View Full Version : Good Monday Morning
2008-12-22, 08:33 AM
Good morning everybody!
From COLD Alabama! 20 degrees this AM! Back in the 70's
by mid week tho! |thumb
|coffee Morning All.
Winter is here too: 20F and 3 inch o snow.
A brisk 64 here this morning. Way too cold for our southern asses which is one of the reasons we skipped last night's pagan winter solstice celebration in the park. That and we both seem to have come down with fucking colds again.
Just another mundane day of work and errands planed for today.
Good Morning
Kind of a busy work day today. And, lots more snow yesterday that has to be moved. But :)
I will be glad when this week is over. Skipping Christmas is a lot harder than it sounds.
Mornin' y'all,
Happy Hanukkah. Some friends of the Jewish persuasion are having a bunch of us over this afternoon for a fine feast.
Still working on my 2009 Global Domination Plan, sorting out some logisitical issues that may require modifications to the plan.
Cool here this AM as well, in the low 30's right now, but high temps are supposed get back into the 70's the rest of the week.
|coffee is on, help yourself...
2008-12-22, 09:10 AM
My wife comes home tomorrow, so I have a bunch of cleaning to do today. I haven't let the place fall into havoc while she's been gone, but it seems only right to get all the laundry and dishes and everyday nonsense done before she gets here, especially if I want to have any sexy time.
I've done most of the xmas shopping, but I'll need her to help me come up with some ideas. I laid all of the kids' stuff out on my bed and my daughter's pile of gifts take of up less space than the average plastic grocery bag. All she asked for were a few specific books and games for the Xbox, her PC and a Nintendo DS which I've never seen. At least she finally figured out what she wants. My son was a little more vague, but this is one of his requests that I purchased at Target the other day - the Nerf Vulcan ( As if I don't get ambushed enough in this house.
By the way, it finally stopped snowing.
2008-12-22, 09:13 AM
Good Morning Everyone |waves|
2008-12-22, 09:35 AM
Good Morning from Nova Scotia. Drove here yesterday and made it 1.5 hours from my brother's before I got hit by the snow storm making the last hour a longer drive. Power is out at his place here, thankfully I got one of those new Internet Sticks before coming down so all is good.
Been offline for a few days thanks to having to drive to NYC Friday and back Saturday. Wife's plane was cancelled and with all the tickets to shows and my daughter dancing wih the Rockette's experience I drove them there. 9 hours there thanks to the weather and 7 hours home Saturday. Then 14 hours here yesterday, time to relax for a few days and enjoy Christmas. :)
Now where is Tim Horton's again? LOL
2008-12-22, 09:48 AM
I am already finished my porn work for the day as I need to go out and continue my Christmas shopping and take my car in to be fixed (for the third time). It is cold here (-10C) but hey, it's winter. Have a great day everyone!
2008-12-22, 09:56 AM
Good Morning All :) Got Snow? We Do :)
2008-12-22, 10:52 AM
|snowman2 Good Monday
The snow in my yard is up to my nutsack!
My step-daughter decided that she was going to sleep here last night, but she got stuck in the driveway. Seeing as it was midnight, I stayed in bed. This morning we called the guy across the street that plows our driveway & he said he'd be over after the job he was on. So we went out & started to dig her out. The plan was to pull into the street, let him plow, Bob's your uncle. Well, the plowguy's mom came down their driveway & told us the plowguy was stuck. She asked if I could go with her to help him & I said yes. We drive a little down the road, hook up the tow-chain & out he comes. We get back & my driveway is plowed - the neighbor we don't really talk to felt bad for The Bitch & he helped us.
The way I look at it, I helped one & another helped me - my karma is even |thumb
Work today - might make some more candles & use them as xmas gifts |santa|
2008-12-22, 11:10 AM
My wife comes home tomorrow, so I have a bunch of cleaning to do today. I haven't let the place fall into havoc while she's been gone, but it seems only right to get all the laundry and dishes and everyday nonsense done before she gets here, especially if I want to have any sexy time.
If you want to make her feel needed then leave the place a mess :)
Don't tell her I said that though.
2008-12-22, 11:27 AM
Well I'm done shopping and have everything wrapped |bananna|
UW all I have to say is DUCK! Nurf toys rock!
My grandson want the Star Wars Millenium Falcon! It's a huge spaceship that does all kinds of neat stuff. Santa will be putting it under the tree, just not sure who is more excited about it |jester|
Once again the Bucs have fallen apart and took themselves out of the playoffs yesterday. Garcia took a mean hit and got up and played with blood pouring down his face. He may be little but he sure is tough.
Have a nice day all!
2008-12-22, 11:28 AM
Good Morning :)
It's raining here again which is good because we need it. Lots of work to do and thats about it.
2008-12-22, 11:28 AM
good morning everyone |waves|
well I'm just finishing up a few things then I'm gonna take it easy for a couple of days. Hopefully medicated in some fashion, as the three men in my life are making me CRAZY already and there's still 2 weeks of vacation to go |loony|
UW, I found that same problem the last couple of years - with the boys all wanting electronic stuff (games, videos etc) the pile of gifts looks decidedly meager compared to the big fisher price type stuff they used to get lol. Plus it's harder now to keep things even between them, cuz you bet your ass they keep score :D
hope you are all having a happy holiday, and warm wishes to everyone from ME |santa|
2008-12-22, 11:38 AM
Good morning my snow blowing friends :)
It's raining over here on the west coast. Some work on the platter today also.
Have a good day everyone :)
2008-12-22, 11:38 AM
I want some snow, send some of it my way.
It's been years since we've had any decent snowfall.
working with my eagles hat on today, getting razzed for supporting a bunch o losers.
When you're a fan you're a fan in good times and in bad.
2008-12-22, 11:47 AM
Good Morning,
A bit of work to get done, then to the groomer with my dog, a bit of shopping and back to work, that is the plan for today.
Today I have the worst hangover in 2 years, I'm never drinking Jagermeister and Redb ull again. Or at least not in the next few days :)
I think I might watch some of those movies I have stuck on my harddrive today.
Have a better one than me all!
2008-12-22, 12:16 PM
Today I have the worst hangover in 2 years, I'm never drinking Jagermeister and Redb ull again. Or at least not in the next few days :)
I think I might watch some of those movies I have stuck on my harddrive today.
Have a better one than me all!
You been shooting Darts? That's a Dart Shooters drink for sure!
Torn Rose
2008-12-22, 12:47 PM
I so cannot wait for this christcrap is over with, I'm sick of the holiday BS and it seems to get worse every year.
Oh yeah, I'm tired of the snow and winds too, bring back my endless rain and 40F temps.
2008-12-22, 12:59 PM
Back from Grass Valley and it's nice to be home. But the problem is everyone's home so I won't be getting much work done. |cry|
Gotta clean the house with the wife and figure out if we got all of our kids covered or whether we'll have to do some last minute shopping.
2008-12-22, 02:06 PM
Have a good day all! I got nothing new.. well, some pain as the weather is changing for the worse.
Hey Fonz, grab some beer and a good nap. :)
2008-12-22, 02:26 PM
Good Day Everyone , Cold and snowy here nothing much today other than work and a nap or two :).
2008-12-22, 04:00 PM
Hope to have some snow for this Christmas...Enjoy the holidays!
2008-12-22, 04:54 PM
If you want to make her feel needed then leave the place a mess :)
Don't tell her I said that though.
I'm going to have the house as clean as my abilities allow, but I'm also going to tell her that you said that. :)
Well I'm done shopping and have everything wrapped
Fuck! I forgot to buy wrapping paper. I suck as a single parent. Thanks for the reminder.
UW, I found that same problem the last couple of years - with the boys all wanting electronic stuff (games, videos etc) the pile of gifts looks decidedly meager compared to the big fisher price type stuff they used to get lol. Plus it's harder now to keep things even between them, cuz you bet your ass they keep score :DYeah, I wish those $40-$60 a pop video games came in bigger boxes. I told Sandy that was going to put them in big boxes anyway, to make the tree look full and make it more of a surprise when they open them. As it stands, I may as well leave my daughter's gifts unwrapped because she'll know exactly what she has the moment she sees them. I think every parent wants to give their kids as much as possible and it's troublesome to spend all that money and have that tree look empty on Festivus morning. You feel like you've somehow failed as a parent and as a capitalist.
2008-12-22, 05:18 PM's only 2pm.. i'm EARLY today.. We are overcast and have had so much rain/snow that I actually have grass sprouting on my lawn.
I've been out running around dropping off gifts to the minions and running errands. I have 14 XXXmas cards ready to go and every time i'm at the grocery, I forget to buy stamps. forget the lines at the PO right now..
We are leaving midday on Wednesday and won't be back till midday-ish on Friday. Such a long distance.. the RugDawg and I are checking into one of the local hotels for the 2 days so we can go to the movies, bowling and play bingo without having to worry about the crazy people on the street. The $100.00 it's costing me is well worth the effort. His dad is coming over for "holiday" morning breakfast and gift exchange. today my son informs me that he'd like all of his gifts wrapped which means I have to schlep to the store and find gift wrap for him.
Otherwise just continued work and oh more work.
cheers and let's hope the mailman brings bags full of checks for everyone.
2008-12-22, 07:37 PM
Good morning world |waves|
Okay, so I'm either late or really early for tomorrow. You think you can put things off to the last minute because you're ordering online but then big storms close some small stores and icy roads slow guaranteed shipping times for others so you wind up spending hours finding replacements for things you thought were checked off the list already.
Okay, yeah, so late, fine.
See y'all tomorrow.
2008-12-22, 07:43 PM
Good evening everyone... Just another day of snow snow and more snow...
NY Jester
2008-12-22, 09:41 PM
Hello all my snowed in, rained on, half frozen, nearly back with the wife buds. Does the term "chicken with its head cut off" ring a bell..yeah thats me. My mothers hip is giving her grief so Im playing "runner"...guess thats better than being a fluffer.
Tomorrow more of the same
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