View Full Version : So where are all those 4 women Free Sites?
2003-11-01, 09:41 AM
A few weeks ago there was some discussion on site build specifically for women ending up in the "wrong" catagory on several popular Link lists.. |roses|
I posted that we have a section that is strickly for women only.. who main purpose in starting it was because I love to Look at Dick pics.. *if anyone would like to share, i'm always open to adding to my collection*.. Just ask the Hackulas!! |devil|
Well I'm still waiting for all those 4 women only sites to CUM pouring in.. |nahnah|
our page has a PR4 and while that might not be one of the "BIGGER" ones, it's nothing to sneeze at..
Bring em on!!!
|hotjump|Porn for Her (
I get very few submits to my for woman category and even less to my TGP for woman category.
I do wish that I got more especially for my TGP.
2003-11-01, 11:48 AM
...and Cleo.. |bow| you have submission, as requested to your tgp.. hopefully my MO is right.. LMAO.. |roses|
Send me an e-mail for a partner account at my TGP. While regular submits do get listed at some time my backlog is 10,000+ at my TGP so sometime might not be this year.
To anyone that wants a partner account at my TGP…
Send me your requested ID and PW plus a couple of sample galleries (all on the same domain) to cleo AT
It is a small TGP that doesn't send a ton of traffic, but what traffic it does send is mostly SE traffic. :)
Fuck I can't seem to wake up today.
2003-11-01, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Cleo
I get very few submits to my for woman category and even less to my TGP for woman category. I have encountered the same here. As I said, in my experience, there are very few women surfers willing to spend for porn.
I agree, but as a list site it isn't really very much extra work to have a category for it so why not. ;)
2003-11-01, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Surfn
I have encountered the same here. As I said, in my experience, there are very few women surfers willing to spend for porn.
I think that point of view was already established here:
GG & J thread on 4 women (
This thread is in reaction to that.. not to debate whether they ever spend a dime.. but to find out why, after all the kvetching about "4 women" sites going into 'gay' sections or non appropriate sections..
and LL/TGP owners on this board stated they have 4 women sections.. and yet still receive very few submissions. And in fact NO submissions since the date this above quoted section was posted.
Sooo.. again.. Where are all those Mis-catagorized 4 women sites?? or do i have to put GAY free sites in my 4 women section to get Dick Shot and Pussy lickin'??
Of course i could just come out of stealth on any one of my Instant messengers and have all the FREE "4 women" porn i could ever want. but then our LL wouldn't get updated fast enough..
2003-11-01, 02:16 PM
Most single guy content seems to be use to make gay sites rather than for women sites :(
A for woman section is pics of either single guys, male and female couples, or guys doing guys, or woman doing woman, or trannies, or pics of drag queens or drag kings, or whatever. What makes it for woman is the fact that they site has been designed for a woman audience and has ads targeting woman. Woman are just like men in the fact that they all like different things, not just pics of guys by themselves.
For gay guys is pics of either guys alone or guys doing guys with the site designed towards guy gays and ads targeting gay males.
The "lesbian" categories we have is not for lesbians because it targeting men who like to watch two woman together, not lesbian woman.
About the only thing that our gay and lesbian niche categories have in common is the fact that both are targeting men who like to watch same gender sex.
Now whether there is enough money in these micro niches is matter and has already been beating to death in other threads.
Personally I like chocolate and shopping. :D
I have to agree with the variety aspect Cleo... women are into all sorts of things just like the guys. My original goal when giving my LL two entrances was the hope that at some point I'd be able to break the women's section into catagories as well. Unfortunately, since I can't even get submits of naked men, I doubt that's going to happen.
2003-11-01, 06:57 PM
1)My response was to Cleo’s comment which just happened to be in “your” thread.
2)Unlike some people I like to give a reason why I make a statement.
3)I don’t engage in pissing matches, and I refuse to be baited.
4)Rest assured that I will be careful NOT to post in “your” threads in the future.
This is my final post in this thread, have a nice life. :)
Ms Naughty
2003-11-01, 07:03 PM
OK... Sunday morning here, sorry I couldn't reply earlier but I was asleep.
I'm the one that started that original "kvetching" thread lol and I need to apologise because I should have been submitting my existing free sites to DocHolly and Tart. Unfortunately I've been horribly distracted by writing for and updating FTG, doing my goddam tax returns, changing over Couples Sex links, promotion, posting on boards, etc etc. And making my own linklist :)
So I have been slack. I will now stop having my day off and do some submitting.
I must admit I was also a little disheartened by the views expressed in that other thread, I figured nobody was going to change their minds on this, so my attention had gone elsewhere.
In any case, this article turned up yesterday and has been discussed on a number of other boards.
Web-site porn attracts women by the millions
After putting her daughter to bed, Maggie, 42, routinely sat at her computer for hours, mesmerized by an online world of erotic stories and real- time sexual discussions.
Beth, 33, usually clicked on the most visually graphic sites, disproving the theory that only men are enticed by pornography.
"A lot of people don't realize this happens with women, too," says Beth, who, along with Maggie, asked that their last names not be revealed.
The myth began long ago, perhaps because women were rarely seen walking into seedy adult bookstores.
But in recent years, the accessibility, affordability and anonymity of the Internet have made pornography undeniably attractive to millions of women. While some women simply find it exciting, others have battled addictions and other problems.
Nearly one in three visitors to adult Web sites is a woman, according to Neilsen Netratings...
A for woman section is pics of either single guys, male and female couples, or guys doing guys, or woman doing woman, or trannies, or pics of drag queens or drag kings, or whatever. What makes it for woman is the fact that they site has been designed for a woman audience and has ads targeting woman. Woman are just like men in the fact that they all like different things, not just pics of guys by themselves.
Thanks Cleo, that's how I define it too.
OK... on to submitting. I should mention here that most of my existing sites are "hand made" because I'm a code nancy (starting to overcome this disability) so I'm going to have to add each recip individually, and it may take a while.
I thought we were just having a nice little discussion about the aspects of porn for woman.
Why is it that every time we talk about porn for woman people seem to get bent out of shape?
Fuck just think of what is going to happen when we encounter aliens and try to market to them. :D
Ms Naughty
2003-11-01, 07:41 PM
Cleo, I hope my last post wasn't construed as being aggressive or anything like that. I just thought I'd post that article because I think it's kind of relevant.
Fuck just think of what is going to happen when we encounter aliens and try to market to them.
I guess we'll need to discuss what kind of alien porn aliens really like, and whether they'll pay for it LOL Some might be happy with just a naked tentacle, others will want the full hardcore pfuischnarkleskismdoodle.
2003-11-01, 07:42 PM
Ohh so many funny rude chauvanistic things I could say..... but I wont.... :D
Women do buy.. I/we have the cheques to prove it;)
2003-11-01, 08:00 PM
I have no intention of getting into any discussion on the validity or profitably of marketing porn for women. I leave all that to my partner lol.
Docholly, I will add you to my list of sites to submit to, and also add your site to our resources section at Purple Dollars. I will also be quite happy to send you enough sites to fill up half a dozen For Women categories.
The problem I see is that webmasters building sites for this market have been so restricted in the past because of the reluctance of other webmasters to accept that it is a viable market, that we/they have found other ways to generate traffic.
I personally have established my own For Women network, I submit to some linklists, but I rely mostly on my own sources of traffic and quite happily make a living from a market that has
few women surfers willing to spend for porn.
And Surfin, you are correct in as much as there ARE less women surfing for porn than men. And there are a lot less webmasters selling to them, so we dont have to share :)
oops, did I say I wasnt going to get into a discussion lol |bananna|
We were both writing at the same time so your posts wasn't even there when I was composing mine. :)
I think the person in my avatar is kind of sexy, but then I've been told that I'm a bit on the unusual side. :D
Ms Naughty
2003-11-01, 08:29 PM
Cleo, I like your avatar too, it's very classy. I think dramatic lighting and b&w always make for a fab, sexy nude photo.
I realise I should put this in the other thread, but I feel I need to make a little clarification about all my "kvetching"... when talking about separating out 4women content from gay stuff, my thoughts were really directed at the really big linklists - Tommy's, GG and even Richard because these are significant sources of traffic and I know a lot of women must be visiting those sites. They have also been on my list of LLs to regularly submit to when I make a free site. So I was hoping to convince these particular LL owners to make a change. In the end, I wasn't successful, so not to worry.
When it comes to every linklist having a 4women section, things get difficult because as DallasDeb said there's not a huge number of 4women webmasters, making a limited no. of sites and decisions are being made as to who we should submit to.
I know I've been doing it by hand and I haven't submitted to all the available LLs because it takes a lot of time. AND I've been slack with making freesites at the moment.
So I guess this is a lame attempt to explain why I was kvetching without actually doing any submitting LOL I might just shut up and get back to work.
2003-11-02, 07:03 AM
Oh man.. this will teach me to just keep my mouth shut..
uh NOT..
all i really wanted were some submits for TPZ 4 women section cuz i'm tired to looking at 2 lesbians with a purple gel dildo, Gilda the Russian Slut in pantyhose, barely legal teenagers, and gangbanged gerty...
If i wanted to debate i'd be on the street corner signing up people to re-call Dubya..
soooo thanks for the Submits.. my purpose was accomplished...
Dallas Deb: Tart will make whatever arrangements necessary..i'm just the MOUTH part..
Cleo: Thanks for the account and the guy in the avatar is yummy..
grandmascrotum: No kvetching.. that was duly noted in the "other" link.. i was just looking for submits which we got!! thanks..
DD: I hope they are in USD not AUD.. LMAO..
as to the rest..Have a very Pleasant and $$ filled day..
Originally posted by docholly
Cleo: Thanks for the account and the guy in the avatar is yummy..
The guy that was in my avatar yesteday,
2003-11-02, 02:25 PM
I didn't see any mullet hair on Loren!! Nice Gallery of photos .. i especially love the b/w ones..
Hormones can be very liberating!!
You are right, no mullet hair. I think that the mullet hair is more of a Florida lesbian thing.
Damn sexy for a tranny. I would be curios what it would be like having sex with him. :D
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