View Full Version : Two Two Tuesday!

2011-03-22, 07:52 AM
Morning |waves|

There have been 4 5.5+ earthquakes (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Maps/region/Asia_eqs.php) off the coast of Japan in the last 4 hours :(

That makes me feel silly when I complain about my fucking clogged/congested nose. But I have to say I do love waking up with my mouth open & dry as a desert |angry|

Nothing but work & breathing thru my nose is on the agenda for today...

2011-03-22, 08:04 AM
No earthquakes here and non expected.

I think I've figured out my leg issue. As long as I don't actually use it, like for walking or anything at all, it doesn't bother me but if I actually use my leg then I get to enjoy a sleepless night of my leg aching all night. Fuck the doctor, hospital and all their outrageous copays that they want me to pay. Maybe it's time for a lawsuit.

Just a day of work planned for today.

2011-03-22, 08:24 AM
Good morning.

Got home Sunday night from our 7 day cruise to Florida and the Bahamas, had a great time. Back to working as usual. Coffee is on!

2011-03-22, 11:48 AM
Hey all :)

2011-03-22, 12:21 PM
Good Morning :)
Bunch of work on the agenda with treadmill/movie to break the day up.

Hope you enjoyed your trip Ramster.

2011-03-22, 12:39 PM
Greenie, bad news about the GM layoffs....Tonawanda's economy is in the tank as it is :(

2011-03-22, 12:51 PM
Nothing but work & breathing thru my nose is on the agenda for today...

Tall glass, 2 ounces of vodka, ground habenero peppers, spoon full of horse radish, the raw stuff, tomato juice, tabasco and Cayenne pepper.
If this doesn't kill you, your nose will clear up instantly

2011-03-22, 01:03 PM
Morning all! |waves|

YUCCH Vendzilla. Ginger tea and aerobics work better, and taste better. |thumb

Just submitting my first free site of the day, and almost done with another set of 3D pics for my site for women. |thumb Took me forever on this set, but I did learn about how to use dynamic cloth in Poser, which is kinda cool, as you can take a flat cloth, and drape it over anything and it will wrap itself around it. I'm so easily amused.

Cleo, that sounds about right (sueing them), seems like the surgery should have made you better not worse, that just sucks!

Have a good day all!

2011-03-22, 01:05 PM
Oh and today is talk like William Shatner day, he is 80 years old today. Way to go Bill. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9IdUMwWhao

2011-03-22, 04:59 PM
Good afternoon. Well it's been a day of I thought I had come here already and hadn't. So that shows where my head is. I'm still staying up way too late. So today I'm going to start working out daily again. Since the wedding I've only worked out a handful of times. So I think it's time I got back to normal with things.

Finished watching this lame show called Trailer Park Boys that I found enjoyable. Started now watching the British version of skins. It's kinda good in a late night trash kinda way. I think tonight I'll actually work on catching up on Shameless on showtime.

2011-03-22, 06:35 PM
Good evening,

Just got back from the gf and son in hospital. I put a pizza in the oven, it's 11:30 PM now so that's probably not a good thing to do :)
Anyway, she's coming home tomorrow so I've got some cleaning to do first :)

Have a good day all!

2011-03-22, 07:30 PM
Finished watching this lame show called Trailer Park Boys that I found enjoyable.

Trailer Park Boys Rock! It's filmed right around my home town and every character in it reminds me of a buddy I know |potleaf|

2011-03-22, 09:05 PM
Happy Tuesday To All.
Hope its a good one.

2011-03-23, 12:54 PM
Trailer Park Boys Rock! It's filmed right around my home town and every character in it reminds me of a buddy I know |potleaf|

Yea every time I would get done watching a bunch of shows I'd have the urge to say fuck it and move to a single wide trailer. I do the math on the cost of living per month for something like that and figure in like three months of what I pay here in California I'd be set yearly easily in something like that. |bananna|

Was a great show. I guess I just read a wiki page that a bunch of them are coming back on a new show set to start later this year.