View Full Version : Thursday greetings
2009-09-10, 06:46 AM
Morning all ... a bit more offline work planned here for the day.
I hope you all have a good one and remember, at least the weekend is that much closer |waves|
2009-09-10, 06:50 AM
Good Morning and Happy Thursday Everyone!
A little chilly this morning but its supposed to warm up. Still no sign of rain, even after 10 days or more with no rain.
Have a great day.
It's so odd getting up before the sun rises...
After taking a few days off and then spending a few days installing and then integrating Blogs Organizer into my stuff I've gotten behind in building and submitting promos so going to be playing catchup today. That and going to Spanish class this evening.
2009-09-10, 07:13 AM
Good Thursday Peoples |waves|
I got on a roll yesterday & ended up building 12 free sites - I guess that frees up my weekend for a lot of offline fun |thumb
2009-09-10, 07:43 AM
Good Morning All :)
2009-09-10, 07:50 AM
Good afternoon all:) its 1:43 midday here , very windy and a temp of 20C i believe.
The last 2 days i have moments in a day that i am feeling sick as hell, other moments i feel great again (after i have took some asprines), i am dealing with some bug and its not nice...but the worse sons little green bird got also sick since yesterday (on this moment he is hiding under my hair in my neck) i will take him to the vet....for real i am a big girl with a big mouth, but seeing the bird (or any animal) being that sick breaks my heart|cry| and ofcourse my son is sad too, the bird has bin sick before, but that was because he eats all what a human eats and not all is good for him, i only hope he will get better because if he dies i will be having a very sad son here in this house, his bird is like a little kid, it walks with you, he is nosey and it talks and he steals alot of stuff:D
Nothing more to say then...have all a great better day and eve then i will have ..get...or whatever:)|boobies|
2009-09-10, 08:08 AM
Good Morning.
Had a friend invite me to his work golf tournament today so I'm golfing, free of charge with a meal included. :D
Good Morning... Court finished on a very high note yesterday. :) My friend had surgery and did well but he still has a long road. Today is work for most of the day.
Had to pour about 8m³/282.5ft³ of concrete in someone's home today, loads of fun guaranteed :)
Now it's time to do some much needed online work.
Have a good one all!
Good morning. Up early to drive up north to help a friend with a client. I get to work on an exchange server, update some of the art dept on their macs, then go hang out with my folks for a minute before coming back home to do online pr0n work.
Time to get rolling.
Had a friend invite me to his work golf tournament today so I'm golfing, free of charge with a meal included. :D
2009-09-10, 10:05 AM
Good Morning :)
My wife goes in for some testing today so I need to drive her there and back. Besides that I should be doing some sort of work and thats about it.
2009-09-10, 10:11 AM
Good Morning To All
2009-09-10, 10:19 AM
Mornin' y'all,
Thursday? You're sure? It can't be Thursday, I haven't crossed enough stuph off The List yet this week.
|coffee is on, help yourself...
2009-09-10, 11:12 AM
All I have to say is FOOTBALL |cheerlead
2009-09-10, 12:10 PM
Have a good Thursday!
2009-09-10, 12:56 PM
Hey all |thumb
2009-09-10, 01:38 PM
Good afternoon!
Took my daughter to the doctor |crazy| today and got her meds adjusted. I have a workout this afternoon and then it is off to a friend's birthday party tonight. I will squeeze work in there sometime too.
Have a great day everyone!
2009-09-10, 01:41 PM
Good morning one and all :)
I am busy making changes to a site that's taking up all of my time at the moment.
It's never straight forward when you do something like this but I now have a working index, main and category template so the work should go a lot faster.
Have a good one whatever it brings you |thumb
awesome first game. Couldn't believe that fumble right at the end. Nice march back down the field again though. |thumb
2009-09-11, 02:13 AM
Monday night is my Pats opener..was thinking of getting dolphin season tickets this year, but I'd rather watch every game (including the pats) on my 60 inch screen in HD at home :)
I do have great tickets 45 yd line 18th row on the pats side in dec at dolphin stadium :)
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