View Full Version : What email application do you use?
2005-03-06, 10:37 PM
I'm kicking Outlook to the curb. Anyone got recommendations for a good POP3 email client?
2005-03-06, 10:40 PM
MML was praising Eudora on yesterday's OTB.
2005-03-06, 10:51 PM
I've never used anything other than Eudora.
I was a long time Eudora user.
Eudora is a very good program.
The only reason that I don't use Eudora anymore is Apple started including a built-in client that is as good if not better but otherwise I would still be using Eudora.
If I had to use a PC again I would use Eudora.
Eudora good
2005-03-07, 12:00 AM
I switched to thunderbird when I ditched IE for firefox and won't look back. If you grab the mozilla backup utility that is out there you can backup your browser and email in one shot (nice for pc rebuilds). The message filters are very nice, and of course using multiple domains and pulling from many pop servers has been a non issue.
2005-03-07, 12:17 AM
i rather much like using outlook 2003, its got a great spam filter that works 99% of the time for me....which version are you kicking?
2005-03-07, 05:10 AM
i only use Outlook 2003!
2005-03-07, 06:00 AM
MML was praising Eudora on yesterday's OTB.
Oh crap. I knew there was something I forgot |angry|
2005-03-07, 06:47 AM
I looked over Eudora many years ago, but chose Pegasus Mail instead. I've never had a problem with it at all.
I use Thunderbird as well. As happy with it as I can be with a mail application.
2005-03-07, 07:34 AM
Thunderbird to the rescue. I've been very pleased with it.
2005-03-07, 08:34 AM
The best one I ever used was the free one that came with Netscape 3.0 :D
But since that's a tad bit outdated, it's Eudora all the way for me :)
2005-03-07, 08:42 AM
I used outlook express forever now I use Eudora and its well worth it :)
2005-03-07, 09:47 AM
Eudora is great! I highly recommend it! |thumb
Yep, Eudora is the only client to use. It does everything you would ever need.
I went through 3 different email programs before arriving at Outlook solely because of the spam support (I use Cloudmark SafetyBar).
There are way better email programs out there, but simply do not have the anti-spam support. :(
2005-03-07, 10:19 PM
Well, my decision was kinda made for me. Windows is PMSing and not letting internet applications run properly (I hear Cleo laughing :D), and Firefox is the only one of my browsers that's working so I tried Thunderbird and it's working too. I am now officially a Mozilla man...still gotta get windows fucking working again though. :(
2005-03-07, 10:50 PM
Sorry to hear about your Windows probs MadMax :(
Think you'll link Thunderbird though. I changed over to Thunderbird/Firefox several months ago...both great apps...stable and safer than the MS stuff.
Be sure to install the 'network tweaks' extension for Firefox...makes this sucker mucho quick! |headbang|
2005-03-07, 10:58 PM
outlook express |couch|
2005-03-07, 11:26 PM
I updated to Eudora 6.2 the other day & they have a nice new feature for those scam emails like the ones that trick you into thinking it's from PayPal.
Notice the box that popped up when I moused over the link - nice little option :)
2005-03-08, 02:25 AM
I updated to Eudora 6.2 the other day & they have a nice new feature for those scam emails like the ones that trick you into thinking it's from PayPal.
Notice the box that popped up when I moused over the link - nice little option :)
Now, that's schweet!
You guys have me convinced with Eudora, do you guys happen to know any good anti-spam filters for Eudora?
2005-03-08, 07:47 AM
progex - Eudora has a spam filter built into it called "Junk" You have to teach it what's is & isn't spam (I assume this is the case with all filters) but it works pretty well.
Evil Chris
2005-03-08, 09:06 AM
Good info here. I think it's time for me to upgrade to 6.2 as well.
Gotta keep up with the "Greens'es" LOL
2005-03-08, 11:15 AM
Have any of you Eudora users tried Thunderbird yet? Just wondering which you liked better and whats different. I think I'm about to go from Outlook to Thunderbird.
i get and send emails directly form my dedicated server (through webmin).
Evil Chris
2005-03-08, 01:51 PM
Have any of you Eudora users tried Thunderbird yet? Just wondering which you liked better and whats different. I think I'm about to go from Outlook to Thunderbird.I hadn't even heard about it until I read through this thread. I would find it tough to justify changing from Eudora, though. It does everything I need it to do.
Upgraded to 6.2 today as well.
I tried Thunderbird once, but was immediately turned off by the very slow loading of the program (I'm on a fairly fast computer too).
Ann Omness
2005-03-09, 01:42 AM
You guys have me convinced with Eudora, do you guys happen to know any good anti-spam filters for Eudora?
I recommend Mailwasher Pro for a spam filter to use in conjunction with Eudora. Run Mailwasher first and get rid of the spam waiting on your mail server, and then boot up Eudora and download the remaining messages.
Mozill Thunderbird works best for me.I've tried several email clients and decided to use this one.
2005-03-09, 09:36 AM
I used to use incredimail (ok,,go ahead and laugh but I liked the pretty pictures) but for the moost part use Outlook because of the integrated calender. I've looked at a few email programs and thunderbird is just ok, have not looked at Eudora yet, the bat looks interesting, poco mail is pretty kewl, pegasus is ok
That's all I know of..
I used to use incredimail (ok,,go ahead and laugh but I liked the pretty pictures) but for the moost part use Outlook because of the integrated calender. I've looked at a few email programs and thunderbird is just ok, have not looked at Eudora yet, the bat looks interesting, poco mail is pretty kewl, pegasus is ok
That's all I know of..
Those IncrediMail developers are making a killing just with simple HTML email templates... Their "Email has finally evolved" is a joke. |pissright
2005-03-09, 04:13 PM
For the Mac platform, I've been a fan of Eudora since Eudora Light in System 6. I think the new "Mail" program in OS X is very good for personal use, but I wouldn't want to try to keep up with our contact volume with it. Or maybe I just don't want to have to transfer all those "reply with" stationery templates I've created in Eudora over the years. :::grin:::
Eudora 6.2.1
I tried Thunderbird once, but was immediately turned off by the very slow loading of the program (I'm on a fairly fast computer too).
It must have improved since then because I stayed with it over Outlook because it loaded so SUPER fast in contrast to what I'd been experiencing with Outlook over the years.
I also tried Eudora and Pegasus when I was considering switching... didn't like them within about an hour (I'm picky, what can I say?) - but I ended up giving Thunderbird a 30-day trial before removing Outlook completely from my computer.
Trying to use Firefox more as well - I've got it but keep clicking that blue e out of habit... I'm really getting anti-MS lately... and Norton - don't even get me started on that.
For the Mac platform, I've been a fan of Eudora since Eudora Light in System 6. I think the new "Mail" program in OS X is very good for personal use, but I wouldn't want to try to keep up with our contact volume with it. Or maybe I just don't want to have to transfer all those "reply with" stationery templates I've created in Eudora over the years. :::grin:::
Eudora 6.2.1
They are only text files. :)
I'm using Windows Eudora 6.1 and the latest version of Evolution (whichever version comes w/ Fedora Core 3).
2005-03-10, 09:58 AM
I looked over Eudora many years ago, but chose Pegasus Mail instead. I've never had a problem with it at all.
yeah! |headbang|
I've been using Pegasus for 7 years, never a problem with it.
For my business email client I use a contact manager. I have never used Outlook, but I'm told my contact manager is more powerful than Outlook and I never worry about virus's or trojans.
2005-03-10, 02:11 PM
They are only text files. :)Yep...actually that's one of the things I like best about Eudora, everything is stored in text files. |thumb
I really should have said I wouldn't switch to OS X's Mail application for business email because it doesn't have a "reply with (selected template)" feature like Eudora does. We get a lot of surfer email and 95% can be handled with one of the many hundred customizable responses we've created in Eudora.
"...say something once, why say it again?" |loony|
2005-03-11, 02:36 AM
i've stuck with outlook express for a while now.
Evil Chris
2005-03-22, 03:07 PM
I hadn't even heard about it until I read through this thread. I would find it tough to justify changing from Eudora, though. It does everything I need it to do.
Upgraded to 6.2 today as well.I reverted back to Eudora 5.1 today.
The new version I found was quite unstable. Crashing on startup quite often, and also giving me many strange errors. (missing .RCV files?)...
GreenGuy you getting any errors or problems with Eudora 6.2.X?
2005-03-22, 03:23 PM
I've heard a lot of good things about Thunderbird. But I'm used to Outlook, so I don't know if I'd want to go through a change. Can you import your existing emails from Outlook to Thunderbird?
2005-03-22, 03:57 PM
Outlook Express
I've heard a lot of good things about Thunderbird. But I'm used to Outlook, so I don't know if I'd want to go through a change. Can you import your existing emails from Outlook to Thunderbird?
Yes... I was able to import all of my existing emails/contacts into Thunderbird from Outlook. It was easier than upgrading virus protection - lol Very simple, and the Thunderbird Forum area helped me configure things easily. I got used to it in about 1 full day of working, lots of cool features not available on Outlook, plus I haven't had missing emails since I switched.
2005-03-22, 04:39 PM
Evil Chris - I am having problems with it junking mail that I told it was not junk - I think upgrading it is not the answer, but reinstalling it might be the way to go.
I had problems until I got my new pc and ended up having to do a new install and start over. No problems with Eudora since. Even if I did have a problem or two, I don't think I would change. I have 6 pop accounts and it works seamlessly between them all.
2005-03-22, 04:57 PM
I use Linux and hence use Kontact. Another Linux alternative is Evolution (which I hear might be ported to Windows). Both are PIMs (Personal Information Managers) and have e-mail, calendars, contacts and to-do lists. As you might expect with Linux, both are free to download and use (a la Firfeox)!
If I used Windows I would use Thunderbird. I am rather interested in something called Chandler which is being developed as a Open Source Software alternative to Outlook. You can find Chandler if you are curious at It is currently at version .4 so it has a way to go.
Evil Chris
2005-03-22, 08:48 PM
Evil Chris - I am having problems with it junking mail that I told it was not junk - I think upgrading it is not the answer, but reinstalling it might be the way to go.Tried that, and those crazy RCV problems got even worse. I can't even find out how to troubleshoot those errors.
Could be because my MBX files are massive. I've got about 4 years of email. No matter, I'll stick with 5.1 until a more stable version comes around.
2005-03-22, 08:58 PM
Chris - sounds like just a bad set of files for the install - I would backup the .ini file so you dont lose your settings and reinstall with a fresh set of downloads - Im using and it runs great - I seem to remember having a similar problem when I first upgraded a while back but just went back and grabbed the download full install and it worked like a charm
Ann Omness
2005-03-23, 11:35 AM
EvilChris, I haven't had any problems with Eudora 6.2.x since it came out. Of course, I don't try to do anything complicated with it. I use Mailwasher Pro to do all my filtering before I download my remaining mail with Eudora.
Evil Chris
2005-03-23, 02:38 PM
wow great feed back.. thanks a lot!
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