View Full Version : 2018-06-21 Oh, My Joints ...

2018-06-21, 08:03 AM
... are legal soon in Canada!

Morning! |coffee

On October 17, Canada will legalize pot from coast to coast. Our Governor General signs the bill today making it law. Apparently, Uruguay is the only other country where it's 100% legal for recreational use. (Between Trump and legal pot do you think Cleo is packing her bags? :) )

Not much going on here. I stopped drinking last week. I am a daily drinker but I know that it causes inflammation. Since I am feeling really bad these days I felt I had to give it a try. Today is the first day I've felt better so I think I will continue with that.

Still working on a couple of adult ideas which I hope to go live in the next couple of weeks. Nothing big but something I like to do.

Have a great day! |thumb

2018-06-21, 08:07 AM
Morning! |waves|
Welcome to Summer my Northern Hemisphere friends! It's also the "longest" day of the year:
Sunrise Today: 5:36 AM EDT
Sunset Today: 8:57 PM EDT
15 hr 21 min of me hiding my pasty Scottish ass from the Sun today :D

Stepdaughter News: She also has pneumonia |banana| That's good because the other things that they thought it could've been are |scared|

Kitchen News: Contractor will be here Monday, cabinets will be here Tuesday |thumb

Just work for me today. I really need to get into the garage & make some room, but I may procrastinate that until a day when The Bitch is here to help me |couch|

Finally, this waking up with a hangover when I didn't drink shit is getting really fucking old |pokefun||greenguy|

2018-06-21, 08:10 AM
... are legal soon in Canada!

Another thing to add to my Reasons To Move To Canadia list |potleaf|

2018-06-21, 08:47 AM
Good morning :)

Working this morning then going golfing at noon so taking the afternoon off. |golf

2018-06-21, 09:13 AM
The odd part about moving north is the length of the days. With today being the longest day of the year, the sun rose for us this morning at 3:52 am and doesn't set until 11:12 pm. It kind of gets dark for maybe a half hour. Further north, it won't get dark at all. This all sounds wonderful until you remember that it will be the opposite in just 6 months - about 4 hours of feeble light.

So, it is tough to keep any sort of schedule. There is just too much light! We keep blackout shades on the bedroom window, but it is still too light at strange hours. The human body doesn't know what to do. Husband being out of town then doing a one-day binge doesn't help either. Today is the first semi-normal day in several... time to get back into the groove.

2018-06-21, 10:40 AM

the sun rose for us this morning at 3:52 am and doesn't set until 11:12 pm.

You're further up north than me then. A little bit. 03:59 here.

My 'grand'son is coming for the weekend and I started to tidy up a bit.
before I knew I was cleaning the whole apartment inch by inch.

So I'm ready for dinner and a nap.

Probably work a bit later, since I won't do adult while he is here.
(I tend to jump to bed about around the same time he does anyway)

Enjoy your day

2018-06-21, 11:36 AM
Good Morning :)

Great, Canadia will make pot legal so maybe they will be too stoned to smuggle our shoes across the border with their feet. Our president is a dumbass!

Going to attempt yard work today as I've put it off when my back went out. My fingers are crossed it all goes well.

After that I'll be working away on a heating pad and maybe watching some real football.

Enjoy your Thursday!

2018-06-21, 11:53 AM
Great, Canadia will make pot legal so maybe they will be too stoned to smuggle our shoes across the border with their feet. Our president is a dumbass!

As much as I agree with the latter, he is correct: everyone that works in retail clothing stores around here has a story of a Canadian wearing home what they bought to avoid the border taxes & leaving what they wore down in a dressing room.

2018-06-21, 12:41 PM
... and maybe watching some real football.

Hear, Hear!


2018-06-21, 03:46 PM
As much as I agree with the latter, he is correct: everyone that works in retail clothing stores around here has a story of a Canadian wearing home what they bought to avoid the border taxes & leaving what they wore down in a dressing room.

<sarcasm>Oh, those NASTY Canadians!!! Imagine, spending their hard earned money on clothes and shoes in the US!! Then they sneak them across the border. Next, 45 will build ANOTHER wall to keep them northern migrants on their side of the border. Stores in border areas will be required to put up Canadians Go Home signs.</sarcasm>

I think this goes on in just about every border area, and has for many years. We see a way to get something we can't get in our own countries for a better price and we go for it. Real real common with US folk crossing into Mexico for medications, or doesn't that count? One of my cross stitchers was telling us about going over the border go buy her stitching supplies. That will be the next huge crisis - embroidery floss!!!

We see a lot of it here in Eastern Finland with Russians crossing and buying as much as they can. Their stores don't have what they want since the embargo several years ago. And yes, the clothing switch goes on here too. The only ones I know of that go the other way are the middle aged men looking for a cheap prostitute and chance of HIV. Honestly, I really don't understand why 45 is upset. The stores are making sales they would not normally make. They do collect taxes on the items, and they most certainly do have employees. Sucks on the taxes, but expect it to get worse with the trade wars looming. You do know there are too many German cars in the US, right?

2018-06-22, 12:10 PM
As much as I agree with the latter, he is correct: everyone that works in retail clothing stores around here has a story of a Canadian wearing home what they bought to avoid the border taxes & leaving what they wore down in a dressing room.

Is it really a big deal if it's for personal consumption? They are leaving old clothing behind. And is it no different then Americans going to Canadia to buy booze and cigs or better yet, cheaper drugs? I think not.

I just realized they will now be coming to smuggle all our Berkinstocks |lol|

2018-06-22, 02:20 PM
I've done it the odd time. Everyone does.

There are a few things to consider. What's the value of the dollar? When it's 70-75 cents like it is now, there is not much benefit. Also, the Canadian government raised the limit for goods to $750 after a 48 hour visit (per person) so you buy a lot of stuff without duty or tax. Finally, with free trade the most you'll pay is tax (13% in Ontario) if you declare the things you bought (with few exceptions).

Is it a big problem? No but President Einstein makes it sound like the worse possible thing because that is the over reacting fucktard he is.