View Full Version : Joyful Thursday To All Of You!

2004-09-09, 05:51 AM
Good morning porno-peoples!

A special THANKS to all your Florida people that felt the need to share what's left of the hurricane with us - it's been raining here for about 24 hours now - LOL - I'll have to remember to send the left-overs from the next blizzard down to you :D

Nothing major on the agenda for me today - review & build & review & build :)

Oh yeah - then there's football tonight |punchref|

2004-09-09, 06:01 AM
Good Morning Folks |waves|

Time to hit the books today. One thing I learned in my youth was never stop learning; knowledge doubles every fourteen months. :D

2004-09-09, 07:09 AM
It rained a lot here last night too. The indoor wading pool in what was my bedroom is filling up nicely. lol

I have a computer client to go see this morning and then I'm going to go talk to these people about pretty much gutting my house and redoing the whole inside of my house.

2004-09-09, 07:17 AM
Good morning all :) Coffee is on :)

2004-09-09, 07:37 AM
Left the doorwall open last night and now its like 20 degrees (or so it feels like) in my office. I hate working when its cold in the room, guess I will have to go drink some hot chocolate or something :)

Have a good day.


2004-09-09, 08:48 AM
Good morning all

Sometimes I think I'm the only one in my neighbourhood that knows something about computers. Neighbours, friends, friends moms, etc. Call me constantly if they have computer problems. The most stupid things first |angry|

I guess that's what you get if you keep telling them you do "something with computers" when they ask you what kind of work you do :)

Ah well, only 2 days behind on reviews :)

2004-09-09, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by Fonz
Sometimes I think I'm the only one in my neighbourhood that knows something about computers. Neighbours, friends, friends moms, etc. Call me constantly if they have computer problems. The most stupid things first |angry|

My friends keep on switching over to a Mac and then I end up becoming their Mac guru. I've started telling people that Macs suck and they should stick to Windows and I try to pretend that my Mac gives me trouble all the time but they don't seem to be believing and just keep on switching to Macs.

Macs suck, don't switch to a Mac. :D

2004-09-09, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by Fonz
Sometimes I think I'm the only one in my neighbourhood that knows something about computers. Neighbours, friends, friends moms, etc. Call me constantly if they have computer problems. The most stupid things first |angry|

I guess that's what you get if you keep telling them you do "something with computers" when they ask you what kind of work you do :)

Ah well, only 2 days behind on reviews :)

Don't even get me started... Too late! A buddy just brought over one of his co-workers' computers yesterday for me to 'figure out what is wrong'. For fuck's sake! I am not a computer guy. I am an internet guy. These are two completely different things. I drive a car. Does that make me a mechanic? I live in a house. Does that make a carpenter? I have an enormous schlong. Does that make me a porn star?:D

BTW, Good Morning.|smooch|

2004-09-09, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by Useless Warrior
I have an enormous schlong.
So, errr, what are you doing later? :D

2004-09-09, 09:20 AM
And a fine rainy morning to everyone. I am the family Mr Fixit for everything. I am asked to not only fix PCs but also anything that goes wrong in anyone's home. Last month, my Grandmother wanted me to come over to look at her phone. I just told her, after 20 years, buy a new one :)

Anyway, I have a Doctor's appointment today but not until later.

2004-09-09, 09:55 AM
I went to my sister's house yesterday to see my niece get on the school bus for the 1st time & I got stuck hooking up a printer for her - I tried to show here that it came with a big poster full of idiot proof instructions, but that didn't work |banghead|

2004-09-09, 04:14 PM
good day i hope everybody is doing ok|shake|