View Full Version : Is this thing on?

2003-08-26, 10:16 PM
I never got around to introducing myself before, so I'll do it now.

My name is DarkBob, I run a link list and build free sites more or less every day. I'm pretty quiet, so I usually just lurk, but I'm trying real hard to change that.

Glad the board is back up |bananna|

2003-08-26, 10:20 PM
You're not the only one that's glad - LOL - welcome to the board :)

Extreme John
2003-08-26, 10:22 PM
hey DarkBob, there's no better time to climb out of your shell than now, everyone will be new again :)

2003-08-26, 10:26 PM
Welcome out of lurk mode DarkBob. :)

I know your nick from my admin. ;)

2003-08-26, 10:28 PM
Welcome DarkBob :)

2003-08-26, 10:35 PM
Thanks for the welcomes everyone...

2003-08-26, 10:36 PM
welcome DarkBob

2003-08-26, 10:48 PM
Howdy ;)

2003-08-26, 10:53 PM
Welcome DarkBob see your work all the time good stuff :)

2003-08-26, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by MrMaryLou
Welcome DarkBob see your work all the time good stuff :)
thanks, I'm glad to hear that :)

that's one of the reasons I decided to "come out" tonight, it's hard to get feedback when all you do is lurk.

2003-08-26, 11:41 PM
Welcome to the "new" board DarkBob |waves|

2003-08-27, 12:08 AM
I remember your nick from the admin of Cleo's Links too, I have a feeling you are the one that I define to my self as a "porn poetry"...

2003-08-27, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by Luna
I remember your nick from the admin of Cleo's Links too, I have a feeling you are the one that I define to my self as a "porn poetry"... That could be me, I've built some sites lately and tried to make all the text links rhyme. Not sure if the surfers care, but it can make building sites fun.

2003-08-27, 12:43 AM
Most the time it make me laughing, not sure about the surfers either, but I think it is fun to surfer on the site, I kind get curious to click on the 2 gallery to read the text...

good night for all, I am so sleep, school is back|zzzzzzzzz