View Full Version : Buying gallery spots for teen/babe

2003-08-27, 08:49 PM
Im looking for a few more places for buying gallery spots if any of you guys have something going hit me on ICQ 77762980

Extreme John
2003-08-27, 08:52 PM
Sorry no icq, Im about to hit the couch, lord knows if I fire up Icq im screwed.

have you checked chickentraffic? He's got plenty of Teen flying through there.

2003-08-27, 09:09 PM
I dont do very well on that traffic and I have tested it Im not sure why they must have people doing sales from it or it would go out of buisness but for me it bearly payed for itself.
For me it seems alot of tgp's use there bottom links to feed choker and this is where the freeloader non buying surfer ends up.
Also you have the problem that if the guy above you has allready sent them to the paysite and they have had alook around the surfer is still carrying there cookie. I preffer top 10 placement

Extreme John
2003-08-27, 09:25 PM
Check with Nick at Pink World, my Teen sites always did excellent there, if not there we always had luck with our Teen stuff on Bizzaro and Greg pix, oh and Freeheaven.

Dr Bizzaro
2003-08-27, 10:55 PM
I have a Teen Category and sell daily spots.

Hit me up on ICQ if your interested.

Extreme John
2003-08-27, 10:56 PM
p.s Bake I forgot to add that we always di well with bizzaro and that was before I even bought real good spots from him. Shit if the guy that came to my house to install an extra Cable line brought up Bizzaro's site out of nowhere, you know his damn traffic is golden.

2003-08-27, 11:57 PM
My cable guy didn't give me any porn surfing tips. :(

Shemp sells gallery spots too.

Extreme John
2003-08-28, 12:01 AM
haha he didnt actually give me a tip, he asked why I had so many TV lines and High Speed lines, I told him because I ran a porn site here or there at the time, he said, "Oh me and all my friends love that .... Dr. Bizzaro guy, thats a great site".

I told him yeah I really loved the Bizzaro site with 1 Z....

JK Biz you know I love you.

Dr Bizzaro
2003-08-28, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by Extreme John
he said, "Oh me and all my friends love that .... Dr. Bizzaro guy, thats a great site".

I told him yeah I really loved the Bizzaro site with 1 Z....

JK Biz you know I love you.

DrBizzaro vs. Rip Off DrBizarro