View Full Version : I'm Back and GG and Jim don't drool!!!

2003-08-28, 10:39 AM
Thanks GG!!!|bananna|

OK I WAS going to post a thread saying until we hit the number of posts we had when the HD crashed you should change all the tag lines on the left to "Our Webmasters Rule and GG and Jim Drool"

But since you were so kind as to fix my posting problem I won't! I'll just post more!!!

2003-08-28, 10:59 AM
Welcoem back EclectiXXX - sorry about the posting problem :)

Extreme John
2003-08-28, 11:48 PM
Damn happy endings.... Just kidding, cant have the #1 board saying they drool.

2003-08-28, 11:56 PM
So true John, though I tend not to rank the boards. Each one I frequent has somnething to offer....

(yes I know GG and J is right where it needs to be traffic wise... Sound investment for advertisers...)

2003-08-29, 07:40 AM
There are other boards?! |shocking|