View Full Version : SPONSORS: Where the heck are the new banners?

2005-06-25, 01:57 AM
I am totally stunned by the number of sponsors out there that have absolutely NO promo materials available for their sites right now.

I know it takes a while to get thing done, but come on, at least ONE generic banner per site would be a start.

I am starting to wonder if I am not going to have to make banners myself!


2005-06-25, 02:27 AM
I couldn't agree more...reading the thread about how LLs are deleting sites left & right, all I want to do is SUBMIT!! :D
my favorite sponsor has not even half of the promo material back up, how am I supposed to make sites without promo stuff?? |angry|

with all this time in the last few weeks you'd think everyone would have been ready for this.


Torn Rose
2005-06-25, 02:28 AM
glad I'm not the only one, I have tried over and over to find banners I can use and still nothing. How long does it take to get a text banner made nowadays?

2005-06-25, 07:41 AM
I've got literally hundreds of free sites that need banners/ads swapped out for this new softcore stuff but I can't find any at my sponsors either. Very frustrating!! Text links are nice and all but that doesn't always fit in with my page designs. What to do.... |cry|

2005-06-25, 08:17 AM
hmmmm maybe we should make some generic banners without sponsor names.. interchangeable.. then just put the sponsor name in the text below.. |cool|

2005-06-25, 08:33 AM
I am totally stunned by the number of sponsors out there that have absolutely NO promo materials available for their sites right now.

I know it takes a while to get thing done, but come on, at least ONE generic banner per site would be a start.

I am starting to wonder if I am not going to have to make banners myself!

You could either make the banners yourself or stop driving yourself crazy with the hype.

2005-06-25, 08:40 AM
I do wish all sponsors would provide layered PSD files so that we could just make our own.

I do know of at least one tranny site that has lots of banners including layered PSD files.

2005-06-25, 08:41 AM
I promote a lot of bigtit sites plus babes and pornstars and the good thing many of the banners are softcore and not an issue. Gotta love the titties. |mml|

2005-06-25, 10:26 AM
Ramster, it isn't just "softcore". Many programs have pulled banners completely because they don't have model releases for the girls on the banners or in the FPAs. Pimproll pulled 100% of their ads, example - even though some of the stuff was good.

Many programs have indicated the continued use of their previous banners would be a violation of their TOS.

Welcome to Rock Hardplace Heaven.


2005-06-25, 10:53 AM
Many programs have indicated the continued use of their previous banners would be a violation of their TOS.You shouldn't read those things. :D

Another fine reason to follow to follow the UW business plan. When a sponsor says "Please remove all of our hardcore banners" I reply "Make me".
"When the DOJ says "My must comply" I reply "Make me".

The sponsors will be the ones hurting in the end of this ordeal. But I'll be rolling around in bail money cause I'm the only one left marketing hardcore sites with hardcore content and banners. Legal, no. Fun, yes!

2005-06-25, 11:44 AM
UW, I agree with you, being in Canada I don't feel quite as compelled to do things, but my concern is on programs that choose to shut down accounts because they don't like the content / banners / whatever being used to promote it. I don't think any program would normally be stupid enough to stop people from sending them traffic, but these are not normal times.

I hate it when a program pulls 100% of their promo material and doesn't have any replacements for it.

What they heck have they been doing for the last 8 months?


2005-06-25, 11:53 AM
What they heck have they been doing for the last 8 months?

AlexI'm not sure we really want that question answered. ;) We know that most of them didn't bother to seek legal counsel until this past week, so we can't expect that they were preparing their programs in any manner for these changes. I think they have all been living an old U.S. territory that was recently chartered as a state. Scenic and wondrous Denial.

I'll bet ya that when the new banners come out, there will be a shit load of spelling errors on them because I'm guessing that the outsourcers are working overtime this week.

2005-06-25, 11:58 AM
Hey Alex - let them start allowing sales in their stats/tracking programs first - then we can worry about banners - it looks like half the sponsors out there needed to replenish their piggy banks from their legal consultations the way sales were turned off starting Monday

2005-06-25, 12:02 PM
How about posting a list of sponsors that DO HAVE 2257 compliant banners?

2005-06-25, 12:13 PM
Any of our sponsors on GGandJ that feel the need for some hardcore banners are more than welcome :)

2005-06-25, 12:19 PM
This is FukingRidiculous.

I really wonder how some of these businesses stay in business.

Here is one of our new softcore non sexual explicate banners. (since sexual explicate is judgment call this what I consider non sexual explicate)

2005-06-25, 12:23 PM
Something MML mentioned to me on the phone yesterday. How come none of the sponsors that have been around forever without changing hands, have released any 2257 information. Maybe some have that I have not noticed but, I do find that very telling.

2005-06-25, 12:44 PM
The PimpRoll designers are working hard to get the new banners and ads and content in place. At huge expense I might add, although I'm sure thats a given.
Some of the sites do have banners already back in place and many many more sites have banners completed and nearly ready to be put in place.

Here is our most recent addition list, added yesterday, which are available now in the promo section:

Amateur Idols
Anal A.S.A.P
Facial Land
Just Hardcore Sex
Lesbian Sex City
Lesbian Suite
Mature Appeal
Maximum Orgy
Tranny Centerfolds
Sexy and Petite
Shemale Angel

U.S. webmasters should visit the free content download section of the site, download the PDF form and fax it back filled in. Subject to review, this will get you access to the database of documentation so that you can have all the docs onhand. I say subject to review because we have no wish to let a surfer join the affiliate program and have instant access to private information such as these regulations require.

We also are redesigning several tours, the first two were released yesterday and you dont need to change links. Always Amateur and Boob Inspector each have new tours so far.

So please know that it is a massive effort we are undertaking and the sheer volume of materials that need to be updated or replaced, together with the short timespan and some difficult to work with primary producers are all factors.
"Burdensome" indeed..

2005-06-25, 12:59 PM
Cleo - LOL

WHY in the hell is every sponsor out there putting out softcore banners instead of the hardcore ones? If you dont have the docs to back it up I understand - but I would think that you might have one or two hardcore pics in your members area that you "might" have the docs for - so why not use them for the banners? Isnt making everything softcore going a little overboard??? Especially since it doesnt matter when the pic comes from a hardcore set it still has to have the docs if its softcore???

Added - seems to me if you spent your money allowing sales by affiliates instead of getting all new banners made we might be able to promote a few more sponsors

2005-06-25, 01:05 PM
OK - second rant - why redesign the sites tour pages to be all softcore? Again you still have to have the docs either way - and the frigging consoles you pop are hardcore - so why waste the money? This is not directed at one particular sponsor - just the overall trend the last few days - its just plain stupid and a waste of profits

2005-06-25, 01:17 PM
One example.. the old regs said a college ID was acceptable, and the new ones say they're not acceptable. So "old complaint docs" and "new compliant docs" are simply not the same thing. Also many primary producers from whom promo and tours were designed are themselves holding back until a FINAL ruling. Which means if you use their stuff and want to comply NOW, you have to pull their stuff.

It's a clusterf***..

2005-06-25, 01:25 PM
Tom, I would hope that Pimproll would ask it's designers to at least make up ONE winky blinky flashing text only banner for each site to at least fill in the gaps for now. Making 25 banners for one site and not having a single banner for the other site is a bit of a pain.

I know it is not easy. I know it is not cheap.

I am really starting to think I am going to have to make banners.


2005-06-25, 01:38 PM
Theres some zips that may not be in the site list I posted, but banners and fpas are in there..

Yeah Alex, I've considered doing that on my own.. I think with ImageMagik you can do that, or with the netpbm programs that most servers should have on them.. or with a photoshop droplet or action or something. It might be something we'll need to do for our own sites like you say as a filler until more are completed. I have put in a request for more text-only promo materials.
Here is a zip of some site reviews. You will need to edit them, but it's one more thing I can offer at the moment.

2005-06-25, 02:12 PM
Feel free to use this fine banner that I created in 32.6 seconds.

Hardcore 2257 Compliant Banner (http://www.maladaptedmedia.com/useless_shit/hardcore.gif)

a gay banner. (http://www.maladaptedmedia.com/useless_shit/gay.gif)

2005-06-25, 03:44 PM
hehe love that gay banner UW :D

2005-06-25, 04:02 PM
|pink Well, gotta make money in this biz someplace :D need banners quick and easy make them wth this i have used it for 2 years its great Banners (http://www.clixGalore.com/PSale.aspx?BID=27091&AfID=96143&AdID=1537)

2005-06-25, 04:30 PM
Thanks for the laugh UW... Those are some kickass banners, Hey, the straight one might actually get someone to click!

2005-06-25, 04:59 PM
The gay banner is a classic.

2005-06-25, 06:10 PM
LMAO UW......love the gay banner :D

2005-06-25, 07:48 PM
A nice little text tool is X-Fonter from Black Sun. One helpful thing is it lets me use the +20,000 fonts on a CD without installing them.

2005-06-26, 04:21 PM
We released a bunch of new softcore, and text banners a few weeks ago. The older, more explicit ones have been left up for those who prefer to use them and feel safe doing so.

2005-06-26, 07:38 PM
a gay banner. (http://www.maladaptedmedia.com/useless_shit/gay.gif)

Lololol..OMG..TOO FUNNY..
uw, i NEED ABOUT 25 for some gay avs sites, ok?


2005-06-26, 09:18 PM
We released a bunch of new softcore, and text banners a few weeks ago. The older, more explicit ones have been left up for those who prefer to use them and feel safe doing so.

I think this is the perfect way of doing things - some of the new "softcore" banners I have seen quite frankly suck eggs, and look exactly like what they are - thrown together at the last minute. I wish more sponsors would leave the older ones up (as long as they have the docs themselves, of course) and let the individual affiliate decide what they want to use.



2005-06-27, 03:07 AM
Ponygirl, the problem is US affiliates will make the mistake and start using them without the documents, and then get in trouble.

So instead of allowing us to be adults, programs are choosing to play it safe.

Oh well!


2005-06-27, 03:22 AM
This is what I don't get, I gotta be missing something so please someone tell me what that is. If a sponsor - wait, it has FINALLY just come to me. I was going to say, if a sponsor has a hardcore banner they have removed, why do I need to remove it from my server if I personally don't want to, it would be me (if I was in the US) breaking the law right? So I should be allowed to download a hardcore banner and serve it if I wish. So why can't I? Because of course if the sponsor doesn't have the docs then they can't put it up in the first instance for me to download.
Phew, if anyone else was still wondering, there it is (although you're all probably way ahead of me!). I still don't agree with sponsors telling me I need to remove certain banners if it's myself that's hosting them, and I don't fall under the US law, or for people like Jim and Useless Warrior, if they plain don't want to.

2005-06-27, 04:55 AM
Layman's opinion: Said sponsor can:
1) File a DMCA against you for copyright infringement, since they have recended said rights to distribute/publish said banner.
2) They can terminate you because their new TOS states you are now inviolation of their policies concerning promotion of their sites.

It's a business decision, not a legal decision, in this situation. If you are using "their" banners then you play by their rules. If you wanna build your own banners with hardcore content then I don't think they can really justify axing you - as long as your marketing is within the confins of their TOS and the bounds of said site's genre.
It's akin to building sites/galleries for Lightspeed (at least a while back) with marketing text saying "Watch Tawny Stone Gag on Big Mongolian Cocks Now!" - false advertising and mis-representation of the sponsor program == you're axed.

2005-06-27, 08:27 AM
They can feel free to axe me. If they are pulling the tools necessary to promote them just because they're afraid of a little prison time, fuck them anyway. I think most people realize that I'm far too lazy to build my own banners.

I'm in the process of following MML's advice from Saturday's OTB. I'm adding text links and pulling most banners, starting with Whoring Wives (which now accepts free sites, btw ;) ) but it's not because sponsors have told me to do so. (It's because MML did) I'm a rebel. |viking|

2005-06-27, 09:14 AM
I hear what you're saying Venturi, I probably didn't make myself that clear. I realise thaey can drop me, file a dmca if they really wanted to, but my question is why? From a legal or a business standpoint, why would someone take umbrage to a banner someone else is hosting, of their own free will, knowing and accepting that they and only they are not covered, to promote that companies product? Assuming of course that the model(s) are of legal age, which I'm to the persuasion of believing, seeing as the banner(s) were available up until this new change to the law, which is more of a record keeping situation than the other possibility?

I may be (and often am) completely wrong, but what kind of business decision is that? Of course, it is their choice to require that, as said, it's their program so you got to play by their rules or get another sponsor :)

Not sure about the part being akin to the false or misleading advertising, after all, a site that had hardcore banners I assume had/has hardcore content.

2005-06-27, 09:37 AM
Ponygirl, the problem is US affiliates will make the mistake and start using them without the documents, and then get in trouble.

So instead of allowing us to be adults, programs are choosing to play it safe.

Oh well!


oh that's right, I forgot most people can't be trusted to make their own decisions.
(you think I'm kidding, right? ;) )

I don't know what % US affilliates make up for most sponsors, but I think some are really alienating a large group - and for what? what happens if this joke of a law is scrapped -esp the 2ndary producer crap - will they allow the hardcore stuff again? I think not - I think that your powers that be are trying to bully and intimitate us out of business, and put the threat there that even if this doesn't go through -watch out cuz they will keep trying.

I started in this biz not too long ago, so I can deal with whatever needs to be pulled or changed as I don't have a ton of it yet...I feel for those who have had their whole livelihoods destroyed by this.

It's also disappointing to see this whole fiasco with the TRO because I really think we need some cohesion in this industry to make sure everyone's free speech rights aren't just trampled on -it will certainly affect much more than just porn in the long run.

I better stop now cuz I'm in a shitty mood anyway & I'll just go on forever :D


2005-06-27, 10:00 AM
I have to be a dumb guy here |waves| & ask this question:

what will happened if a sale comes from my hardcore banner for witch I, of course don't have 2257 :-) & that banner lies on one of my long forgotten domains & sponsor has that particular banner taken off because of 2257 ... will sponsor count it as before or check from where did it come from or ... what ever?!

You see I got to ask it because it's a bit strange that my sales have dropped since 23rd while the source is the same (yahoo) & oddly enough amount of traffic is the same (so no summer slowdown here)!?

Anyone experienced or have the same worries?! or am I just being paranoid :D

2005-06-27, 10:29 AM
I couldn't agree more...reading the thread about how LLs are deleting sites left & right, all I want to do is SUBMIT!! :D

?? care to elaborate?

2005-06-27, 10:31 AM

I've had just the opposite - sales have just about doubled since 6/23 - maybe the banners I was using just sucked...now I'm using mostly text links |thumb

2005-06-27, 01:50 PM
?? care to elaborate?

hehe...I only submit to LL owners :D

2005-06-27, 02:12 PM
It is very interesting to see all the banners that are either changing or the image is just an X on the page. I'm paying right now to have banners made and asked for them to not be hardcore. But I also make my own as a one man band here. I have no inspiration other then UW banners / banner. I think I came to this post to late as I only saw a BIG red and white text one that was funny as hell.

2005-06-27, 02:37 PM
Ponygirl, some sponsors are leaving their hardcore banners up for non-US people, just got to look around and maybe find some new ones. :) For the ones pulling them, I think it's different reasons for different ones -- some don't have the docs for them, some don't trust affils to use the right ones, some might be worried about that conspiracy clause. I really wish they'd get their new ones up though.

Some of my sponsors are a little confused about what softcore/exempt means too. I have one program that has S&M all over their new-2257exempt-nobody-needs-docs banners. |huh

Useless, are your banners for lease? :D

2005-06-27, 02:52 PM
madleinx - yes, I'm lookin :)
I think this is going to affect the sponsors WAY more than the affiliates, to be honest - I see lots of shifting tides here. I don't care really what kind of banners are available, soft, hard, flashy or not it really doesn't matter if they are done well. I have also noticed that some of these new "softcore" banners are, well, not really softcore lol.

My main beef is the lack of them - if they had been replaced on an ongoing basis or all at once, I don't think I'd be bitching (or at least I'd find something else to bitch about:D)


2005-06-28, 05:33 AM
Pusher ... Thanks on the info. I might as well try mostly text link way :-)

Kenny B!
2005-06-30, 10:08 AM
I do wish all sponsors would provide layered PSD files so that we could just make our own.

Is this something most affiliates are looking for? I have never had a request for our banner psd files but woule be more then happy to start offering them if this is something affiliates can use.

2005-06-30, 10:16 AM
Is this something most affiliates are looking for? I have never had a request for our banner psd files but woule be more then happy to start offering them if this is something affiliates can use.
I'm not sure how many affiliates have the necessary graphics software and know-how to use the psd's, but there are definitely some of us that do.

2005-06-30, 10:42 AM
Kenny, at least reasonable PSD files with a clear background logo, and perhaps a text file with a short list of tag lines and such. It's not hard from there to come up with some reasonable banners.

The most boring job in the universe I think is using photoshop to cut out a logo from a site.



2005-06-30, 10:48 AM
I love it when a sponsor provides PSD files. It's nice not to have the same looking banner that everyone else has.

2005-06-30, 11:14 AM
Lotzadollars is has added a lot more softcore banners and more are on the way.


2005-06-30, 01:02 PM
I agree with Kenny - one thing I would add to the text file would be link codes ;)