View Full Version : Fri May 29 Looking Brighter ...

2020-05-29, 07:45 AM
Morning. |ArtWilliams|

The weather is looking brighter with a nice weekend ahead here in Toronto -- not too hot.

Met with a couple of other people working on this big website that is being moved from Joomla to WP. Looks like we'll be converting and going live at the end of June. This is a big monkey off my back and means I'll be looking for more work after that.

So I've got that to work on2 today along with finishing up that tiny digital download project I had. Other than that, it's grocery shopping. I forgot to mention that my wife bought a huge package of films for the documentary film festival that's moved online so I'll be watching a few of those over the next 10 days.

Have a great day! |thumb

2020-05-29, 08:34 AM
Morning |waves|

Just worked planned all day. Weather is looking like rain off and on later today into tomorrow, not that it matters, I rarely go anywhere lol. Have a good one |thumb

2020-05-29, 09:00 AM
I am still amazed at the stuff coming out of the US these days. Minneapolis is a sad sad situation. Children are taught that if they have an emergency and need help they can always turn to the police for help. Guess that ain't so anymore. And then His Orangeness and the ongoing Siege Of Twitterville. Wonder how he would handle a 7 day lockout like most of us would get for the kind of crap he posts? He may have to double up on his meds.

2020-05-29, 10:13 AM
Morning! |waves|

We truly are fucked as a country :(

I wasn't feeling it yesterday so I took the day off. Not exactly feeling it today, but gonna try to push thru.

I do have to go pick up my new CPAP (sleep apnea) machine today but other than that I'll be here.

2020-05-29, 10:22 AM
Good Morning :)

After seeing yesterdays post from Art about all the meat I was going to eat I showed my wife and she immediately wanted brisket so that's what we had last night and I ate a lot which I'm still feeling this morning.

Got the other stuff to do, hopefully work off all that meat I ate, and the rest will be biz/tv/netflix so it's my basic usual day. Living the dream!

Enjoy your Corona Friday!