $29.95 a month for the vonage service and it works great. If you are downloading something serious it will hiccup but otherwise if you have a descent connection it should work good. I think it requires like 100k both ways for it to work good, and the router I have will prioritize (QoS) the traffic over your link (ie., voice is higher priority than data).

It really is worth it, it has saved me about $50-60 a month. I got a local number for my mom & dad to call us on so they dont have to pay and we call my wifes family so it saves them money as well. Its great if you make a lot of long distance calls thats for sure!


2005-01-25, 07:08 PM
Ok, just got this thing up and running... like that was hard... plug it in.
Kids called brothers and mom, cousins called cousins.
So far so good. Didn't seem any different at all to me.
Looks like I just cut my phone bill more than half.

2005-01-25, 07:12 PM
if you had GPRS Edge service on your cell phone, and a bluetooth adaptor, and portable power like the solar panel from scottevest, you could even take your vonage number with you anywhere you had GSM service.

Or you can set your network unavailability number to your cell phone.

I find that once in a while the box just blinks -- and you have to power cycle it. But, I've never really had any problems with it.