View Full Version : Hardlink trades from adultreviews.net PR5 - PR5 and above or traffic wanted

2007-03-23, 10:06 AM
I have opened up for frontpage links at http://www.adultreviews.net/

Look in the bottom center
"Links to other quality porn sites"

I'm interested in trading with:
- quality sites with PR5 and above
- lower PR, but targeted traffic going in our direction

I'm not interested in linkfarms without any value for the surfer.

Your site shall be worth linking to.

If you are interested, reply to this post or email me, thomas@adultreviews.net

2007-03-24, 03:46 AM
you got email

2007-03-24, 02:08 PM
I am interested, very nice site. My site TripleXworld.com (http://www.triplexworld.com/) is pr4 according to toolbar, but should be hitting pr5 on next export.

Let me know if you're interested. :)

2007-03-24, 06:47 PM
I'd be very interested as well, I have a PR 6 linklist at http://www.youngsmut.com "Cunt Master's" that has been online since early '98.
I can do a straight trade or ABC where I link to you and you link to my PR 4 site at http://www.findavagina.com "House of Fine Vagina".
Feel free to PM me.

2007-03-26, 05:14 AM
I have replied to everyone who was interested or has contacted me.
Let me know if I forgot you.

There are room for more, so if you haven't emailed me, feel free to do so.

If you have PR4 or below, and wanna trade, please submit your details here

If your is linkworthy, it will be listed in one of those categories:

2007-03-26, 10:03 AM
You should see my site in your linktrade script! Thanks!

2007-03-26, 10:14 AM
You should see my site in your linktrade script! Thanks!

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