View Full Version : Where would you be if?
2005-02-24, 01:24 PM
I've chased GG/Jim/Tommy/DD/Marc/Murray/Cleo around cyberworld for years. (yep, long boring story)
Learning, networking, getting traffic.
Where would You be without this, or any other board?
2005-02-24, 01:29 PM
Em -
Didn't mean to leave you out, it's just that I can barely remember that night in Vegas :)
2005-02-24, 01:36 PM
When I started my first porn site I did not know about adult wm boards (they may not even have existed back then), so most of the info I got came from "perverts I knew". The result was that the site was too large (a free site that could almost have been a paysite) and I knew bugger all about getting traffic. So I made very little money. Then one day I read an article in a magazine that mentioned a resource site for adult WMs, and gave the URL. I visited it. It had no board (just a few articles and resource lists) but it gave links to a couple of boards. If it had not been for those boards I guess I would never have made anything of this.
So to answer your question, if it were not for sites like this one, I would probably no longer be in this business.
2005-02-24, 02:10 PM
Where would You be without this, or any other board?That might be impossible to answer, since boards have been around since 97 :)
That might be impossible to answer, since boards have been around since 97 :)
But you guys haven't... and I'm pretty vague with dates, but was it 2001, the ANS predessor of this board first started?
I don't recall any board that was heavily focussed on LinkLists before that.
I'm sure we could have all managed to make money without your efforts to develop this community.. But I doubt most of us would have managed to stay successful consitently for years, trying to run LinkLists like we do, without the like-minded contacts and newbie training this place has provided.
Not sure what I would be doing now if this place never existed.. But I think there's a good chance it wouldn't still be so focussed around the "LL Faith".
2005-02-24, 03:45 PM
Well, he did say "...without this, or any other board?" :)
Chop Smith
2005-02-24, 03:50 PM
Still broke, but damn I am having fun.
2005-02-24, 03:58 PM
Yeah unfortunately what I said come under the "other boards" category, since we are talking about the early 90s.
RE- "I don't recall any board that was heavily focussed on LinkLists before that", Oh they have been around longer than that, I found them in the mid 90s.
2005-02-24, 04:35 PM
i remember when ans had the linksite board, hell was i scared for all those linksite owners who hang there, tommy, GG, cleo, DD....i was just a newbie, i lurked a long time before i started to post, and found out they where not bad or mean at all, yep that is wat you hear if you a newbie "Dont Make The Big Guys Mad" (well that time) i learnd alot and i am still can you be scared of a guy with santa socks:D |couch|oh and i wouldnt be on the net if there where no boards to ask, oh yep i have teachers but those would probably have killed themselfs a long time ago if i had no board to bug.
2005-02-24, 06:36 PM
I certainly would be poorer (at least in my opinion) - the contacts and friends I made over the years through boards (and I agree that when Greenie had his board at ANS were some good times), the chat rooms associated with the boards, and the intermingling we did just doing silly little things like Dokks radio shows and talking about ideas back then that have developed into reality was a great path to take. I remember when Tommy first talked about going to private paid submits 3 years ago, when SEO was something most of us didnt pay any attention to, and toplists were the greatest thing since sliced bread :)
I have to grin when I see Stuveltje posting about when she was a newbie - my icq was lit up like a Christmas tree all the time - but it was nice cause I knew that she would be one of the ones that made it in this biz with her drive (and her little hopping guys).
Overall Id say that anyone that takes part in the community of a board like this one and tries to listen, read and learn as well as participate in the discussions even when you think you don't really know that much yet, makes a huge difference in your future in this biz.
2005-02-24, 07:27 PM
Honestly, if it wasn't for the boards I'd probably have given up long ago, since when I first got into the biz I (like many) didn't have a fucking clue. Not even a part of a clue. The boards are an invaluable resource, and I like the fact that they've all got their own cast of characters and personality. There are only a couple that I really post on anymore, and that's because I seem to have found the freaks I get along best with :D
2005-02-24, 07:46 PM
I`d be up shits creek without boards like this! Especially since I`m not one to bug people personally. Possibly to my detrement but so it is. Luckily I found them in my first several months of webmastering. Funny I deleted my old link to Jims Tools that did`nt work anymore just the other day!
I would just do more drugs
2005-02-24, 10:26 PM
Without the boards I would still be waiting for traffic to magically appear and wondering why the few surfers that were appearing at my sites didn't do much but slam the door on their way out. I learned a fair amount on a bunch of boards, but I was barely making anything until I started becoming involved here. I've really overhauled my entire plan since coming to Greenguy & Jim's House of Smut.
As much as I found it intimidating to make those precious first posts, it was worth it. Everyone is much more receptive than you'd ever imagine. This isn't a private club. It pains me to see how many lurkers there are just reading posts, but not becoming part of the mix. Learning is an interactive experience. Why sit and wait to see if someone is going to ask the questions you have on your mind when you can ask yourself?
2005-02-25, 12:17 AM
I would just do more drugs
Yeah, like you needed another excuse |blowkiss|
I'd be stuck in my old job, working for an asshole lol. First thing I ever worked on was a ahem 'free site' for women. My bro-in-law introduced me to html, and when I got that learning bug I made this fucking HUGE site with about 40 pages of galleries, sex tips, toy reviews, and sex stories. Looked OK'ish and the only thing I had with a money making link was the toys page, which linked to bedroomsports. One day it got linked from Fark, and the traffic went through the roof, with some sales to bedroom sports. Hey, I like traffic I thought, and went to see who else would link to me.
Off I went to Cleo's, and submitted this monster of a shambles, who sent an email saying this wasn't a free site and to come here to see what a free site was. Whaaaaat......... I thought! But it's free, it's great, and I never took her up on the advice to come here.
That sitte plodded along on it's free adult hosting (erosway) and done not a lot save for the occasional email saying what a great site it was for women (geez, how I cringe when I think back lol - I'm sure it was, jam packed with free porn basically stolen from the web with the 'public domain' crap plastered next to it.) So anyways, built another massive free site for the guys, one category of which was CFNM which got picked up on by the SES. Again, images taken from the web, until the CFNM section had 18 pages, 20 pics each. Not a sponsor link to be found.
Owner of one of the paysites sends me an email saying 'take my content down or sign up here' began my first steps. A few banners/links and bam, a check arrived in the post. The plot thickened lol. Didn't remember the name of this place from Cleos original mail way back when, but done a search for adult webmasters and wound up at ANS where I got advice and ignored through stupidity/laziness/no realisation.
Carried on as before, and got a coupla more checks. This time I'd bookmarked the ANS board, and after a few months went back more determined. Lost my original username so had to re-register, but this time things began to appear a lot more clearly.
Got some fantastic advice, and so began my first 'real' steps into the biz, in December '03. That in turn led here, (Feb '04 if I remember rightly) where I too was overawed by the names - GG, Tommy, Jay, et al.
A post here and there, an appeal to get of the shared BL, and my name being semi-recognised by people. This was the job I wanted!
So, to add a couple more lines to a long story, without the 2 boards stated, Yep, I'd be working in a shit job, climbing rooves in the dark/rain/snow (not burgling - putting up satellite dishes & TV aerials :D ) so for that, I'm eternally grateful and wish I'd listened more in the first instance. Could've been in the game around a year or so earlier. No matter, I'm here now :)
BTW, Cleo - probably a long shot, but you wouldn't happen to have somewhere the date I subbed to you? A long time dead now so don't bother clicking the link y'all, be interesting to see just how long ago it was.
Sorry for the ultra long post, ended up a personal walk down memory lane lol.
And lurkers - see why it's better to join in?
2005-02-25, 03:13 PM
have to grin when I see Stuveltje posting about when she was a newbie - my icq was lit up like a Christmas tree all the time - but it was nice cause I knew that she would be one of the ones that made it in this biz with her drive (and her little hopping guys). hahaha and after 3 years i still do the same with others, i know i give them a headeache, but i need answers, i wanna know all, so much to learn..... |pink :D and i know i am an pain in the ass sometimes (some wil say most times) but they still answer me, what can i say..........i wanna know all:D
2005-02-25, 04:21 PM
...hell was i scared for all those linksite owners who hang there, tommy, GG, cleo, DD....i was just a newbie, i lurked a long time before i started to post, and found out they where not bad or mean at all, ....
I agree, Dangerdave is one of the most friendly people around.... Greenguy should call him on the next radio show to let him know that ;)
2005-02-25, 04:25 PM
I agree, Dangerdave is one of the most friendly people around.... Greenguy should call him on the next radio show to let him know that ;)
well i agree on calling him on the radio show, because for real i have never had the feeling he was friendly, i dont mean it bad, but he always looked to me as a harsh (or how the fuck you write that) person, but i have seen pictures of him, and he realy looks like a friendly person on the pics, so why so hard on the boards?
2005-02-25, 04:41 PM
I've chased GG/Jim/Tommy/DD/Marc/Murray/Cleo around cyberworld for years. (yep, long boring story)
Learning, networking, getting traffic.
Where would You be without this, or any other board?
Without boards like this, I would have given up a long time ago. I read this board often, and it keeps my feet on the ground and keeps me in touch with the porn world. I'm not making much bling right now, but I think I am on the right tracks.
2005-02-25, 04:47 PM
Same as newbies need to be nice to ask whats wrong with their sites, its also apriciated (oke i have a writing problem) if linksites owners give a nice answer back, without some humiliation, because yes some do that........ i can understand most linksite think we have an other cheater, but keep in mind, you have been a newbie too, and you made mistakes and maybe still make mistakes( i am not pointing fingers to anyone, just making a point here), not all are cheaters, some realy try... just a thing to think about, even your long in bizz, means not you cant make mistakes and your the president of porn....just my 2 cents...oke i think i need to hide now |couch| stu<---------is making a huge hole in the ground and is hiding somewhere in china so no linksite owner could grab her
2005-02-26, 09:15 AM
That might be impossible to answer, since boards havebeen around since 97 :)
You are wrong :) I'll be nowhere without *this* board and you and Jim...
T Pat
2005-02-26, 01:23 PM
I put Tijuana Whores up, figured everyone likes Tijuana Whores I'll make a fortune
I had never joined an adult site and had been burned once while looking at free porn
(had the wife give me a bj while looking at the shit one night at work and got a virus that spread to every computer in the office) so I afraid to look at free porn. I really didn't know a thing about the business.
I found GreenGuyandJim through pure desperation, I had no more money to piss away on bogus SEO work and Chinese Traffic (went through 5 or 6k) And talk about information overload "Fuck" I didn't know who or what to believe, One sleepless night I decided that I would get all my advice from only one source and chose GreenGuyandJim because a bunch of members were talking about going to the show in Florida and I figured they must be making money if their going to Florida
On The Bench watching guys like Mr Marylou, Ramster, Surfin, Linkster, Bill and others talk business is where this all started making sense to me.
Life has thrown me another curve ball, I have what the Dr.calls Severe Arthritis and am probable going to have to move off my boat (a lifestyle that I have enjoyed for the last 8 years and one I dreamed of from the time I was a kid watching shows like Sea Hunt and Simon and Simon)
I have learned to make a living in this business because of this board, without the knowledge and help I've gotten from here I would probable be standing in some disability line wondering how the fuck I'm going to feed myself
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