View Full Version : Link Exchange with my pr = 6 Free Site

2003-10-29, 10:25 AM
Hi Folks,

I'm looking for some more index page link exchanges for these 3 sites of mine:

This site has a pr=6 for the url without the "www" in it, with the "www" it has a pr=4. When I put you up on that site, you'll be on both pages automatically.


but please link to:

Free Sex Pictures - http://www.debauchery.com

This one has a pr = 4

Free Pics - http://www.allfreepics.com

This one has a pr=6

Free Porn - http://sexsitesontheinternet.com/free-porn/

I'm not too worried what your pr is...I know you'll grow shortly

If you want to trade, please just put me up and e-mail me at staff@debauchery.com with the subject "link exchange" and I'll get you up quickly.


Da Captain

2003-11-04, 01:10 PM
Hi All,

I appreciate the link exchanges that have come from this thread. Most folks that I've linked with have asked if I have other sites, yes I do...to the tune of close to 1000 other free adult sites. If you're interested in larger link exchanges, please let me know.

One other thing, I've also had a number of people link to all 3 of my sites from 1 of theirs, and ask for a link back from all 3 of my sites. So far, I've done this. Some of these folks, I know have other sites. |waves| I'm really not that picky when it comes to links, I'm interested in permanent link exchanges.

Anyway, please do link to any, or all, of my sites listed above and e-mail me at staff@debauchery.com and I'll get you right up and don't forget, I can do much larger trades as well.


Da Captain

2003-11-17, 03:11 PM
Ok, so I'm the only one talking in this thread...sorry.

Anyway, since I've put these posts up I've traded with close to a hundred sites.

I wanted to say thanks to everyone that has linked with me.

I'm still looking for more sites to exchange links with. I don't use a script, all links are hardcoded on the page and permanent. If you're interested in exchanging links, please check out my list of sites that I'm working on right now at:


If you'd like to exchange links, whether you have just 1 site, or multiple sites, please e-mail me at staff@debauchery.com and put "link exchange" in the subject.


2003-11-18, 03:59 PM
OK - I'll keep you from talking to yourself|shake|

I'll be sending an email to you this evening, after I get your
link up on my 4 sites...

2003-11-18, 05:55 PM
Sounds good, Pusher.

And thanks for talking to me, I was feeling awful lonely in this thread all by my lonesome...kinda like being in a cage in a zoo, everybody but nobody talks to ya |waves|

2003-11-18, 05:56 PM
the above was supposed to say that "everybody comes by, but nobody talks to ya" |waves|

2003-12-02, 10:12 PM
ur email addy returned to sender :(

I want to trade lots with you. I have one site only, but it is pretty damn nice. I have lots of themed pages. The site is brand new and hard link slots are going on first come first serve.

check out the site first


if you like it, visit here www.wanktool.com/Buttons/index.htm

And hit my up on ICQ with exactly what you want and where.


2003-12-03, 01:27 AM
just sendt you an email! :)

2003-12-03, 01:32 AM
didnt get it :(

answer your icq

2003-12-03, 02:03 AM
Hey CaptainJSparrow,

I just emailed you but it bounced for some reason so i will post instead.

I just added - Free Porn - http://sexsitesontheinternet.com/free-porn/ to my index page......


Could ya gimmie one back?

Thanks bud.
Take Care

webmaster at freexxxlistings dot com

2003-12-03, 08:58 AM
Hi Guys,

At around 10pm our mail server "blew up" we'll have a new one up this morning. I'll post here once it's up and running.

Ross, I'll get your link up within the hour.

Thanks for your patience & understainding.

2003-12-03, 09:49 AM
you got a PM ;)

2003-12-03, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by CaptainJSparrow
Hi Guys,

At around 10pm our mail server "blew up" we'll have a new one up this morning. I'll post here once it's up and running.

Ross, I'll get your link up within the hour.

Thanks for your patience & understainding.

Cool Bud,
no probs we got all the time in the world. Im not going anywhere anytime soon.

To busy gettin' my pymp on y0!!! woooooo!

Talk soon bud.

2003-12-03, 12:11 PM
Hey Ross, you're up now at: http://sexsitesontheinternet.com/free-porn/

Thanks for the link!

2003-12-03, 12:16 PM
Lordaron, I just sent you a PM back.

2003-12-07, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by CaptainJSparrow
Hey Ross, you're up now at: http://sexsitesontheinternet.com/free-porn/

Thanks for the link!

CaptainJSparrow, i dont see my link on http://sexsitesontheinternet.com/free-porn

I found it buried at the bottom of http://sexsitesontheinternet.com/

Why would you say its on sexsitesontheinternet.com/free-porn when you actually placed it at the bottom of a pr3 link farm

I will give you a chance to respond before i remove your link from my index page and bury it on a different page.

I try to be honest and fair with all the ppl i trade with. There would have been no problem if you said you were looking for trade on a pr3 link farm. At least I would have had the choice to either trade links or not. You told me one thing and did another. I just don't understand. Dishonesty bothers me.

2003-12-07, 03:28 PM
yeah I just pulled the link to all your 3 sites since you obviously havent added my link yet, way to go - linktrading on false premises (I so want to add somy bad words here)

2003-12-07, 10:36 PM
Hi Guys,

No dishonesty here. I was in the middle of changing up that site and my e-mail server crashed. I've been dealing with it all weekend. I'm just getting my mail now...thousands are downloading.

Ross, my intent was to pull a bunch of my sites off of that page...I cut all of the links off of that page, and pasted them on the other page, planning on immediately putting back the link trades that I have with other folks, and only some of my strategic sites to give better pr out to all on the page.

Anyway, I put back all of the links for now...I'll "clean it up" another time. I'm exhausted and heading to bed now.

What a weekend!

Sorry about the confusion.

2003-12-07, 10:54 PM
Ok. Cool. thanks for the explanation. Its greatly appreciated.

Gonna have more domains up fairly soon and am going to get some trades going on them as well.

Thanks bud.

Take care

2003-12-07, 11:02 PM
Thanks for "sticking with me" Ross... I really appreciate that. It's been a nightmare of a weekend.

lmk when you get your new domains up and running...

2003-12-07, 11:11 PM
One last thing before I go to bed...Lordaron, I just put your link up on the site that you asked, the pr=6.

It's there, and it's permanent. Whether you link back to me or not is up to you. I'll keep your link up either way.

Good night guys.

2003-12-07, 11:54 PM
thanks for the explenation and sorry for drawing your links so quickly...will get straight back to adding them.

2003-12-08, 10:30 AM
No prob, Lordaron...again, I'm sorry for the confusion.

2003-12-08, 06:32 PM
@CaptainJsparrow You have mail :)

2003-12-09, 11:18 AM
Ok, to my knowledge I've replied to everyone that sent me e-mail and put up everyones' sites that have linked to my sites. If you haven't received an e-mail from me it means that your mail to me was lost when I was having mail server problems. So if you haven't heard from me, please re-send me your e-mail.
