View Full Version : What Sponsor Sent Me This Check?

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2005-02-12, 09:37 AM
How many times have you signed up for a new sponsor, made a sale or two & then got a check that you have no idea who it's from? Well, that's what this page (http://www.greenguysboard.com/sponsornames.html) is here for :)

So the next time you get a check form a company who's name does not ring a bell, just look on this page to see if we have them listed!

This is by no means a complete list. If you know the company name of a sponsor that pay webmasters from their own account (not CCBill, iBill, Epoch, etc) then please post them in this thread.

What Sponsor Sent Me This Check? (http://www.greenguysboard.com/sponsornames.html)

2005-02-12, 09:39 AM
Nice :)

Sure beats spending 15 minutes doing Google searches trying to figure it out. :)

2005-02-12, 09:40 AM
You have no idea how many times I did that to get this list in order :D

2005-02-12, 09:46 AM
Ah hell - we might as well set BoardTracker off a bit as well - here's the current list :D

Company Name On Check - Sponsor Name
1564476 Ontario Limited - Slick Cash
Affiliate Payment Services Inc - Fetish Hits
Affiliate Payment Services Inc - Cash Titans
Affiliate Payment Services Inc - Dollars 4 Babes
Affiliate Payment Services - Sextronix
Atlas Multimedia Inc - Porn Star Dollars
Bandana Publishing Inc - Stiffy Cash
BL Products (was Tracking Soft) - Sammy 4 U
Bling Entertainment Inc - Bling Cash
BluMedia Online Inc - Intense Cash
C J Webmaster Programs LLC - C J Bucks
CE Cash - CE Cash
Club Jenna Inc - Jenna Cash
Coldcoffee.com Productions Inc - Fetish Bucks
Computer Services Inc - Make Fucking Money
Cute Photos LLC - Phat Checks
Cyber World Media - Boob Dollars
CyberFuse Technologies - Adultplex
Cyberheat Inc - Top Bucks
Cybernet Entertainment LLC - Cybernet Bucks
Cyberserivces B.V. - Sex Money
Davies Inc - Outback Cash
Dellwood Holdings A V V - Traffic Cash Gold
DHD Media - Home Grown Cash
D-Vision LLC - Sin Bucks
EBP Publications - Click Me Media
EBT Marketing Inc - Free Ezine Bucks
EBT Marketing Inc - Free Ticket Cash
ECWD Inc - Extreme Paychecks
ENE Services LLC - Platinum Revenue
Evidz Tech. Inc. - Erotic Movie Xchange
Fat Dog Media - Smash Bucks
Fat Pay Checks - Fat Paychecks
FCI Inc - Money Tree
HVL Cyber Web Solutions Inc - Brain Cash
ICS, Inc - Adult Platinum
Ideamax Corp - XBangCash
Innovative Ideas - ARS
International Systems Developers - Porn DVD Dollars
International Web Innovations Inc - Maximum Cash
La Touraine Inc - Naughty America
LFP Internet Group LLC - Flynt Digital
Lightspeed Media Corp - Light Speed Cash
MBucks Production LLC - Mafia Bucks
MCMK Corp - Shocking Cash
MD Media - Pimp Roll
MNP Enterprises LLC - Meat Cash
Mooney Internet Consultants - Stories Traffic
N W Corp - Niche Wealth
Net 227 Inc - Medium Pimpin
New Sensations - N S Cash
NichePay.com - Niche Pay
Nino Enterprises Inc - Adult Lounge
On The Spot Inc - Dorm Bucks
Paritate Bank - Live Jasmin
PB Plus Internet Inc - Playboy Cash
Piranha New Media Limited - Dating Gold
Price Communications Inc - Silver Cash
Pride Studios Inc - Pride Bucks
Private Entertainment - P E Cash
Pure Marketing Solutions LLC - Pure Cash
Real World Media - Pie Cash
RK Netmedia Inc - Nasty Dollars
Shaw Internet Consultants Inc - SIC Cash
Sobonito Investments Limited - Pussy Cash
Southlake Group Inc - Sign Up 4 Cash
Spider Entertainment Inc - Sex Promote
Streamray Inc - StreamRay
Studio For Publications Inc - Revenge Cash
Sunny Media Group - Sunny Dollars
Sunny Media Group - Cash 4 Ten
Sweet Entertainment Group - Sweet Money
T. J. Web Productions, LLC - Adult Paymaster
Total Reality Media LLC - Lover Cash
Total Reality Media LLC - Adult Players Club
Total Reality Media LLC - Hawgs Cash
Traffic Gallery LLC - Ill Cash
T-Shirt Hell Inc - T-Shirt Hell
Untitled Media Inc - Capital Bucks
Venus Management LLC - Triple X Cash
Web Clicks Inc - Dollar Machine
Web Entertainment Group Inc - WEG Cash
Web Pay Inc - Orgasm Cash
Web Quest Inc - Cash Quest
Webconexus Intermedia Ltd - Join Right Now
Webstar Marketing Group Inc - Giga Cash

2005-02-12, 09:48 AM
Very Nice :)

2005-02-12, 10:02 AM
Great idea :)

2005-02-12, 10:08 AM
Damn, that's a big list! But for now on I'm only accepting cash.

2005-02-12, 10:54 AM
Webpower sends checks for Clickcash

2005-02-12, 10:56 AM
Nice list!
Good Job! |headbang|

2005-02-12, 10:58 AM
ONECOM BV is GlamCash.com

2005-02-12, 11:19 AM
superglam & docholly - thank you |shake|

2005-02-12, 11:40 AM
Yet another awesome resource at GG & Jim, thanks as always guys! |thumb

2005-02-12, 01:14 PM
Good Stuff! Thanks GG.

Something like this for epassporte would be great too. :D

2005-02-12, 05:27 PM
Here are a few more:
Diamond International - Fetish Cash
Valley Payment Systems - Dreamcash
Space Age Services - Netverifier
Internet Key Inc. - Sexkey

2005-02-12, 06:58 PM
Davies, Inc. also does AimCash and RecurrentCash
CCCT, Inc. is AngelGreen

2005-02-13, 05:34 AM
VisioMedia Inc. - PersonalBucks (Redpartners)


2005-02-13, 06:19 AM
another great resource GG and just in time for the DREADED tax season :D

2005-02-13, 07:21 AM
great list! very usefull

2005-02-13, 09:01 AM
Thanks everyone - I'll be putting those & a few more on there later today.

I just started collecting them about a month ago, so it's a work on progress :)

2005-02-13, 09:55 AM
It's updated - I also added Bang Brothers :)

2005-02-13, 09:58 AM
And, the link can now be found off the Resource Page

2005-02-13, 12:30 PM
Nice list GG now i will know from where that checks coming from:)
again thx really good job

2005-02-13, 06:13 PM
Great, already had a use for this list.

2005-02-13, 09:33 PM
sweeeeeet. that's so helpful. usually i just ask on the boards but this is much better

2005-02-14, 02:00 AM
EBP PUBLICATIONS INC.. Sends for Click Me Media :-)

That is an amazing list.. I am bookmarking it now.. |thumb

2005-02-14, 09:31 AM
I think just to be safe, so I know for sure,
each of the sponsors on that list should send me a check for $100...
I will cash the checks and post my results to the board.


2005-02-14, 06:09 PM
After tracking it down for a while - Zaken Enterprises Inc on a 1099 (although sent to some addy in California instead of my biz address in Mississippi) is Cashquest2 for those that get these weird 1099's (late)

2005-02-14, 06:10 PM
Actually, CashQuest checks just changed over to Web Clicks Inc, which is the same company name of Dollar machine & Python Video.

2005-02-14, 06:18 PM
I just saw that when I was verifying that the checks were still coming to the same addy :) Guess it was just the 1099 that had the other name LOL

2005-02-15, 07:27 AM
RB Communication => Risecash.com


2005-02-15, 07:56 AM
Thanks Screamer |shake|

2005-02-15, 11:30 AM
PS: It's VisoMedia, Inc. for Personal(s)bucks.com

2005-02-15, 11:32 AM
absix - I'll make that correction now :)

Head Boy
2005-02-15, 11:48 AM
I started a list of sponsor cheque names a while ago. You're welcome to take any off this page that you haven't got Sponsors check names (http://www.fu2.net/webmasters/cheques.html)

I'd better add you button as well seeing as I've posted a link here, hope that was OK. :)

2005-02-15, 12:11 PM
Head Boy - actually, your list sorta inspired me to make mine, because it have a few errors on it - you have the old company check name listed for Sextronix And TJ Web Productions is Adult Paymaster (you have one of their sites - Lusty Lezzies - listed as the program)

Plus since I'm joined up to 300 or so programs, I figured I'd be a good guinea pig for this :D

Head Boy
2005-02-15, 01:06 PM
And I thought you hadn't noticed me. :)

Thanks for the heads up. The list was one of my past ideas and I don't really give it the care I should.

Have you seen my Fours Up concept? One of the reasons I joined here was to get your board members opinion of it - I need to create a couple more galleries befor I do it formally.

2005-02-15, 01:17 PM
Just got a check the other day from Cybernet Entertainment LLC - Cybernet Bucks , checks now say "CNE Media".


2005-02-15, 02:48 PM
Nice list/resource - VERY cool guys!


2005-02-15, 05:26 PM
Funny - just yesterday I received a check from "RK Netmedia, Inc." and had to do a Google search to find it's from NastyDollars (comes to show how few I get from them... - missing in your list I believe)
Anotherone to add: "EENT Inc." is Karup [ karupspc.com ] - and their checks hardly tell you anything (as to account identification, etc.) so you really have to guess...

Good one |thumb

2005-02-15, 06:01 PM
GeorgeTH - I had RK Netmedia on there - you can see it in the thread up top when I posted all of the to set off Board Tracker :D

I'll get Karup in there now |shake|

2005-02-16, 03:16 AM
yeah Ive made a few sites for ND, and they do covert better than the rest of the sites I promote, but they are so over used that I dont use them much, Ive gotton 6 checks in a row from them, I havent been doing this long, but they are one of my most non used sponsors, I should use them more, but whatever. I keep trying new things and find that my conversions get lower and lower :( but in the end, a check is a check

2005-02-16, 05:54 AM
1433965 Ontario Inc. -- Adultbouncer.com

2005-02-16, 08:11 AM
Just received a cheque from Marketing Extensions Inc. Didn't know who it was, but after studying the cheque stub, I guessed it was Discount Pass Bucks.

I clicked on my saved URL for them and got redirected to Platinum Bucks.

It appears that any cheque from Marketing Extentions Inc will be in payment for:

Platinum Bucks
Adult Rental
Discount Pass Bucks
Sex Find
Free Pass Bucks

Am I assuming right?


2005-02-16, 08:57 AM
Slinx - I'll get that added to the list - thanks |shake|

Sumrpal - yes, you are correct - not sure how I missed putting them on the list, but they are there now :)

2005-02-16, 11:22 AM
don't forget Impulse Media- Soulcash.com

world wide media- Piecash

2005-02-16, 11:42 AM
Odie - thanks! |shake|

Adult Traffic
2005-02-16, 12:25 PM
Friendly Elves = Orgasm Cash (in addition to "Web Pay Inc.")

2005-02-16, 02:19 PM
I don't think they've used the Friendly Elves account for quite some time.

Ms Naughty
2005-02-16, 10:44 PM
GG - today I got a check from WebQuest Inc. and naturally went to the new page to check out who it was. Unfortunately it's not listed on the page itself, even though you have it listed in the "boardtracker" post near the start of this thread.

But now I'm a bit confused. Is WebQuest the old Cashquest? Or is the old Cashquest "Web Clicks" as mentioned a few posts back? Is it VividCash... and are Cashquest and Vividcash the same thing?

*starts tapping forehead and mumbling "I'm an excellent driver..."*

2005-02-17, 07:15 AM
grandmascrotum - I too am a bit confused on CashQuest - LOL

One day I get a check from Web Clicks that clearly states is for Cash Quest.

The next day I get a check form WebQuest, which is the old company name for CashQuest.

My guess is that the WebQuest checks are "clean ups" or final payments from the old account & that from no on, we'll be getting Web Clicks checks :)

2005-02-26, 06:00 PM
Got this check yesterday, took me a bit to figure out it was from fnp, Free net pass an avs

2005-02-26, 08:12 PM
Thanks AnnieB |shake|

I added a few others as well over the last week or so...eventually we'll have all of them on there :)

2005-02-26, 08:31 PM
Got this check yesterday, took me a bit to figure out it was from fnp, Free net pass an avs

hey I know you :)

if you post more greenguy will send you donuts


2005-02-27, 02:30 PM
Here's a few more that I didn't see listed:

25K Media, INC = Major Pay ( http://www.majorpay.com )
AXS Charge LTD = Perfect Gonzo ( http://www.perfectgonzo.com )
DLX Ideas = Videosz ( http://webmasters.videosz.com/ )
Westpac Banking Corp = Juicy Bucks ( http://www.juicybucks.com )
413 Productions = 413 Dollars ( http://www.413dollars.com )
BFC Enterprises = Team Glamour ( http://www.teamglamour.com )
J. Forrest, INC = Skin Traffic ( http://www.skintraffic.com )
N.W. Corp = Nichewealth ( http://www.nichewealth.com )
On Line Creations = Bumble Cash ( http://www.bumblecash.com )
Leone, LLC = Sunny's Money ( http://www.sunnysmoney.com )
FGE, LLC = Fantasy Girl Revenue ( http://www.fantasygirlrevenue.com )
WC Web LLC = We Convert ( http://www.weconvert.com )

2005-02-27, 03:15 PM
Here's a few more to add:
Waveflow Inc. sends for the following programs;
FPCTraffic - fpctraffic.com
ExitForCash - exitforcash.com
Buy404s - buy404s.com

2005-02-28, 08:29 AM
deleuze & Ravo - thanks |shake|

2005-03-10, 04:42 AM
I got one yesterday that took me an hour to figure out who it was from. Of course if i'd looked closely at the stub I'd of found it sooner. :D

wmhpm=sexxyeyes (both performer and referrer)

2005-03-10, 06:28 AM
Damn - i wanted to do this years ago but never got around to it... oh well yall wil prolly do it better cuz of more participation. here is one i didnt see

adultcash.com - crazy protocol :)

2005-03-10, 08:46 AM
docholly - stop conmfusing me :D What's the name on the check & what's the program's name?

security_man - thanks |shake|

2005-03-10, 08:55 AM
Westpac Banking Corp = Juicy Bucks
Westpac is an Australian bank - not the drawer of the cheque (not that you're likely to get too many others drawn on that institution)

Ann Omness
2005-03-10, 09:46 AM
Thanks, guys! I bookmarked both your lists. I got a check yesterday from Marvad Corporation and didn't have a clue. I didn't find it on GG's list, but Head Boy had it.

2005-03-10, 02:20 PM
marvad is porn kings isnt it?

2005-03-10, 02:57 PM
I"m not kidding when I tell you guys that I got a check in today that I didn't know I was even an affiliate.

I just found your list and found who it was.

so, thanks

2005-03-10, 06:10 PM
docholly - stop conmfusing me :D What's the name on the check & what's the program's name?


sorry it was the Crack of Dawn.. lmao..

Checks from WMHPM
Program: ClassyCash & Sexxyeyes


2005-03-10, 06:29 PM
That's better - your lack of CAPS had me all flustered :D

2005-03-11, 02:34 AM
i don't care. a check is a check. the best ones are the unexpected ones.

2005-03-11, 03:21 AM
nice...good idea! wow..thats a lot :-) good luck!

Ann Omness
2005-03-11, 12:11 PM
Yes, Marvad is Porn Kings, according to Head Boy's list.

2005-03-11, 03:00 PM
I would have had them on there sooner, but I pulled my link a long time ago :D

2005-03-12, 12:51 PM
Wow, that's pretty useful...I gotta send that link to a few people.

2005-03-12, 03:14 PM
NR Media is xclusivecash.

2005-03-19, 05:09 PM
Futurecast Media is Adult Action Cash

2005-03-19, 05:41 PM
Thank you sir :)

2005-03-21, 09:09 PM
Redpath Enterprises = Wild West Cash

2005-03-22, 08:08 AM
Thanks nastysurfers |shake|

John FVC
2005-03-22, 09:55 AM
Here are a few more:
Diamond International - Fetish Cash
Valley Payment Systems - Dreamcash
Space Age Services - Netverifier
Internet Key Inc. - Sexkey

That just saved me a ton of hunting around. Thanks for posting that.

2005-03-29, 11:42 PM
I just got another odd one: Silhouette Productions, from what I can gather its for that site "Can You be a Pornstar?" which I think is now closed.

2005-04-25, 01:28 PM
Anybody know's what sponsor sent me this check?

2005-04-25, 01:50 PM
This is great.. got a check today and had NO clue (love those unexpected checks tho) and |bananna| there it was on the list |bananna|


2005-04-25, 03:24 PM
Anybody know's what sponsor sent me this check?That's a new one to me & since the name is so common, google didn't help much :(

2005-04-25, 03:59 PM
Nice feature, sure makes life easier, specialy when it comes to ePass payments :D

2005-04-25, 08:03 PM
There might be a few check names here that you donīt have:

2005-04-25, 09:33 PM
just had a same problem with ePass payment, and found a great thing... u might wanna check out this link too.. has the ePass usernames of different sponsors - http://www.businessvoyeur.com/sponsor-epassporte-names/


2005-05-03, 12:19 PM
|pink Legacy AVV is StiffyCash.com

2005-05-03, 01:22 PM
|pink Legacy AVV is StiffyCash.com
I wish you guys would make up you mind - LOL - I've gotten checks form Bandana Publishing, WTS Bank & International Systems Developers - will this one be the last name? :)

2005-05-03, 02:14 PM
SA Web Productions BV - Richfetish.com

2005-05-05, 01:21 PM
"Paycom.net LLC"
who is this?
I receive from time to time blue checks with small amounts from this sponsor. Don't miss with "Epoch" cheques.

Any ideas?

2005-05-05, 01:46 PM
Paycom.net = Epoch

2005-05-06, 06:27 AM
This is a blue paper checks, absolutely different of standard Epoch Transactions cheques.

2005-05-06, 07:30 AM
kit - I've gotten those before as well - I just assumed they were the back up checks, hence the different look to them.

2005-05-08, 02:59 AM
If you can't figure out where your mail came from just send it to me.. esteve@epassporte.com
or paypal me

2005-05-13, 03:04 PM
Thanks GG, guess you're right.

2005-05-16, 02:58 AM
Very informative |thumb


2005-05-18, 02:29 PM
Another sponsor from the shadow:
"international payment resources"

Any ideas?

2005-05-21, 02:31 PM
Woo Hoo - I finally needed to use this!
Beer money only, but hey, it's beer money :)

Steve PP
2005-06-01, 12:55 PM
Quixotic Entertainment is PimpProfits.com |pimpin

2005-06-06, 01:06 PM
Just got one from Inicient, Inc - that's coming from Nexpectation.

2005-06-06, 05:03 PM
bluemi - I've already got them on the list :)

2005-06-07, 06:23 AM
Is this the only board on the web that acts as a true resource? Nice job man, props to you.

2005-06-08, 05:37 AM

I love it! :) This page is going in my bookmarks!

2005-06-08, 05:41 AM

I love it! :) This page is going in my bookmarks!

I would like to add R&R Resource Management = OCCash

2005-06-08, 08:45 AM
Please add us:

MassiveDollars = Abmox Corp. (Checks)

and IF you need these too... PaymentPartner.net BV (Epassporte and Wires)

2005-06-08, 09:05 AM
Shit - sorry Jay - I thought you were on there.

NJ - I'll get you added today too :)

2005-06-08, 12:15 PM

I would be very grateful if you allow me to put this info http://www.greenguysboard.com/sponsornames.html on my FHGStore.com webmaster resource. Courcse in such a case I'll put your recip banner to appropriate section of my site.

Thank you!
email: admin [at] fhgstore.com
ICQ: 166-924-423

2005-06-08, 12:46 PM
cyberxxx - I'd rather you just linked to it instead of copying the info onto your site.

2005-06-08, 02:07 PM
cyberxxx - I'd rather you just linked to it instead of copying the info onto your site.


2005-06-11, 10:53 AM
I received two epassporte payment from:


Please help me recognize this affiliate programs.

Extreme John
2005-06-12, 04:52 PM
Excellent idea GG, although I wouldnt have wanted to put that list together... I love the idea, makes everyones life a little easier, we get shit all the time and have no idea where it's from.

2005-06-12, 08:18 PM
wow what a list

2005-06-16, 06:05 AM
Another anonymous epassporte sender: pcomexory

2005-06-16, 05:12 PM
Love your list....saves me a lot of time!
But today I received a check from a company I could not found on your list:


Do somebody knows to which sponsor belongs?



Platinum Paul
2005-06-17, 02:16 PM
hey jim and green guy thats for the free ad space, checked out the sites you kept posting for me to look at... they could use some work... see you im Miami look for us by the pool...

2005-06-24, 04:59 PM
Another sponsor from the shadow:
"international payment resources"

Any ideas?

Answer: dticash.com

2005-07-26, 07:03 PM
A new one for your list:
Porno Pusher checks come from ATM Virtual Inc

and btw if ya wanna check them out you can sign up under me |couch|

Porno Pushers (http://stats.pornopushers.com/referrer/referrer.php?refcode=83)

2005-07-26, 07:33 PM
Linkster |thumb

2005-07-27, 06:19 AM
Thanks for that list Green... :)

2005-08-08, 05:29 AM
Might want to add Symmatrex = Ibill ...just in case.

2005-08-08, 12:52 PM
So far I've received two of these:

Web Transaction Services
8947 Bee Cave Road
Suite A-500
Austin, Texas 78746

Does anyone know what those are for ?


2005-08-08, 12:57 PM
Google is your friend.

Not that this tells you what site actually earned you the money.

2005-08-08, 03:54 PM
I still don't know what it is.

Here is what is says on the stub:

Affiliate Payout Check
Program Name: Live Interactive SPL
Affiliate Name: My Corporation Name
Affiliate ID: (it's blank)
Payout Period: (it's blank)

Toll Free Support: (it's blank)
Outside the USA: 005982-901-50-64 ext 48

Man, the money isn't half bad and this month was about 35% more than last month. I wonder where it's from.

2005-08-08, 04:35 PM
Web Transaction Services (or WTS) does the payouts for various companies. If you email them, they will tell you who it's from if the program forgot to properly fill out the info on the check.

2005-08-08, 05:09 PM
Looks like Sammy4U now pays with the name "Rebyc Productions Inc."

2005-08-09, 11:42 PM
They never emailed me back.

Does anyone know what Live Interactive SPL is ?

Take care.

2005-08-17, 08:53 AM
Greenguy, please correct ours to "Abmox Inc. / PaymentPartner.net BV" depending on it is check (abmox), epass and wire (paymentpartner.net).

All will though be PaymentPartner.net BV soon.

2005-08-17, 08:55 AM
The list pertains only to checks - I'm not even going to try & figure out who's name is on wires & other forms of payments :)

2005-08-17, 10:24 AM
NJ - its funny - I just got your check yesterday and it took me a while to figure it out :) surprised the heck out of me

2005-08-23, 03:08 PM
~stumped look~

First Venus Management LLC

I've never, ever had a check from these people, I am sure.

2005-08-23, 05:06 PM
Not sure if I saw these guys on your list GG:

Perfect Web Ideas
3300 Cote Vertu Suite 406
Montreal Quebec
H3R 2b7 Canada

Porn Acess

2005-08-23, 06:19 PM
~stumped look~

First Venus Management LLC

I've never, ever had a check from these people, I am sure.

I've had a response elsewhere. It was from TripleXCash. (I hope that is how they spell it) The Teen Topanga sponsors, at any rate.

2005-08-25, 05:40 AM
NJ - its funny - I just got your check yesterday and it took me a while to figure it out :) surprised the heck out of me

Yeah, always the same thing with new sponsors - hope you will get a lot more from us though, so it starts to become familiar ;-)

Anyway, we are getting a setup so all our payments comes from the same company - should be easier for our webmasters.

2005-08-30, 08:09 PM
Got a new one, I got a wire transfer from Symmetrex Inc - anyone know who is using these guys?


2005-08-30, 08:11 PM
Looking in Google, Symmetrex Inc is a processor/payment service

2005-08-30, 09:14 PM
Not sure if I saw these guys on your list GG:

Perfect Web Ideas
3300 Cote Vertu Suite 406
Montreal Quebec
H3R 2b7 Canada

Porn Acess

A sideline of Gamma. Same address.

2005-08-31, 02:14 AM
Yup I got the same google results for Symmetrex but I have no idea who is using them???


2005-08-31, 05:16 AM
I believe I already posted this on the previous page, but here goes again:

Symmatrex is Ibill/G-kard.

2005-09-01, 12:02 AM
thank you NJ, I did a search but was scanning for Symmetrex not Symmatrex.

hey, wow, ibill is paying out again ;)


2005-09-08, 05:04 AM
With 18 sponsors I can use this now and again - Top One GG !

2005-09-08, 09:40 AM
Anonymous epassporte payment from "Simple1".
Any ideas?

2005-09-08, 09:47 AM
Simple1 may be NS Cash as "simple" is the nickname of Sean who's a big wig over there.

2005-09-08, 09:54 PM
Can I bitch about a company not sending me checks?

Sexsearch STILL hasn't updated my address in 3 MONTHS! At first, the checks were getting forwarded to my new address from my old address. Now I'm not getting them at all. I don't get how hard it is to update a webmasters address. I've complained to my sexsearch rep for the last 3 months, but he seems to not be able to get it done. He says it's ACCOUNTING's job, I've emailed them and he's emailed, and still 3 MONTHS LATER, sent to the wrong address.

NOW the checks just aren't getting here at all. I don't know where my Sexsearch checks are going now.

Anybody else have a problem with affiliate sponsors updating their address? Sexsearch has been the only sponsor that I have that hasn't updated my address when I moved 3 MONTHS AGO.

2005-09-11, 03:21 AM
What about "World Internet Services", anyone know who this is? it says "Stamford Proj" and is mailed from an accountants offce: Clarke Whitney? Very strange, I have no idea who it could be.

2005-09-11, 10:08 PM
What about "World Internet Services", anyone know who this is? it says "Stamford Proj" and is mailed from an accountants offce: Clarke Whitney? Very strange, I have no idea who it could be.

Never mind, i figured it out, its Netpondcash.

2005-09-12, 07:38 AM
Hi jackie,

I just came here to say what you did :D

Looks like NPC have moved their payout operations to World Internet Services :)

2005-09-12, 09:43 AM
I've got that info & a couple others updated:

2005-09-13, 05:29 AM
good job guys... that's a great lists...
thanks for the info! :)

2005-09-21, 10:10 AM
Unknown epassporte sender: acruex
Any ideas?

2005-09-21, 11:10 AM
Kit - try this page/site:

2005-10-04, 01:54 PM
Thank you.
Please advise: Should I post ePassporte related issues in this theread?

BTW, acruex - SapphicCash, simple1 - NSCash

2005-10-04, 02:05 PM
PimpRoll checks will now be from JSS NETWORKS. Dont be alarmed :)

2005-10-09, 11:15 AM
Another anonymous epassporte payment from "partnerpayments"

2005-10-10, 04:01 AM
Another anonymous epassporte payment from "partnerpayments"

I think I already posted that we are "PaymentPartner" on Epassporte and since you are promoting our sites I expect this to be us.

I know this is a check thread so maybe we need a epass thread/list aswell.....if not already here?

2005-10-10, 04:17 AM
Thank you.
I advise mention sponsor name and paid period in description.

2005-10-10, 04:37 AM
accoridng our conversation, "partnerpayments" is not MassiveDollars account, somebody else.

2005-10-10, 04:39 AM
Very weird, someone is using a much similar name, just PartnerPayments instead of our PaymentPartner.

2005-10-10, 09:17 AM
Anyone know who EDLI, INC. Tampa is?

Might be some AVS..


2005-10-10, 09:26 AM
Anyone know who EDLI, INC. Tampa is?

Might be some AVS..

/ThomasThat's a new one for me - if you do find out, let me know who they are.

2005-10-11, 09:29 AM
accoridng our conversation, "partnerpayments" is not MassiveDollars account, somebody else.

2005-10-11, 09:54 AM
Anyone know who EDLI, INC. Tampa is?

Might be some AVS..


ProAdult AVS S-rev system


2005-10-11, 10:50 AM
Thank you GG

2005-10-13, 03:49 PM
Just got a check that isn't on the master GG&J list...googled it too, didn't find anything. If anyone knows who this is, please let me know. THANKS!

Chexx inc.
Memo: Live Interactive SRL

2005-10-13, 04:28 PM
I googled this phrase "Live Interactive SRL" and came up with SpaCash.

2005-10-13, 07:04 PM
very cool - great idea! |bananna|

2005-10-14, 03:00 PM
I googled this phrase "Live Interactive SRL" and came up with SpaCash.

THANKS! I guess my Google is broken |cry|

2005-10-17, 09:44 AM
THANKS! I guess my Google is broken |cry|

Most welcome. :)

2005-10-20, 02:44 AM
Every Problem Solved INC
1149 N Gower St
Los Angeles

looks as if payments are $12.47 each


2005-10-20, 06:12 AM
Every Problem Solved INC
1149 N Gower St
Los Angeles

looks as if payments are $12.47 each


Google leads to a page that states Sapphic Cash is the guilty party :)

2005-10-20, 08:50 AM
I guess that problem is solved |haha

2005-10-27, 05:14 AM
have another check that got bounced back and I have no clue from which sponsor it's coming from.

Netpark Investments Ltd.

2005-10-27, 06:14 AM
have another check that got bounced back and I have no clue from which sponsor it's coming from.

Netpark Investments Ltd.
Has something to do with netpond so either you cashed your points or netpondcash made a payment.

2005-10-27, 02:35 PM
That's a cool page as I have that happen alot ...... thanks greenguy ... |headbang|

2005-10-27, 11:10 PM
does anyone know what company has sent this check?

D |viking|

2005-10-28, 06:26 AM
does anyone know what company has sent this check?

D |viking|

Traffic Gigolos

2005-10-28, 06:13 PM
Traffic Gigolos

thanx your awesome |bananna|

2005-10-28, 06:36 PM
Any idea who SOL Digital Services is?

I'm really fucking starting to hate these checks cut from UK based banks |banghead|

2005-10-28, 06:50 PM
Any idea who SOL Digital Services is?Spank Buxx

2005-10-28, 10:40 PM
Thanks Toby :)

2005-11-07, 03:15 PM

2005-11-07, 03:44 PM
got a check today trying to figure out who they are :D

2005-11-07, 03:48 PM
anyone know who dinero marketing is??? put it in the wrong thread, was looking for this one :D

2005-11-07, 06:32 PM
I got a check today from a company called J. (2) incorporated they are in Washington DC. There is no info anywhere on the check about what program this is for.

Any ideas?

2005-11-07, 07:05 PM
That's a new one to me & Google doesn't seem to be that helpful :(

There is a program caled Porno Dinero but I think they still pay via CCBill.

2005-11-07, 07:11 PM
i am lost too :D was a check seems to be 2 console free sales not sure who they are i signed up with 100's to keep my tgp fresh lol...maybe it's nichedsites let me check

2005-11-07, 07:12 PM
kane - I'm at a loss for that one too.

You guys try searching the street address in google?

2005-11-07, 07:15 PM
kane - I'm at a loss for that one too.

You guys try searching the street address in google?
thanks for the reply. Yeah, I've tried googling the name and address and everything and it doesn't come back with anything.

The check, it says, is issued by jettis. I sent them an email and haven't yet heard back from them.

2005-11-07, 07:17 PM
Jettis? I thought they were closed/absorbed by someone - might be them cleaning up some old accounts.

2005-11-07, 07:20 PM
damn i dont have a street address threw away envelope just kept stub for records....Deniro Marketing LLC goes from april 1-oct 31 lol so not one of my big ones :D

2005-11-07, 07:21 PM
Jettis? I thought they were closed/absorbed by someone - might be them cleaning up some old accounts.
that's what I thought too. Maybe it is some old stuff they are just trying to clean up.

2005-11-07, 07:31 PM
looks like the mystery has been solved it's from It's edpowerscash.com

2005-11-13, 07:16 AM
Adultlounge check update.

Acquirenic, Inc bought Adultlounge a few months ago so your payments will be from

Dr Bizzaro
2005-11-13, 08:21 AM
How about this one?
DL Entertainment Group LLC

Just got a "Stopped Payment" on a check from these guys.

2005-11-14, 08:06 PM
Another unknown epassporte payments from "kartins", "slyvcorp"
Who is this?

2005-11-14, 09:09 PM
DrB - you try to google the address?

Dr Bizzaro
2005-11-21, 11:30 PM
Found it. It was Adult Date Link.

2005-11-23, 06:36 AM
Hi all,

I am looking for:
Istra holdings and Sfour.
Anyone have an idea?


2005-11-23, 06:47 AM
Hi all,

I am looking for:
Istra holdings and Sfour.
Anyone have an idea?


Pulls up some results with "Istra
Holdings/Spider Entertainment" in it.

"Spider Entertainment" pulls up this page..


"Spider Entertainment is the owner and editor of AdultHeadsUp. He also owns SexPromote.com, SlickCash.com, PillPromote.com and Cupidbucks."

Maybe one step closer to who it might be? :)

2005-11-24, 05:51 AM
Killer resource GG! I've been looking for a comprehensive list like this for ages. :)

2005-11-24, 11:17 AM
Hodough recently changed to tiered processing and isn't paying out with ccbill anymore. HoDough checks come from Inter-Avid Productions, Inc.

For the master list :)

2005-11-28, 11:24 AM
Thanks very much Swedguy.
It must be slickcash

I also know Sfour.
Its from UKadultcash

2005-12-23, 09:14 AM
In case you want to add Join Right Now their epassporte name is Connexion - just had to do some searching for that one :)

2005-12-28, 07:05 AM
I got he money order from anonymous sponsor:

155 East main St, Ste 120
Smithtown, NY 11787

Issued by Commerce Bank.

2005-12-28, 08:59 AM
I got he money order from anonymous sponsor:

155 East main St, Ste 120
Smithtown, NY 11787

Issued by Commerce Bank.I do know that NYCash/Swank Dollars paid some people by money order last pay period.

2005-12-29, 10:56 AM
I guess it's a Swank Dollars payment. Thanks GG.

BTW, another anonymous ePassporte payment from sender "rider, "apcexclusive". Any Ideas?

2005-12-30, 06:38 AM
I found.
rider = AdultWebmasterEmpire
apcexclusive = AdultPlayersClub

Anybody know who is behind of "sales021"?

2005-12-30, 02:47 PM
What is Globill ?

I got a check from Globill yesterday !!!!!!!!
(this is true by the way)

No wonder i'm posting this under "Who's this check from ????" hehehehehe
Now, i won't cash it until it clears of course

Dr Bizzaro
2005-12-30, 03:08 PM
What is Globill ?

I got a check from Globill yesterday !!!!!!!!
(this is true by the way)

No wonder i'm posting this under "Who's this check from ????" hehehehehe
Now, i won't cash it until it clears of course


I should be getting mine soon.

2005-12-31, 12:34 AM
Another anonymous epassporte sender: pcomexory

Now I have scrolled through NINE pages = 9! - and the only reference to pcomexory I have found was the question above (on page 5 or so) - but no reply, and the only Google result is pointing to this thread, too!

anybody with an idea who's behind the pcomexory ePassporte name? Could it be ICE?

It's time to do another thread with "Who sent me this ePassporte payment?", or an extra column on your sponsor page, Greenie!

2006-01-02, 02:02 PM
Does anyone know who 'Wired Solutions' is? It isn't on the master list...


2006-01-07, 08:52 AM
pcomexory = privatecash.com
wired solutions = pornprofit.com

Anybody know, whois behind the "legacypmt" epassporte account? They send money with description "MM", may be mayorsmoney.com?

2006-01-07, 09:14 AM
Another ePassporte freaks:

There is no any information regarding who them are.

Any ideas?

2006-01-07, 09:23 AM
Isn't NPC ?
(Ain't sure as i'm paid by wire)

2006-01-07, 09:30 AM
NPC? Who is this?

2006-01-07, 10:48 PM
Here is one we are tyring to figure out if anyone knows


2006-01-07, 11:54 PM
I've been having problems with sponsors forgeting to sends checks or losing them in the mail!!

2006-01-08, 03:54 AM
NPC = NetPond Cash = jcf2311 (epassporte address) which shows as your netpond ID on epassporte's transaction details page.

Assuming Papa meant netpond.

Brian - possibly a casino sponsor?

2006-01-24, 08:17 AM
Got a check today with no info on it

address was:

15 Themoistocles Dervis Str.
Maragarita House, PO Box 27142
1642 Nicosia

2006-01-24, 08:27 AM
Manowar - I think thats one of the live show sponsors - associated with Plat Bucks I believe (Kreole Billing?)

2006-01-24, 08:30 AM
Manowar - I think thats one of the live show sponsors - associated with Plat Bucks I believe (Kreole Billing?)

Thanks!, any specific name?

2006-02-16, 08:23 PM
Here's one I can't figure out:

2400 Main St.
Extension Suite 11 & 12
Syreville NJ. 08872.

I'm not even sure if its adult related.

2006-02-16, 08:36 PM
Here's one I can't figure out:

2400 Main St.
Extension Suite 11 & 12
Syreville NJ. 08872.

I'm not even sure if its adult related.

Hosting company??

Choopa, LLC.
2400 Main Street Extension
Suite 11 & 12
Sayreville, NJ, 08872, USA

2006-02-16, 08:48 PM
Hosting company??

Awesome, now a hosting company I never heard of is send me checks? :D

Thanks for looking into it Natalie.

2006-02-16, 09:19 PM
If you maybe take part in any design contests - Adultdesign is at that addy - and a bunch of mainstream sites use that drop - it looks to be a large mail center


2006-02-21, 11:51 PM
Hi Guys.

UNCAGED MARKETING - who are they?

issued by the Bank of Montreal

2006-02-21, 11:57 PM
UNCAGED MARKETING - who are they?Gorilla Traffic

2006-02-22, 06:12 AM

2006-02-22, 01:25 PM
Toby, thanks.

2006-02-24, 12:48 PM
Ah hell - we might as well set BoardTracker off a bit as well - here's the current list :D

Company Name On Check - Sponsor Name
1564476 Ontario Limited - Slick Cash
Affiliate Payment Services Inc - Fetish Hits
Affiliate Payment Services Inc - Cash Titans
Affiliate Payment Services Inc - Dollars 4 Babes
Affiliate Payment Services - Sextronix
Atlas Multimedia Inc - Porn Star Dollars
Bandana Publishing Inc - Stiffy Cash
BL Products (was Tracking Soft) - Sammy 4 U
Bling Entertainment Inc - Bling Cash
BluMedia Online Inc - Intense Cash
C J Webmaster Programs LLC - C J Bucks
CE Cash - CE Cash
Club Jenna Inc - Jenna Cash
Coldcoffee.com Productions Inc - Fetish Bucks
Computer Services Inc - Make Fucking Money
Cute Photos LLC - Phat Checks
Cyber World Media - Boob Dollars
CyberFuse Technologies - Adultplex
Cyberheat Inc - Top Bucks
Cybernet Entertainment LLC - Cybernet Bucks
Cyberserivces B.V. - Sex Money
Davies Inc - Outback Cash
Dellwood Holdings A V V - Traffic Cash Gold
DHD Media - Home Grown Cash
D-Vision LLC - Sin Bucks
EBP Publications - Click Me Media
EBT Marketing Inc - Free Ezine Bucks
EBT Marketing Inc - Free Ticket Cash
ECWD Inc - Extreme Paychecks
ENE Services LLC - Platinum Revenue
Evidz Tech. Inc. - Erotic Movie Xchange
Fat Dog Media - Smash Bucks
Fat Pay Checks - Fat Paychecks
FCI Inc - Money Tree
HVL Cyber Web Solutions Inc - Brain Cash
ICS, Inc - Adult Platinum
Ideamax Corp - XBangCash
Innovative Ideas - ARS
International Systems Developers - Porn DVD Dollars
International Web Innovations Inc - Maximum Cash
La Touraine Inc - Naughty America
LFP Internet Group LLC - Flynt Digital
Lightspeed Media Corp - Light Speed Cash
MBucks Production LLC - Mafia Bucks
MCMK Corp - Shocking Cash
MD Media - Pimp Roll
MNP Enterprises LLC - Meat Cash
Mooney Internet Consultants - Stories Traffic
N W Corp - Niche Wealth
Net 227 Inc - Medium Pimpin
New Sensations - N S Cash
NichePay.com - Niche Pay
Nino Enterprises Inc - Adult Lounge
On The Spot Inc - Dorm Bucks
Paritate Bank - Live Jasmin
PB Plus Internet Inc - Playboy Cash
Piranha New Media Limited - Dating Gold
Price Communications Inc - Silver Cash
Pride Studios Inc - Pride Bucks
Private Entertainment - P E Cash
Pure Marketing Solutions LLC - Pure Cash
Real World Media - Pie Cash
RK Netmedia Inc - Nasty Dollars
Shaw Internet Consultants Inc - SIC Cash
Sobonito Investments Limited - Pussy Cash
Southlake Group Inc - Sign Up 4 Cash
Spider Entertainment Inc - Sex Promote
Streamray Inc - StreamRay
Studio For Publications Inc - Revenge Cash
Sunny Media Group - Sunny Dollars
Sunny Media Group - Cash 4 Ten
Sweet Entertainment Group - Sweet Money
T. J. Web Productions, LLC - Adult Paymaster
Total Reality Media LLC - Lover Cash
Total Reality Media LLC - Adult Players Club
Total Reality Media LLC - Hawgs Cash
Traffic Gallery LLC - Ill Cash
T-Shirt Hell Inc - T-Shirt Hell
Untitled Media Inc - Capital Bucks
Venus Management LLC - Triple X Cash
Web Clicks Inc - Dollar Machine
Web Entertainment Group Inc - WEG Cash
Web Pay Inc - Orgasm Cash
Web Quest Inc - Cash Quest
Webconexus Intermedia Ltd - Join Right Now
Webstar Marketing Group Inc - Giga Cash

niiiiiice... ya what sucks is when someone changes thier corporate name.. and doesn't tell anyone.. we keep our accounting dept on their toes trying to decipher who payments are coming in from.. :)

2006-03-03, 10:09 AM

2006-03-03, 10:26 AM
http://www.businessvoyeur.com/sponsor-epassporte-names/I have mixed feelings about this post.

Part of me is really pissed that you're promoting another resource site.

Part of me is pissed because this thread is not supposed to have anything to do with ePassporte (re-read the title - "What Sponsor Sent Me This Check?")

But then again, now Kit can stop posting & go there & bug them for info, so that is a plus :D

2006-03-03, 10:37 AM
I thought it come in handy, wrong read, got nothing to do with that site...
Who's VicD? :)

2006-03-03, 01:46 PM
Kit will find & bookmark that site & be very happy :D

2006-03-28, 04:08 PM
Another anonymous payment via ePassporte from "grc11".
Please advise.

2006-03-28, 04:16 PM
Kit - this may be a stupid question, but is there any info in the internal email that you are sent when you receive a transfer?

2006-03-28, 07:54 PM
find with epassporte that the email has the name that makes no sense but when I look in the transactions history there is a sponsor name.

2006-03-30, 03:44 PM
Kit - this may be a stupid question, but is there any info in the internal email that you are sent when you receive a transfer?
Sure, I've checked an email details, nothing.

grc11 = getrightcash.com

Sorry GG, I didn't read your ask about stopping post my stupid ePassporte problems here ;-)

I have and idea: How about to change thread name from "What Sponsor Sent Me This Check?" to "What Sponsor Sent Me This Payment?"

Many affiliate programs pay now by ePassporte and it's very useful tool. I receive around 50% payments by ePassporte.

PS. Before post my question here, I've checked Google, not sure http://www.businessvoyeur.com/sponsor-epassporte-names/ can help me.

2006-03-30, 04:29 PM
kit - I pretty much only deal with checks, which is why that page lists the names on the checks :)

I think it'd be a good idea for you to start a site for ePassporte names & listings :D

2006-03-30, 05:00 PM
I'm too getting a lot of payments from ePassporte and it is driving me crazy trying to figure out who is sending me money much of the time.

2006-03-31, 08:12 PM
AC Entertainment Group LLC
and their address might be Windy Hill Rd, suite 300 Marietta Ga, 30067

Thank you!!!

2006-04-01, 07:55 AM
AsiaMistress - I'm baffled on that one :(

2006-04-01, 10:29 AM
Now I'm really confused |dizzy|
Thanks anyway! |badidea|

2006-04-03, 06:22 PM
I received a 1099 that was so mismatched, I need to contact this company.
The address on the 1099 is as it appears in my quote:
AC Entertainment Group LLC
and their address might be Windy Hill Rd, suite 300 Marietta Ga, 30067

More info:
I think they work out of Melbourne Florida, as that address is on the envelope I am almost positive that they are a live webcam supplier.

Maybe this will set a spark to someone that has cams.
Thanks again everyone!

2006-04-26, 11:31 AM
Damn i got an epassporte payment by the name of

Hummm like who's this and it's kinda nice hehehehehehehehehe

2006-04-26, 11:41 AM
I received a 1099 that was so mismatched, I need to contact this company.
AC Entertainment Group LLC

It belongs to Almighty Content, a live cam content provider. |bananna|

2006-04-26, 12:13 PM
Damn i got an epassporte payment by the name of

Hummm like who's this and it's kinda nice hehehehehehehehehe
I don't keep track of ePassporte payments, but it might be Leading Edge Cash.

2006-04-26, 10:26 PM
More info:
I think they work out of Melbourne Florida, as that address is on the envelope I am almost positive that they are a live webcam supplier.

Wouldn't that be CAMZ? Maybe ask Torn, I think that he lives around there.

2006-04-27, 10:48 AM
It IS Almighty Content
"SecretFriends", & "MyCamFriends",
Thanks :)

2006-04-28, 07:50 AM
Anyways, who ever you are, keep them coming in hehehehehe

J'aime le cash stie...

2006-04-28, 12:43 PM
I received a check today from "Freak" located in Vegas with nothing noting their program except the pay period. Anyone know what company this is? I did a search first then read through the entire thread and still haven't found an answer. |confused|

2006-05-02, 05:00 AM
I received a check today from "Freak" located in Vegas with nothing noting their program except the pay period. Anyone know what company this is? I did a search first then read through the entire thread and still haven't found an answer. |confused|

FreakBucks |thumb |thumb |thumb
Hopefully it was a BIG check, if not get in touch with me so we can make it bigger.

2006-05-02, 07:03 AM
Surfn - I do update the http://www.greenguysboard.com/sponsornames.html page each time I find a new one - Freak Bucks has been on there for quite some time |couch|

2006-05-02, 08:52 AM
Surfn - I do update the http://www.greenguysboard.com/sponsornames.html page each time I find a new one - Freak Bucks has been on there for quite some time |couch|

Now that I "know" that page exists I can check there too. It won't be long until I spend more time looking up who sends me checks than I have time to send traffic to.