View Full Version : Thursday July 26th (aka 1984)

2018-07-26, 07:24 AM
Morning! |waves|

1st http://www.greenguysboard.com/TrumpPoopla.png says to not believe the mainstream press, believe him. Then he bars a reporter from covering a press conference because he didn't like the legit questions she was asking him. We are SOFA KING FUCKED |scared|

Yesterday was mostly grunt work that |bow| Ramster gave to me. And when I say "grunt work", I mean GRUNT WORK! Don't get me wrong - I appreciate any work I can get - but moving & deleting files via FTP for 5+ hours will make you a little |loony|

I also watched Ready Player One (https://amzn.to/2LQHM0J) which was loaded with 70's & 80's pop culture stuff and was FUCKING AWESOME!!!! |thumb|thumb

More of the same today, and I do have to go to my stepdaughters for her dialysis supplies delivery, but I'm taking the laptop with me :D

2018-07-26, 08:00 AM
Good morning |waves|

Trump is such an asshole and idiot. |loony|

Usual day here, work work work and lots of uploading. Need more |coffee

2018-07-26, 10:54 AM
Good Morning :)

Able to stop by here this morning as I'm not working on the backyard today. Need to run some errands this morning plus I'm hurting. Today is suppose to be another hot and sticky day so I'm kinda glad for the errands. Plus the next big thing is to have a ton of dirt (more like 50 cubic yards) delivered to build the bmx track for my grandson. Probably should do some brick work first before this happens.

We did watch Early Man last night and it made me and the grandson laugh:

Now it's time to squeeze in some biz before all the errands.

Enjoy your Thursday!

2018-07-26, 12:54 PM
Afternoon |waves|

We did watch Early Man last night and it made me and the grandson laugh

Oooh!!! Aardman? I have to find that one!!

It's hot. Will be hotter tomorrow. Then it's over for a while.
To hot to work. I'm struggling to stay awake.

Well, other than that, life is actually good!

Enjoy your evening.

2018-07-26, 02:48 PM
Quit sending it our way, Jolly.. today was hot, and tomorrow will be hotter yet. It only cools slightly after that. Rumor is that next week might be livable. We will be out of the dangerous heat zone finally. And yes, it is too hot to work. My workroom is now 29C -- 84F. That is with the fans going too. It is also 9:30 at night. They don't call this "helle" for nothing. Maybe someday we will have AC, but not in the near future sadly.

Still, managed to get a bit of grunt work done, built a new gallery template, and am about to dive into the TGPs for their daily maintenance.

2018-07-26, 03:50 PM
Quit sending it our way, Jolly..


Speaking of Muhahaa, Did you know that the bad guy in the computer game Far Cry 4 is named Pagan?
And he's a r e a l l y nasty dude


2018-07-26, 04:00 PM
...Plus the next big thing is to have a ton of dirt (more like 50 cubic yards) delivered to build the bmx track for my grandson...

GTFO!!! Ask his parents if they'll adopt me :D

2018-07-27, 06:48 AM

Speaking of Muhahaa, Did you know that the bad guy in the computer game Far Cry 4 is named Pagan?
And he's a r e a l l y nasty dude


I am not a dude, but I can be really really nasty...

2018-07-27, 06:49 AM
...but I can be really really nasty...