View Full Version : Good Monday Morning :)

2009-01-26, 06:47 AM
Good morning all :) Well I got up at 445 am for no good reason other than that I got nothing.

2009-01-26, 07:11 AM
Good morning world |waves|

Been up a couple of hours here too. Time to make more coffee and go put this notebook on the desk and plug in the externals. Lots of work to get done this week so it doesn't carry over into next month.

See some of you in the Work & Lurk Chat (http://www.greenguysboard.com/irc/).


2009-01-26, 07:21 AM
Good morning. :)

2009-01-26, 07:38 AM
Good Morning Everyone |waves|

2009-01-26, 07:40 AM
Good Morning, looks like we will be going shopping for a new mattress for my friends that stay with me. I hate that.

2009-01-26, 08:07 AM
Good morning,
I hate Mondays. But this one started good.

2009-01-26, 08:09 AM
Good Morning, looks like we will be going shopping for a new mattress for my friends that stay with me. I hate that.

What do you hate? Shopping, your friends that stay with you or a new mattress?

Sorry, couldn't resist, Tek :) Based on the amount of rain you get in your avatar, you have min pneumonia or even worse. Stop that rain please.

2009-01-26, 08:40 AM
My last full day of being a bag lady before tomorrow's de-tubing.

|popcorn| We had another couple over last night and finally watched Wall-e last night. |thumb

Just more of the same old planned for today. Guess I should get my ass out of bed and walk over to my office and get my fat ass to work.

2009-01-26, 08:44 AM
Good Morning All. |waves|
Another cold day here and nothing more.

2009-01-26, 08:54 AM
Good morning all. Damn glad to be here :)

2009-01-26, 08:59 AM
Good Morning.

Today I start a workout program, yeah. Much needed though. Work as usual otherwise.

2009-01-26, 09:27 AM
Good Morning Everyone!

Another cold one here, glad im stuck working indoors today ;)

Have a good one.

2009-01-26, 09:39 AM
Good Monday Peoples |waves|

I re-watched |batman yesterday before the NHL All Star Game. Then I used a free On Demand coupon I had to rent Mirrors. I openly laughed at Kiefer Sutherland's horrible acting. That movie SUCKED! I should have paid attention to Cleo & watched Wall-E for the 3rd time since I openly laugh with that movie.

I'm not sure what's on the agenda for today, but there was talk of going to the casino & using our comps to eat & seeing what free game play we have on the cards |thumb

2009-01-26, 09:41 AM
Good Morning
Just another day at the grind. Feeling a little sluggish today.

2009-01-26, 10:21 AM
Good Morning :)
work on the agenda and thats it

2009-01-26, 10:41 AM
Good morning all :)
I think I have seen too much snow now and I really want some sun. Maybe I'm getting cabin fever, which I thought Emmy was joking about but damn! I have been bored stupid lately from looking at 4 walls while it's been colder than the arctic outside. GG has an idea that's appealing and we do have coupons for rama :) I feel a trip coming on if Emmy is up for it.

2009-01-26, 10:45 AM

I'm glad it's Monday as the grandson has a full week of school and it's nice and quiet!

Looks like a great week for all the Superbowl fans that are in town. It's is supposed to be sunny and warm all week |thumb

Have a nice day all!

2009-01-26, 10:49 AM
Good morning. Watched the movie "the wackness" yesterday. Was a decent indie film. Also went shoping for a new TV. There is a Sony I like that seems to fit the bill. I just know I'm going to get this TV and a week later the TVs with 120 refresh are going to go on sale. Whatever.

One thing I think I've finally learned is that shopping for food should not happen on Sunday. Everyone is crowding the markets around my place on Sunday. I find myself getting angry at slow grandma in the aisle taking her sweet ass time.

Got some offline stuff to do today. Then it will be time to review a bunch of stuff and do some other much needed work on some sites.

B out.

2009-01-26, 11:15 AM
...There is a Sony I like that seems to fit the bill. I just know I'm going to get this TV and a week later the TVs with 120 refresh are going to go on sale...Most of the TV's I've ever owned were/are Sony's & (knock on wood) I've never had any trouble with them. You can't go wrong, even if the next model is released the day after. Hell, the monitor I'm looking at is a Sony :D Just go buy it & stimulate the economy |thumb

2009-01-26, 11:21 AM
My last full day of being a bag lady before tomorrow's de-tubing.

|popcorn| We had another couple over last night and finally watched Wall-e last night. |thumb

Just more of the same old planned for today. Guess I should get my ass out of bed and walk over to my office and get my fat ass to work.

At last... good for you! I have to wear mine forever if I want to breathe.. and yes I want.

2009-01-26, 11:22 AM
I just know I'm going to get this TV and a week later the TVs with 120 refresh are going to go on sale.
Is this something that the average person would even notice or just more hyperbole to sell the latest greatest?

2009-01-26, 11:38 AM
All the kids are home because it's teacher in-service day for the entire school district, so I won't be as productive as I'd like to be today.

Have a good one all. |waves|

2009-01-26, 11:45 AM
Morning all. Just finished packing up all my eBay orders to get mailed out. Just have one I have to take down to UPS store. We sold an auger we never used for a good amount, I'm happy. :)

Other than that, trying to stay indoors while it is very cold the next few days and get some porn work done. I also have to start working on my books to turn over to the accountant. |scared| Not looking forward to that.

T Pat
2009-01-26, 12:34 PM
Mornin All

2009-01-26, 01:27 PM
Good afternoon everyone. Elder care issues today and a flood in our kitchen. No porn making for me today. :<

2009-01-26, 02:09 PM
And a Good Evening still

2009-01-26, 02:33 PM
Happy Australia Day for those who live down under and to hell with those who don't. :D

'nother cold goddamn day here, but I got things done just the same.

2009-01-26, 03:03 PM
evening, i am still am sick as a dog, my headache is huge....just checking and then back to bed...i wish there was a shop where i could buy a new head or so.....

NY Jester
2009-01-26, 03:47 PM
Good Monday afternoon everyone. I burned the midnight oil last night to get caught up on some projects. Subbing a site today and more updates on the agenda today/tonight.

The school is off Tues-Fri for States Regents exams...so I'l have a lazy stinking teenager with me all week hahhaha all said in jest.

2009-01-26, 04:18 PM
Weather is great here, finding it hard to sit down and do any work...

2009-01-26, 07:57 PM
Most of the TV's I've ever owned were/are Sony's & (knock on wood) I've never had any trouble with them. You can't go wrong, even if the next model is released the day after. Hell, the monitor I'm looking at is a Sony :D Just go buy it & stimulate the economy |thumb

Yea. I'm a Sony TV guy as well. Rocking a 13" in the bedroom and a 27" wega one in the living room. Works fine, but it's time to join the HD flat screen world. This is the 42" LCD (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8828726&type=product&id=1207957070612) one I'm looking to get. The 13" has been in the family for over 15+ years, and the 27" I've had for over 10 years now. They have served me well. I'll stay brand loyal.

Is this something that the average person would even notice or just more hyperbole to sell the latest greatest?

I can notice it when I'm looking between one that is 60 and one that is 120. That being said, I don't think I'm that big of a TV snob yet. All family and friends don't have 120 yet and I've enjoyed watching their flat screens. :)

2009-01-26, 09:56 PM
120 Hz eliminates all the frame problems, no more pulldowns needed, no more jitters, no more blurs in high movement scenes....if you watch movies it is a HUGELY noticeble difference

2009-01-26, 11:08 PM
120 Hz eliminates all the frame problems, no more pulldowns needed, no more jitters, no more blurs in high movement scenes....if you watch movies it is a HUGELY noticeble difference

don't do this to me. I'm currently comfortable not getting the better refresh rate. hehe

2009-01-27, 12:35 AM
don't do this to me. I'm currently comfortable not getting the better refresh rate. hehe

LOL, only my 60" sony bravia in the living room is 120, my 47 westinghouse, 42 bravia, and 37" bravia are all 60 Hz and are fine, in fact excellent on HD....but there is a noticable difference and with the 240Hz coming out this spring the 120's are dropping in price big time (Think is is Panasonic that has a 480Hz coming out this summer....anything under 100 " that is wicked overkill (wicked....lol, my Bahston is showing ;) )

2009-01-27, 12:45 PM
LOL, only my 60" sony bravia in the living room is 120, my 47 westinghouse, 42 bravia, and 37" bravia are all 60 Hz and are fine, in fact excellent on HD....but there is a noticable difference and with the 240Hz coming out this spring the 120's are dropping in price big time (Think is is Panasonic that has a 480Hz coming out this summer....anything under 100 " that is wicked overkill (wicked....lol, my Bahston is showing ;) )

Yea I saw the 240 that's coming soon. I know the 120s are going to drop even more coming soon. Ugh. I'm just going to get this and try to ignore going into the Sony style store and look at best buy shit when it comes in the mail so I don't feel bad in a month. |thumb

2009-01-27, 11:53 PM
Apparently I missed Monday too..

|waves| Hope everyone made some $$$