View Full Version : Saturday June 30th (aka Buh Bye, June)

2018-06-30, 04:32 AM
Morning! |waves|

I got all the kitchen cabinets from Home Depot & that actually went smoothly. New problem is my contractor is fucking off for the next few days & won't be here again til the 5th :(

My weather extension (https://weatherextension.com/) keeps telling me there's an Excessive Heat Warning |angry|

Not sure what my plans for the day are, but I have the feeling things will revolve around a nap :)

2018-06-30, 07:26 AM
G'day |dog

Not that hot today, rather nice day actually.
gonna attend my teams soccer match this afternoon. I have yet to see a World Cup match. (I usually only watch the final, unless Norway is participating. Which we aren't. We suck. (But we DID beat Brazil twice in the nineties |banana|, apparantly only team Brazil never has beaten!))

Oh well.
A bit more porn work and then it's weekend.

have a great day!


2018-06-30, 08:16 AM
Took the dog for his AM walk. My glasses fogged over as soon as I stepped out the door. Welcome to Summer in Houston.

2018-06-30, 08:41 AM
Good morning |waves|

Summer is here for everyone it seems |sun
My plan is to work all day long, got a lot to do as usual and since tomorrow is Canada Day |canada| I won't be working too much then I assume.

2018-06-30, 03:22 PM
Good Day :)

Finally watching Football today as everything went sideways yesterday. Grandson came over for a visit and then wanted to stay the night and how do you say no to that. He finally was picked up a little bit ago, good times.

My back was sore from the tree cutting and now after grandson staying I'm hurting so I see heat and ice while working the rest of the day and a long nap for sure!

Enjoy your Saturday!