View Full Version : Best Tours

2005-03-15, 06:06 AM
I had a site submitted to me the other day with free content that was just so incredible, I had to see the tour.

After looking at the tour, I was completely blown away.

The tour included a minute long introduction from the 'star' of the site, in high res .wmv format.

It showed a tour of the paysite, along with her in a seductive outfit and on her bed.

Now, I dont want to mention the name of this tour here because I dont want anyone accusing me of spam. But I bet if you've seen this tour the description can probably ring a bell.

What other tours are like this?

Oh and to make sure GG and J dont get upset about this thread lets talk about a few rules.

1)No affilate webmaster referral urls please.
2) dont go bragging about a site you own or designed. That's just lame. If its really that good somoene else will mention it wont they?

Anyways, I signed up for this sponsor and am promoting them now. I know they're gonna convert ;)

2005-03-15, 07:37 AM
I cant recall the name of it now but I have a guy that submits galleries to me and every so often they are pushing this mature English Dom. The tour is amazing and whilst the colours of white, black & red may sound plain, its done incredibly well with some excellent graphics.

Only thing is I cant find a webmaster program which is a pity as its such a good looking site that she surely couldnt fail to convert.

2005-03-15, 09:41 AM
Boogie - you are a good man :D

2005-03-15, 04:17 PM
60 some views and no tours listed?

It sounds like to me one of two scenarios is true:

1) you guys arent looking very well at the tours you're promoting
2) the tours you're promoting are shit... but you're still promoting them.

oh and a third option someone submitted to me in icq
3) no one wants to say a damned thing if it wont make them money.

I hope that one isnt true. :) but, I can understand wanting to keep your well designed and high converting sites a secret ;)

2005-03-15, 05:25 PM
I thought this was a thread about Mike Wylde. :)