View Full Version : So Long January Saturday!

2009-01-31, 07:33 AM
Morning |waves|

I woke up at 5 AM for no reason & could not go back to sleep due to the snoring of a small dog named Rufus |pokefun||greenguy| Who knew such a little dog could make such a horrible noise while sleeping.

Not much on the agenda today - I do have to go shovel a path to the Pool House since we are having a couple people over for the game tomorrow. I think there's a good 2 feet of snow next to the door |snowman2

2009-01-31, 07:54 AM
Good morning world |waves|

Got up about the same time here. Seems like some of the Northern cold finally got down here last night. Woke up to temps in the 50s and only going up to around 62 today before dropping back down. Actually had to close the windows.

Also planning not to do too much this weekend, but I'll probably get bored and wind up working on some projects that are more interesting than most other things I might do around here.

Wishing everyone a weekend of being either bored or interested, your choice.


2009-01-31, 08:26 AM
Only 47º F here this morning but it is suppose to get into the upper sixties today.

Just a day of work planned for today.

2009-01-31, 09:13 AM
Good Morning All :)

2009-01-31, 09:25 AM
Mornin' y'all,

|coffee is on, help yourself...

2009-01-31, 09:41 AM
Good Morning. Well actually NOT. Woke up to one of my servers missing TONS of files so that means I have tgp sites down and galleries that are 404. My host is restoring from backups now. :(

2009-01-31, 09:47 AM
Good Morning All!

Just sitting here finishing up my dailys, then I'll either hunt for a new script, or work on my new site.

Have a good one!

T Pat
2009-01-31, 09:50 AM
Mornin All

2009-01-31, 09:54 AM
good morning all


2009-01-31, 09:57 AM
Good Morning Everyone |waves|

2009-01-31, 10:28 AM
Who knew such a little dog could make such a horrible noise while sleeping.The problem with a dog that small is that you'd feel bad if you gave it a swift nudge with your foot (aka: kick) to stop his snoring. I get up and throw things from my desk at my sleeping dogs. Makes me feel better.

It looks cold and white outside. I should stay in. |snowman2

Tonight is the annual get-together-for-dinner-type-thing for my wife's side of the family. And where are we going? You got it: The Goddamn Golden Corral. Cheap fucks. This is organized by her father and stepmother every year and it annoys the hell out of me each and every year. Her polyester-clad stepmother is the cheapest wench alive who has inherited millions of dollars of property from various childless aunts and uncles, though you'd never know it by her lifestyle. People tell me I should schmooze her with hopes of an inheritance, but that's nuts. Firstly, people like her never die. Secondly, I'm too much of a 'live for today' kind of guy to alter my personality with hopes of being liked by someone I wouldn't otherwise want to be around. Thirdly, she's going to give it all to her goddamn church anyway.

Think of me when you're eating your home cooked dinner in the company of people you enjoy this evening. |cry|

2009-01-31, 10:31 AM
LOL, the att u-verse installer is still here
He was stunned when he first saw 6 sattelite cables, 2 comcast cable cables, 2 dvrs (comcast and sat), one computer (actually with the 3rd dvr in fact), my slingbox, my xbox and my playstation, 2 phone lines, 6 ethernet lines, and my cable and dsl modems with my router (not to mention my hd antenna for over the air hd) all connected to my main tv....lmao

2009-01-31, 10:34 AM
Watched Eraserhead yesterday while working. I should have just worked instead.

Helping parents move some beds today and then I've got to set-up a couple computers for a mainstream gig so it looks like today will be a non-adult work day. :(

2009-01-31, 11:05 AM
Good Morning
My son is coming over for dinner at 2:00 today for his birthday. He is coming so early because he says he needs to go to the local casino for a shave. :)

NY Jester
2009-01-31, 12:11 PM
Good Saturday everyone. Taking my mom to lunch in a few minutes then its some of the regular sessions. Tyring to get some extra done as I wont be home tomorrow for the most part.

Stay safe.

Torn Rose
2009-01-31, 12:24 PM
Today is our 9th year online, we went live at noon eastern time and made our first sale that night, we hope to make a second sale sometime soon.

Nothing at all planned today except the usual editing and fucking around when I should be working.

Real exciting stuff here.

2009-01-31, 12:26 PM
Morning Everyone.|waves|
Waiting for OTB then maybe movie night with my girl.

2009-01-31, 12:27 PM
Good Morning/Afternoon :)
Woke up late today and now I have work, OTB and more work to do.

2009-01-31, 12:43 PM

Well it was/is cold here and we have no heat. The repair guy has to order the parts and won't be installed for a week.

I don't mind the cold but I was so worried about the grandbabies so I was up checking on them most of the night. They were both dressed warm and were just fine...wish I didn't worry over them so much |yawn|

There sure is some great things and parties going on around the bay area this weekend! It's kind of nice having the Super Bowl across the bridge. Talk about being star struck not by the movie stars but by all the football players in town....WOW!

If your coming in town hit Channel Side or Ybor and you'll see them |thumb

Have a great weekend all!

2009-01-31, 01:10 PM
Hi all! |waves|

Got work on my ankle tattoo yesterday by MadHatter, he added more color for shading, mostly reds in the pink flowers.

He wanted to also finish adding the dark blue in the blue flowers, and the white highlights in everything, but I'd had enough, lol. I'd forgotten how painful that was. He also did the yellow in the vines, and touched up my outlines.


Today I'm just putting up ebay auctions, then my usual porn slinging. Have a good one all.

2009-01-31, 01:17 PM
Good morning. So I'm up. Dropped the lady's car at the dealership for a lube oil. Then dropped her off to get her hair done. She has crazy roots I guess. Whatever. Picked up my bucks coffee and am pounding it to wake up.

So last night watched first episode of the new season of Hells Kitchen off the dvr and caught up on Leverage. Started also watching this new program off showtime indemand called United States of Tara. |thumb

Time to do some morning work and then clean up the house a little.

Later today I'm going to my grandma's 95th birthday. Wild.

Have a good day everyone.

2009-01-31, 02:31 PM
There, finally all set up
Got the dual wan set with my trade station and my meta trader and my cqg all using the 8 mb comcast cable wan to stream the live quotes and charts and the U-Verse handling all other internet
Great download and upload with the U-verse...averaging about 14 Mb on download and 2.2 Mb on upload (Double my comcast)
I can record 4 channles at once but with the limitation of only 2 HD and 2 SD at once.
U-verse only does 1080i but it looks true as upposed to the compressed 1080p that direct tv does...SD looks good too so it upscales well.
Like the fact of the 4 recordings at once where my sattelite only can do 2, but love the fact that I can access those recordings from anyset top in the house (with direct tv in order to watch a recording in a bedroom I have to record in that bedroom) as I can start watching a recording in the living room I can finish watching it if I go to bed.

2009-01-31, 05:11 PM
That was quick

2009-01-31, 09:23 PM
Good evening!

2009-01-31, 10:39 PM
Happy Saturday Everyone.. and good bye January.

Have a good one!