View Full Version : wanna trade?

2003-08-28, 08:44 PM
lets trade.. |shake|




what you think

Dr Bizzaro
2003-08-28, 08:47 PM
I think with the pop up's you might have a hard time finding non-pop up site trades.

Just my opinion.

2003-08-28, 08:51 PM
What the Doctor said.

2003-08-28, 09:00 PM
is just a simple popunder.
nothing else..

i dont do popuphell or something..

2003-08-28, 09:11 PM
That would be one too many. Most places will not trade with a page popping any consoles.

Anyway with most of the new browsers blocking popups it's wasted effort.

Also, you need to use a smaller image in your tag, 120x60 is the maximum size.

2003-09-01, 09:52 AM
Wanna trade now?

i remove the exit consoles..

there are no popups in the site...

im getting like 7.5k day

i added my page to bizzaro site but not getting any back :P

Dr Bizzaro
2003-09-01, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by thediablo
i added my page to bizzaro site but not getting any back :P

I don't just pop up perment links when ever someone asks for them. If I did, I would have 20 pages of links to 1000's and 1000's of sites. But I did add you into the database like I said I would.
My rules are simple and they apply to everyone.

The reason you are not getting anything back is because I do not run a blind link or a CJ site. I don't force my traffic to exit. I use a real trade script. The more you send, the higher you climb the list and the more you get back.

I just looked at my incoming stats from your site and it looks like you sent 30 uniques yesterday and 18 so far today.

It will take quite a bit more to even start showing up the Runners Up list. (http://www.drbizzaro.com/runnersup.html)

2003-09-01, 10:45 AM
ok :)

just need to make sure im in your DB.

thanks dude.

and dont get mad :P

Dr Bizzaro
2003-09-01, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by thediablo
ok :)

just need to make sure im in your DB.

thanks dude.

and dont get mad :P

I'm not mad. I was just explaining the situation.