View Full Version : I Am A Asshole at hosting

2010-01-10, 04:06 AM
I recieved a call from a client ..a 10 dollar a month account ..i caterted to this so called person ..for a mear 110$ for the year . I have had no issues with any other clients .IE Sheepy , Emerald, Bluebrit, but this so called ASSHOLE , Papa threatens to take me to the boards because he is not getting HIS way on a 10 dollar account ? wtf is that shit .. were is his integritry. where is his proof ? dayum why is it one person says so much crap to try fuck another that say's nothing. Papa i can copy logs of you Bitchin to My friends that im a asshole .

2010-01-10, 04:10 AM

2010-01-10, 04:12 AM
I have to jump in & post something. What would you expect for a $10/month hosting account? It sounds like Papa was expecting too much & whatever he wanted was not covered at this very cheap price.

And then to threaten to take it to the boards because you didn't get your way? Dickhead move.

2010-01-10, 04:13 AM
can i have garlic popcorn please

2010-01-10, 04:22 AM
I will post logs Papa just like you threatened to do .. my log you lack of honor in this biz you suck. my copy you copy you fucking suck .... i need a shovel i have snow * smirks*

2010-01-10, 10:59 AM
Damn 10.00?

Hope everything gets sorted.

2010-01-10, 11:12 AM
And then to threaten to take it to the boards because you didn't get your way? Dickhead move.So the person who threatened to take it to the boards is more of a dickhead than the one who did?

2010-01-10, 12:12 PM
most of the people in this thread are a asshole so - |popcorn|

me included

2010-01-10, 12:40 PM
So the person who threatened to take it to the boards is more of a dickhead than the one who did?

Cuz Im an Asshole * shrugs* i guess it is my job "EDIT" i would say im a dickhead but i like my dick other places other than my head .

|kissass|See im an asshole

2010-01-10, 01:02 PM
Oh Plus im sick of the Threat of do what i want or I am right cuz i said so or " 'll post the transcripts on all the boards" well guess what at this point i dont give a flying fuck for 10 bucks and the almighty Mr Know it all ... bring it on he talks like his 10 bucks a month was this great favor he did for me im fucking sick of jumping through hoops to please a small ass account holder if he was warned by members of this board like he says he was NOT to host with me the take yer account fuck off and host some were else *shrugs* ... I have just had enough of this bullshit threat kinda crap ..dont threaten me DO IT or fuck off is all i have to say .

2010-01-10, 03:42 PM
I've had a site with Twice for over a year with no issues. She's good at her job and I can't fault the up time :)

2010-01-11, 11:42 AM
Incorporate a NDA in your terms of service, essentially giving them a gag-order, they may not release transcripts publicly. :)

When did webhosting back in 03-04, I would occasionally have a customer complain about something that wasn't my problem, they would raise a storm, and go post about it on WHT. Whenever that happened, I saw an increase in sales/signups for a week or so after the fact.

When a customer is bitching and complaining and throwing a tantrum, most of the times, the public will side with the hoster, if the hoster is reputable, and consistently reacts and communicates with integrity and class.

2010-01-11, 03:54 PM
I was officially made an asshole in 2004


2010-01-11, 04:23 PM
I was officially made an asshole in 2004

Amazingly there has not been one asshole since 2003.

2010-01-11, 05:02 PM
Well i guess i have moved up in the world I am now a Official asshole but im told im a cute one so with that said i will take a few sugestions from friends and other clients and redo my TOS and add a NDA to it not that at this point im worried about one person in 9 years bitching about my services.

Now if i could just get a cure for this asshole flu all would be good in the world.

2010-01-11, 07:44 PM
I officailly would like to nominate Shy for asshole of January of 2010

Wuv ya sexy |smooch|

2010-01-11, 09:58 PM
Amazingly there has not been one asshole since 2003.
Im laughing at the bellyflop contest.
You know I suggested that to Mike AI as a cannonball contest but the twinks at Weg renamed it as bellyflop and took credit for it.

Funny how that was the programs only success...

2010-01-11, 10:27 PM
Serge was so proud of his asshole trophy. He came running up to the door holding it yelling "look at my asshole award."

Some good times back then.