View Full Version : Hosting for Free Hosted Sites

2005-04-26, 03:54 PM

You can tell we're getting closer to launch 'cause our questions are getting closer together too. ;)

Okay, so here's my new question: "Are there any reasons we shouldn't use Swiftwill hosting for our Free Hosted Sites program?"

We've used their hosting for several years now, and we've always been very happy with them, but I've heard of various hosts being blacklisted by Link List and TGP owners, so I'd like to make sure we won't have any problems like that if we use them for hosting our Free Hosted Sites.

Anyone have them on a ban list, blacklisted, or know of any reason we should use another host, please let me know.



2005-04-26, 04:07 PM
Hosted sites seem to be 'above the law' since you are not really 'submitting' but offering your products to those that run linklists, etc.

I don't know that hosted freesites/galleries run through the same blacklist when they are entered administratively.

2005-04-26, 04:08 PM
The only thing I care about HFS's as far as the host is concerned is that they are up :D

2005-04-27, 03:12 AM
yeah, the most important thing is that they're up ;)

2005-04-27, 07:22 AM
Okay, then that pretty much settles it for me. We've used them for years and if we've ever had any downtime at all, it was never more than a short blip while something was switched or rebooted, never actually down for more than a couple minutes. They definitely know how to keep it up. ::grin::

2005-04-27, 07:27 AM
Nice commercial.

I don't even care if they're up, just as long as they love me. What were we talking about?

2005-04-27, 12:24 PM
Naah, was just trying to close the thread in a kinda humorous way this morning.

You'll know when I'm gettin' commercial... 'cause it'll be aaall about me, baby! ::grin::
