View Full Version : Live Today! On The Bench 3PM EDT!

2010-03-20, 11:06 AM
Come on folks come and shoot the breeze with me at Greenguy and Jims On The Bench with yours Truly MrMaryLou Today at 3pm EDT :) Come on and and find out whats going on in the wonderful world of webmastering :) Todays Topic Is! Spring Has Sprung!
Here is the new feed url mms://radio.greenguysboard.com/ggjimradio to paste into your media player.
Also if you have Skype http://www.skype.com/ Add me MrMaryLou and I will get you on live.

To connect using your favorite IRC client, simply use the following information:
port: 6667
Or, just use our Java Chat Here (http://www.greenguysboard.com/irc/)

2010-03-20, 11:09 AM
Will there be flowers to plant?

2010-03-20, 11:11 AM
Will there be flowers to plant?Lots of them |flowers|

2010-03-20, 02:56 PM
dont think I'll make it today, gotta continue the cock sucker of a job replacing the lower intake gaskets on my wifes van today - 3.4 gm's were famous for it http://d-tips.com/General/Articles/article.aspx?id=/free/How%20to/Chevrolet%203.4%20intake%20manifold%20Gasket/art10.art

and since there on a van it makes the job really a pain of a ass