View Full Version : Hey all you people with DVD collections....

Dr Bizzaro
2003-08-28, 08:00 PM
What are your top 5 favorite movies in your collection.

Here are mine, in no particular order:

1) Brazil
2) Memento
3) Taxi Driver
4) LOTR (both 1 and 2)
5) The Royal Tenenbaums

(Runners up include...The Matrix, Rushmore, Gangs of NY, Fight Club and American Movie.)

2003-08-28, 08:15 PM
Memento and Taxi driver kick ass!

Pulp Fiction, Snatch, Fight Club, Saving Private Ryan are a few of my favs!

2003-08-28, 11:18 PM
Seven (or should I say Se7en)
The Usual Suspects
Natural Born Killers
Fight Club
Futurama/FamilyGuy/Simpsons (I knwo that's 3 - lol)

2003-08-28, 11:55 PM
Queen Margot
The Last of the Mohicans
The time of the butterfly


Extreme John
2003-08-29, 12:06 AM
Ouch, this is a tough one... I cant really say all time favorite, I can say "Current Favorites"

1) 8 Mile
2) Gone in 60 Seconds
3) Green Mile
4) Hot Chick
5) Proof of Life

The Ring was a pretty sweet movie.

2003-08-29, 12:10 AM
These are in particular oder:

LOR 1-2
Harry Potter 1-2
Bride of Chucky
Jason X
Halloween Resurection
Chicken Run
Red Dragon
Panic Room
Silence of The Lambs

|bananna| |bananna| |bananna|

2003-08-29, 12:13 AM
OK 5 current Favs...
1. Excalibur (Still rocks after all these years!!!)
2. Matrix (The first one I ever bought and made me buy a new TV and Sound system once I saw it on my old 1985 TV!)
3. LOTR 2 Towers
4. Die Another Day (Sorry a Madonna and James Bond and Pierce Brosnan freak...)
5. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Gotta love the coconuts and the catapulted cows!!!)

2003-08-29, 02:57 AM
I've been enjoying the TV series DVDs. My sweetie and I really like watching Babylon 5 together. I like the Farscape DVDs. Dark Angel was fun. I think I'm going to buy the Deep Space Nine DVDs.

Any science fiction, any decent action-adventure, when it comes out, I buy it.

2003-08-29, 07:24 AM
Let's see...in mixed order...

Terminator 2
The Blues Brothers
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Shaft (original)
The Mummy (first - I have always dig adventures and Egypt)

and, of course

The Who - The Kids Are Allright (my favourite rock band - this movie plays at once in a week in small window in my desktop when I work)

2003-08-29, 07:43 AM
You have to be impressed with Lord Of The Rings on DVD :)

Glad I read the book first though.

2003-08-29, 07:48 AM
Originally posted by urb
You have to be impressed with Lord Of The Rings on DVD :)

Glad I read the book first though. I'm glad they made it into movies. I tried several times to read the first book and never got out of the shire. It made me |zzzzzzzzz

I prefer the extended versions. I think they may be closest to the book.

2003-08-29, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by Surfn
It made me zzzzzzzzz

I prefer the extended versions. I think they may be closest to the book.

guess you'll never know how close they are...


In no particular order but the covers are worn and torn:

The Adventures of Indiana Jones
(all 3 in 1 set)
Seven Samauri
Shaka Zulu
Interview with a Vampire *actually the very 1st dvd we ever bought*..

of course with the Sept release of Shogun and Oct with Star Wars.. somethign will be replaced!!


2003-08-29, 04:37 PM
1) Dead Poets Society - One of the best ever made.
2) The godfather Box - Your just stunned.
3) LOTR - Can it be more magnificent?
5) The Deer Hunter - Hard & Raw
4) Hellraiser 1 to 3 - Well, if you are twisted you will love 'em.

2003-08-29, 07:40 PM
1. Fast & the Furious - of course :)
2. LOTR 1+2
3. Training Day
4. Star Trek Complete seasons DVD collection (ok its not movies)
5. Matrix


Actually LOTR 2 has just been released over here... just finished watching it now. Funny that this thread should show up just now too :)

2003-08-29, 07:54 PM
1.Lord Of The Rings-Two Towers
2.Lord Of The Rings-The Fellowship of the Ring
3.5th Element
5.Gladiator is tied up with Dambo |flyaway|

Extreme John
2003-08-29, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by urb
You have to be impressed with Lord Of The Rings on DVD :)

Glad I read the book first though.

I have no urge to watch any of the Lords of the Rings flicks, the commercials alone piss me off :)