View Full Version : Hey TushyJay - Let's Piss In Public

2008-10-06, 06:34 PM
TushyJay (http://www.greenguysboard.com/board/member.php?u=10036)is picking on me |huh

Here's the unedited emails - you decide.

Mine are regular - his are in bold


Your submission:
Site Name: Perfect Tushies
Site URL: http://perfecttushies.com/
Category: Butts

Has been rejected and it will not be listed.

That's Not A Free Site

Please go to this page for more information:

If you need to contact me about your site, please do so on my message board:

Greenguy Link O'Rama - http://www.link-o-rama.com/


info@perfecttushies.com to greenguy
show details 5:26 PM (1 hour ago) Reply

I got this rejection. Now if you saw a premium site, it means you hit my error 403, because mod_security blocked you. I have had 2 people blocked because mod_security found that they were spoofing or hiding their ip address. That is the only way you could think my site is premium, it is a free butt rating site, I charge not a cent and do not even have registrations except the forum.


Like the email says, Please go to this page for more information:



I did. 5 times last night and 2 times now. It is not a gallery. It is similar to project voyeur, is a submission site where users can rate pics and post 25 MB files in the forum and even has WAP, WAP2, and iMode. I charge nothing and it is far more than a gallery, if that is what you are refering to. What did you do, look at one page and move on? Nevermind, your site is cluttered and chaotic anyway.


Are you sure you read that page?
"This is a Link List that lists Free sites. We do not list Galleries, AVS Sites, Pay Sites, Tube Sites, Blogs, Top Lists, etc."

OR...Maybe it was the rules page that you didn't read before you submitted:
"1 - I only list Free Sites (warning page leads to main page leads to gallery pages) No galleries, no pay sites, no avs sites."

And why would you request to have your site listed on a my "cluttered and chaotic" site in the 1st place?

I don't list "Rate My XXXXX" sites - I never have. I'm not sure what lead you to assume that I did, but next time you submit yoru site to have it reviewed, you might want to make sure the other site lists sites like yours instead of wasting everyone's time.



Truly not sure, insanity perhaps. Funny that you don't act this arrogant in person, the web does many things to our egos.


No, I'm an asshole offline as well.


lol, you sure weren't to me when you whined for me to leave you alone back in 98. Still a sissy hiding behind Jim. I had my name legally changed, but I will let you ponder tha, I am done wasting time, gotta check my Hun traffic now for my other site.


So 10 years ago I wasn't an asshole when I whined for you to leave me alone? Yeah, that makes sense.

The only thing that does make sense about "10 years ago" is the concept of a "rate my ass" site - you come up with that one on your own?

Why don't you change your name for a 2nd time & then go check your al4a or worldsex traffic, because dropping the names of big TGP sites sends shivers down my spine.

Keep hiding behind your keyboard & giggling becuase you know who I am but I'm scratching my head about you. Beat your chest a few times while your at it. You're a fucking genius!


Not really, I make my money off software sales, nice try retard. I can afford to advertise. I don't cheat contests for free cars and shit, I actually earn a living:O


The car is in the garage - it's gont less than 1300 miles on it & it's in MINT condition. I plan on selling it in 2010 when it's 10 years old.

Any other fond memories you want me to relive?


Lol, your fond memories are all the type that makes you a miserable and lonely old man when you get older, you'll have plenty of time to flashback. Nobody's glory lasts forever.


Thread started.

2008-10-06, 06:46 PM
Oops - I didn't see the PM I got that he sent before all this happened

Hey Greenie, I am confused, they said my site is not a free site?


Am I missing something, Sir?

Funny how he was all "I'm a newbie" before I got pissed off with his comments about my site & then he dropped his new persona.

2008-10-06, 06:47 PM
Wow, you are stil so mature. At least you admitted cheating the contest finally. Greenie is just mad that I blocked his email. Waaa.

Your site is still a cluttered piece of crap dude. Pervert traffic means nothing to me. I get better conversions out of my google listings than with most link exchanges and TGPs.

On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 6:27 PM, <info@perfecttushies.com> wrote:

Lol, your fond memories are all the type that makes you a miserable and lonely old man when you get older, you'll have plenty of time to flashback. Nobody's glory lasts forever.
----- Original Message -----
From: Greenguy
To: info@perfecttushies.com
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: Greenguy Link O'Rama Link Rejected

The car is in the garage - it's gont less than 1300 miles on it & it's in MINT condition. I plan on selling it in 2010 when it's 10 years old.

Any other fond memories you want me to relive?

On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 6:18 PM, <info@perfecttushies.com> wrote:

Not really, I make my money off software sales, nice try retard. I can afford to advertise. I don't cheat contests for free cars and shit, I actually earn a living:O

2008-10-06, 06:53 PM
The say you stop treating your guests like shit and cheating people, I will eat my foot.

2008-10-06, 06:57 PM
Strange how you "blocked" my email, yet you posted to this thread 10 minutes after I sent you the link to it.

Poor Tushy Jay :( Now everyone knows he's not a dear-in-the-headlights newbie that's excited about traffic from PK (not that she has a link to him, but he'd like for you to believe that) No longer am I referred to as "sir" an he's not pretending to be redirecting IP's because I might be confused.

Good luck with your Rate My Ass website & I hope you enjoy reliving 1998 all over again |thumb

2008-10-06, 06:59 PM
There's a rumor that I got thrown out of dmoz for cheating, too!

2008-10-06, 07:04 PM
Your site is still a cluttered piece of crap dude. Pervert traffic means nothing to me. I get better conversions out of my google listings than with most link exchanges and TGPs.Wow. Just wow.

Look at the little whining pussy boy bitch about not getting listed at the site he refers to as a "cluttered piece of crap." Must hurt a bit being that your own ZERO TRAFFIC site sucks so much that it can't even get listed on a "cluttered piece of crap."

Fucking idiot.

2008-10-06, 07:20 PM
Oh shit, you hurt my feelings and that was my only site. boo hoo.

2008-10-06, 07:21 PM
As I said, Greenguy's dick suckers. Peace, keep talk about my site:) |bananna|

2008-10-06, 07:28 PM
Peace, keep talk about my site:) |bananna|

As far as I know just about everyone that was truly around 10 years ago.. could speak English?


2008-10-06, 07:29 PM
Peace = Please?
talk = talking?
TushyJay = DoucheBag?

2008-10-06, 08:28 PM
Hey TushyJay,

Learn to read, rules are easy, and if you've been around since 19xx whatever you should know what a free site is. Loser.

Mr. Blue
2008-10-06, 11:21 PM
I never get crazy people like this contacting me...the best I ever get is some Russian and he's always polite, even if it's the same person for 20 different names.

2008-10-07, 01:51 AM
Why is it always the people that don't need your traffic, think that you're immature and are making so much more money then you always act so immature when they don't get your traffic?

Why is he calling you Sir? Is he getting us confused?

Why does he says he's done and then keep replying to you?

Why would anyone legally change their name unless they're a sissy afraid of someone else?

Why do people say you treat your guests poorly? That's wrong.

Oh well, time for me to go get some sleep and dream about arrogant, lonely and immature people.

2008-10-07, 02:10 AM
I never get crazy people like this contacting me...the best I ever get is some Russian and he's always polite, even if it's the same person for 20 different names.
Me too. :D

I have to say I really hate it when someone fling's shit without revealing their identity, especially when they infer that they've crossed paths in the past.

Bad form.

2008-10-07, 02:39 AM

2008-10-07, 02:40 AM
Maybe he changed his name from Marty McFly.

If so then he needs to fix his flex capacitor and take his bacon back to 98. Then he should be able to get that site listed.

2008-10-07, 02:52 AM
drama on GG&&J ! ;-)

NY Jester
2008-10-07, 03:29 AM
Greenie, I'll glady take the traffic you would send to his site ..I dont mind the clutter, in fact I am rather used to it :)

Any idea who Tushy is ? Bitter ex lover? Scorned submitter? Disgruntled Fantasy league Loser? Regular Joe Asshole?

2008-10-07, 08:27 AM
I knew doing this in public would put a stop to it. Another Keyboard Warrior shot down in flames!


2008-10-07, 08:48 AM
I always get a kick out of how people submit to a site but when they get rejected they shoot it down calling it a piece of shit site, LOL.

2008-10-07, 09:21 AM
I knew doing this in public would put a stop to it. Another Keyboard Warrior shot down in flames!


After readng all this I think it is safe to assume that sending you shitty emails won't get my rejects listed....|huh :D :D

2008-10-07, 01:20 PM


Join Date 10-06-2008
Total Posts 11
TushyJay has not made any friends yet


2008-10-07, 05:21 PM
Wonder where the 2257 information is on these user submitted pics?

2008-10-07, 10:13 PM
I love a good pissing thread, been a while since the last one. :)


2008-10-08, 01:38 AM

TushyJay is a retard.

2008-10-08, 03:50 AM
I knew doing this in public would put a stop to it. Another Keyboard Warrior shot down in flames!


Nah, I already got what I wanted, to piss you off and to get some exposure. Any business man knows that negative exposure is just as effective. I could give a rats ass to be honest.

I am a retart with a 145 IQ, so that is just fine with me, Sir. I only wrote half of the php software you unskilled people use. It is so hard to post porn links, what a strong skill set. Hell, Greenie does not even know anything about web design, his site only breaks ever design rule.

But have fun, this thread is boring. |catfight| over, getting lame.

2008-10-08, 04:14 AM
...his site only breaks ever design rule.
Since coding credentials seem to be important to you, let me fill in mine so perhaps the statement I make afterward will carry more weight.

I took my first programming course in 1977. I have a bachelors degree in Computer Science that pre-dates the existence of the Worldwide Web by more than a decade, and I've been self-employed doing custom web applications (ASP & PHP) and site design since 1998.

Who cares whether a site follows design rules? In this biz it's the bottom line that matters. It doesn't have to be pretty to make money. In fact, quite often pretty sites don't convert well at all.

2008-10-08, 04:23 AM
I am a retart with a 145 IQ

And on that bombshell, I'm outta here!


2008-10-08, 04:52 AM
I only wrote half of the php software you unskilled people use.

Ah, I guess you write utter crap software then, since most of the PHP stuff available (with a few exceptions) are the product of a 9 year old on uppers.

Just so you know, I've written more applications than I care to list in Perl, some small, some large (operating on terabyte databases). Do you really want to get into a programming pissing match? Think carefully...

Oh, and Mr. 145 IQ, it's still spelled "retard". Nice work.

2008-10-08, 10:18 AM
What's wrong with my site design? Please tell me so that I can let Richard know the design I stole from him is flawed!

retart (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=retart&defid=865467)
An offshoot of retard, however more in the sense of social abilities and common sense things.
JC, you are a retart. You are a Math major, yet you can't add.

TushyJay, you are a retart. You are a php coder, yet you run a Rate My Ass site.

or "to retart" Microwaving an already toastered pastry, such as a Toaster Strudel or Pop Tart.

2008-10-08, 02:48 PM
Wow this thread even brought out Urb!! |waves| hi Urb!!

or "to retart" Microwaving an already toastered pastry, such as a Toaster Strudel or Pop Tart.

that was "spit coffee on the monitor-knee slapping--foot stomping" Funny!! |jester|


2008-10-08, 02:51 PM
Damn, if I had known that this thread would still have been going on I would have stopped on my way home and picked up some stones.

2008-10-08, 04:43 PM
or "to retart" Microwaving an already toastered pastry, such as a Toaster Strudel or Pop Tart.

That's GOLD! Comedy gold :D

so is TushyJay actually "Al Gore"?


2008-10-08, 09:18 PM
Hmmmm.. or Dan Quayle.

Star Man
2008-10-08, 11:53 PM
Nah, I already got what I wanted, to piss you off and to get some exposure. Any business man knows that negative exposure is just as effective.

The next time I want to laugh my ass off at someone getting OWNED, I'll give you a call Tushy Gay!|thumb

2008-10-09, 11:06 AM
I am a retart with a 145 IQ, so that is just fine with me, Sir. I only wrote half of the php software you unskilled people use. It is so hard to post porn links, what a strong skill set. Hell, Greenie does not even know anything about web design, his site only breaks ever design rule.

But have fun, this thread is boring. |catfight| over, getting lame.

Lets face it, 99% of adult "webmasters" don't even know how to write a valid html document... look at any free porn site, most are 90's style garbage html wrapped around someone else's script. But as long as they do what they are meant to do - make money for the owner - does it need to change?

The way I see it this business is about marketing, not web development.
A computer science/IT professional calling webmasters unskilled is kinda like a doctor calling their patients unskilled because they couldn't cure themselves. |huh