View Full Version : New Site: Video-Clips-Porn update/cont..

2007-10-01, 10:39 PM
Hey everyone,

Sorry for the dead air. I've been working hard on my follow up to Video-clips-porn... taking the lessons I learned from that site and applying it to this one. Subsequently, I've expanded the basic idea and added much more flexibility. As it stands, I'm about 3/4 finished the new, hopefully definitive site. It should be up and running over the next couple of weeks (hopefully).

Some of the changes:
- Instead of just one page, there are a ton of categorized pages you'll be able to put your links in, straight and gay. This will address the main problem I found with VCP, which was that the traffic wasn't 'specialized' enough (general videos is too vague I think).
- You'll have the option of displaying fhgs (like before), but also your own free sites, blog sites, banners and more.
- You can have all of your inbound links under one account..with an unlimited number of inbound links.
- Instead of 'slots' like on VCP, you'll receive a certain amount of 'credits' depending on which page you link to. In turn, you 'spend' those credits on the kind of outbound links of your choice (see above). One inbound link could potentially result in as many as 100-200 links.
- I'll also be giving all users the option to contribute to the front page blog. You will be able to write an original blog entry of a certain # of words, along with an image, and it will get featured on the front page of the site for a certain number of days (to be decided, depending on volume of entries). After that, it will be displayed in the archives section indefinitely (for search engines to pick up). This will cost no credits at all. All you'll need is one inbound link and you could write a million blog entries for all I care, lol.
- There is no longer a cap on the number of total slots. On vcp there were 1500 slots to give out. That doesn't exist anymore. That being said, it's better to get in early, because the cost (in credits) for various outbound links will go up as competition for the various types/categories goes up.

Anyway, I've decided to give those who joined Video-Clips-porn (before this posting), 500 bonus credits, as a thank you for helping me work out the kinks. This is the equivalent, roughly speaking, of two PR4 sites linking to the front page. I'll say more about this as the time gets closer.

So... I'll keep you guys posted as the launch date gets closer.

As always, any feedback is welcome.