View Full Version : My Beef with TGP owners
2005-02-28, 02:59 AM
OK. Whats the deal with pic TGP's. It seems that, much more so, lately, when i click on a pic and expect to see a gallery i get redirected to another TGP. Click on a pic here and get sent to another TGP. and so on. What the Fuck?
Surfers expect to see a gallery with pics of the chic they saw when they clicked. Sending them through 3-4 or more TGP sites before they get to see a gallery with a link to a sponsor must drive down conversions. I find it very annoying, others must too.
So whats up? Are these TGP owners just using shitty scripts to automate things (but dont actually work very well) or do they not get enough submitters so they fill the blanks with links to sites they share traffic with. Or are the submitters cheating and throwing in a link to their TGP instead of a gallery? or all the above?
Very curious about this.
2005-02-28, 03:15 AM
it is called a "skim" it is a way that some TGPs are trading traffic now, they force surfers around, kind of like a "circle jerk" site, basically sometimes you will see the gallery you expect and sometimes you will get sent to a "trade" in the network
the New Shemp
2005-02-28, 04:04 AM
OK. Whats the deal with pic TGP's. It seems that, much more so, lately, when i click on a pic and expect to see a gallery i get redirected to another TGP. Click on a pic here and get sent to another TGP. and so on. What the Fuck?
Surfers expect to see a gallery with pics of the chic they saw when they clicked. Sending them through 3-4 or more TGP sites before they get to see a gallery with a link to a sponsor must drive down conversions. I find it very annoying, others must too.
So whats up? Are these TGP owners just using shitty scripts to automate things (but dont actually work very well) or do they not get enough submitters so they fill the blanks with links to sites they share traffic with. Or are the submitters cheating and throwing in a link to their TGP instead of a gallery? or all the above?
Very curious about this.
if you do it right, you can make one surfer appear to be 10 surfers, then brag how big your site is...
2005-02-28, 08:46 AM
What's a TGP?
At the party I was at this weekend I had a guy tell me that he has gone back to buying magazines and vhs tapes for porn because he was so tired of being fucked with by online porn.
Thank you circle-jerkers.
2005-02-28, 12:19 PM
At the party I was at this weekend I had a guy tell me that he has gone back to buying magazines and vhs tapes for porn because he was so tired of being fucked with by online porn.
VHS? Whats that? lol. Do they still make porn in that format?
So why would gallery builders continue to submitt to these sites that skim in this way? Your galleies are not getting seen nearly as much cause the surfer gets skimmed away to another site instead of your seeing the gallery they clicked.
Stupid buisness practice. Sure you artificialy inflate your traffic numbers but you cant convert fake traffic. Unless you expect fake cheques to magicaly appear in your mailbox.
2005-02-28, 01:10 PM
Stupid buisness practice. Sure you artificialy inflate your traffic numbers but you cant convert fake traffic. Unless you expect fake cheques to magicaly appear in your mailbox.
You're forgetting many webmasters buy gallery and banners spots on those TGP's and those spots are not cheap. A TGP owner can make nice non-fake money just selling spots. The more traffic you "appear" to have, the more you can charge. :D
Also, it's all about bragging rights on SexTracker. More traffic = bigger cock. lol :)
2005-02-28, 06:07 PM
Also, it's all about bragging rights on SexTracker. More traffic = bigger cock. lol :)
I thought it was more traffic made you a bigger dick |pimpin
I wonder if it creates a surfer more prone to bookmarking when they hit a non-CJ/trade site
2005-02-28, 07:15 PM
I wonder if it creates a surfer more prone to bookmarking when they hit a non-CJ/trade site
When I surf if I get a blind link, I move on and never look back. There are to many sites that DON'T jerk you around that I don't have time to waste on the ones that do.
2005-02-28, 09:00 PM
1. there are heaps of TGPs going overboard with their skimming right now; ratios of 60% of clicks, or less, to galleries seem to become the norm!
2. most TGP traffic (I know of) is actually decreasing since 2003 - probably some 15-20% of sites are still growing w/o purchased traffic!
- - - any connection between 1 & 2 - sure! Question is: is their traffic going down because they piss off surfers by skimming too much, or are they skimming so much because their traffic is going downhill? Anybody who has solved the question about the chicken and the egg should know the answer to thisone...
3. confession: picXS is skimming (only) between 20% and 37%, all links go "1st click" to content (meaning: 1st surfer click should always show a real gallery, not a trade), and all my top links are below 25% skimming, down the list the skimming gets heavier...
When I surf if I get a blind link, I move on and never look back. There are to many sites that DON'T jerk you around that I don't have time to waste on the ones that do.
That's what I was saying.
You hit a CJ/Trade site, and move on. Once you find a site that doesn't redirect, are you more likely to bookmark that site?
My guess is that enough surfers get irritated at the popups, redirects, trade/cj stuff and when they find a site that doesn't do that, they may be more predisposed bookmark an 'honest' site.
I'm wondering how many of you with such strong TGP opinions have ever submitted galleries on a regular basis... my guess is not many.
Mr. Blue
2005-03-01, 02:59 AM
I submit daily to TGP's, huge traffic, pretty decent traffic, I get sales, I'm happy. I don't pay for listings, but I might pay for a partner account or two.
I think the only person that really could complain about TGP's are the people that buy spots and find them totally unproductive because possibly the tgp is inflating their numbers, etc.
As for the surfer...honestly they're paying nothing, what do they expect? Buy a membership maybe? Isn't that what the main goal is? It's not to feed free porn and make people happy. It's show them a sample..make them buy...everyone is happy.
A few of the sponsors I promote tossed me a membership to their sites. Honestly worth the value, huge high def movies, more then enough to keep the average perv busy for a month. So, I don't really have sympathy for the cheapskate that wants free porn, lol.
If they don't want to get circle jerked let them buy a membership.
2005-03-01, 03:45 AM
I'm wondering how many of you with such strong TGP opinions have ever submitted galleries on a regular basis... my guess is not many.
There's no money in tgps Sly, no one should submit galleries.
2005-03-01, 04:35 AM
sweet another thread that is turning into a pissing fight over whether or not skimming is good or bad
2005-03-01, 05:01 AM
sweet another thread that is turning into a pissing fight over whether or not skimming is good or bad
Seems I tapped a nerve.
2005-03-01, 05:15 AM
Seems I tapped a nerve.
LOL, nothing that hasn't been tapped a million times before... different people use different business practices... in the end the right ones will still be around :D
2005-03-01, 08:10 AM
That's what I was saying.
You hit a CJ/Trade site, and move on. Once you find a site that doesn't redirect, are you more likely to bookmark that site?
My guess is that enough surfers get irritated at the popups, redirects, trade/cj stuff and when they find a site that doesn't do that, they may be more predisposed bookmark an 'honest' site.
When I was a surfer, when I reached a site that did not skim a lot(more to gallery). I bookmarked faster, I trusted the site more and I always checked back with the site whenever I wanted to buy a membership. My skim is at 70% to galleries and plan on increasing it. My bookmarkers are growing an their productivity is around 300% daily ;)
2005-03-01, 09:44 AM
OK. Whats the deal with pic TGP's. It seems that, much more so, lately, when i click on a pic and expect to see a gallery i get redirected to another TGP. Click on a pic here and get sent to another TGP. and so on. What the Fuck?
Surfers expect to see a gallery with pics of the chic they saw when they clicked. Sending them through 3-4 or more TGP sites before they get to see a gallery with a link to a sponsor must drive down conversions. I find it very annoying, others must too.
So whats up? Are these TGP owners just using shitty scripts to automate things (but dont actually work very well) or do they not get enough submitters so they fill the blanks with links to sites they share traffic with. Or are the submitters cheating and throwing in a link to their TGP instead of a gallery? or all the above?
Very curious about this.
Millions of dollars are being made using skim. Should these TGP owners just stop doing this so that you can get free porn more easily?
2005-03-01, 11:05 AM
There's no money in tgps Sly, no one should submit galleries.
Right on!
TGP's are a figment of the liberal media and the dental industry to scare you into buying useless appliances and pastes!
2005-03-01, 11:06 AM
I wonder if it creates a surfer more prone to bookmarking when they hit a non-CJ/trade site
I allways thought it did
thats why I always keep a few trades with with cj sites
after being on the merry go round for awhile they gotta love Tommys
2005-03-01, 11:11 AM
There's no money in tgps Sly, no one should submit galleries.
lol :)
Submit afew gay movie galleries aweek to alittle over 100 tgp/mgps. Makes my world go around
2005-03-01, 11:45 AM
A skimmed TGP/MGP makes no money.
Tell that to the owner of |pokefun|
2005-03-01, 12:09 PM
Also, it's all about bragging rights on SexTracker. More traffic = bigger cock. lol :)
I don't have a COCK but I do have 12 TGP sites and I've been looking at skims and trades but it is such a pain in the arse for surfers that I haven't bothered yet!
I'm always looking for regular submitters who wanna be partners though!
2005-03-01, 01:04 PM
A skimmed TGP/MGP makes no money.
Tell that to the owner of |pokefun|
You know how much he makes? Obviously a lot of skimmed TGPs make money but it is nothing compared to what a non-skimmed TGP of equal size makes. Skimmed traffic for the most part is garbage as most of the money a site makes is from bookmarkers, SEs and perm links. The only reason to keep up a skim is to increase traffic - you may be able to double your traffic by skimming but the revenue increase would be minimal. Most TGP owners either; a) have an ego so big that it clouds their judgement thus preventing them from seeing the long term benefits of running a clean site; or b) skim to increase traffic so they can sell off gallery spots easier. It doesn't mean that the gallery spots will generate more sales - it's just that it is much easier to sell them if you can say your site has 300K as opposed to 150K.
2005-03-01, 01:12 PM
You know how much he makes? Obviously a lot of skimmed TGPs make money but it is nothing compared to what a non-skimmed TGP of equal size makes. Skimmed traffic for the most part is garbage as most of the money a site makes is from bookmarkers, SEs and perm links. The only reason to keep up a skim is to increase traffic - you may be able to double your traffic by skimming but the revenue increase would be minimal. Most TGP owners either; a) have an ego so big that it clouds their judgement thus preventing them from seeing the long term benefits of running a clean site; or b) skim to increase traffic so they can sell off gallery spots easier. It doesn't mean that the gallery spots will generate more sales - it's just that it is much easier to sell them if you can say your site has 300K as opposed to 150K.
I agree, but I personally don't care if my site is 300K or 150K if the money is the same. I am happy. I am also happy if my bookmarkers are happy and not getting jerked around. Plus I'd rather save the bandwidth, and when my site gets big enough to charge for gallery spots or whatever. It will be for a very small fee. |thumb
2005-03-01, 05:28 PM
There's no money in tgps Sly, no one should submit galleries. |jackinthe this must come from somebody who believes in dancing |pink and |santaslei
But don't let me rob your illusions... |satan|
2005-03-02, 02:36 PM
So how many people knocking skim tgps have ever owned one? I'm guessing none.
2005-03-02, 02:53 PM
So how many people knocking skim tgps have ever owned one? I'm guessing none.
I still own two. I also own 2 non-skim ones. So I speak from experience when I say skimming is practically worthless.
2005-03-02, 03:06 PM
So how many people knocking skim tgps have ever owned one? I'm guessing none.
Used to own two, but I yanked the trading scripts when I saw the correlation between installing the scripts and my sales coming to a screaming halt. Months later and I'm still trying win back the surfers. But at least I get the occasional sale. |thumb
2005-03-03, 10:07 AM
I still own two. I also own 2 non-skim ones. So I speak from experience when I say skimming is practically worthless.
Worthless for your sites, sure. Many skim tgps are that way because it brings in more money. Sorry it didn't work for you.
2005-03-03, 03:58 PM
Worthless for your sites, sure. Many skim tgps are that way because it brings in more money.
Short term, yes. Long term, no.
Mizz B
2005-03-03, 05:05 PM
My skim is at 70% to galleries and plan on increasing it. My bookmarkers are growing an their productivity is around 300% daily ;)
Curious as to whether you accept gallery submissions or just trades? I don't see a link to a submission page on your site.
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