View Full Version : What to do with these domains and what do you think they're worth if they're sold?

2009-10-09, 01:42 AM
Hi folks, I've got 2 domains that I wanted to use, but can't for the life of me figure out something nice to put on there. So perhaps some tips? :D And an oddball figure of what they'd be worth in a domain sale.

Domains in question: i6u9.com and isixunine.com

2009-10-09, 09:16 AM
They're worthless. Let them expire.

2009-10-09, 09:49 AM
4 digit domains have some value......

Maybe consider using them for an asian lesbian site

2009-10-09, 09:53 AM
Friend of mine thought i6u9 would do well as a whitelabel dating site but eh... dunno. Might just use them for a SEO page project or something.

NY Jester
2009-10-09, 11:06 AM
i6u9.com Might be used for a white label toy store or video store or web cam site or any other type of sex store. Its catchy enough to be able to be marketed.

2009-10-09, 01:31 PM
4 digit domains have some value......

4-digit and 4-letter .com domains have some value, but 16u9.com is a 4-character .com domain.

2009-10-09, 05:02 PM
I dont think 16u9.com is catchy

2009-10-10, 09:18 AM
i6u9 is awesome. I love it. Totally catchy and easy to remember.

I see some other posts where people are saying its 1 6 u 9, but in fact its i6u9, meaning im the 6 and you're the 9. I can totally see a dating or webcam site with that.

I have a bunch of domains that do nothing so I have converted them into blogs - and since then I have seen an increase in traffic and sales.

Good luck.

2009-10-13, 03:51 PM
But what does it mean? Implying a couple in a 69 position? What's the SE value and keyword terms to be used?

2009-10-13, 05:29 PM
Friend of mine thought i6u9 would do well as a whitelabel dating site but eh... dunno. Might just use them for a SEO page project or something.

So was that your original idea for them? if so, you should go with it and just build it up, will be worth a lot more when there's something there. Perhaps try Tickler or Ny jester's idea. Any domain can be marketable if you have the energy! Otherwise, offer them up for sale and see if anyone takes them, at least one way or another it will be off your plate!