View Full Version : Happy Canada Day July 1st

2023-07-01, 08:35 AM
Good morning and happy Canada Day to us Canadians |canada|

Up and working but the Grandson is coming soon. Work a bit today but then mostly offline the remainder of the day |thumb

We rented a cottage near the house we're building, right on the water, for July and August since the house we're building isn't ready yet and we have to move out of this house by July 11th. Today we're going down there to bring a few things, clean etc and we'll move in there full time next weekend |loony|

Have a good weekend |cheers|

2023-07-01, 09:51 AM
Good Morning :)

Happy Canada Day! Take Off To The Great White North!

Ramster, good luck with your moving before the moving :D

F1 spring race in a bit but this time I have it set to record so I can get some work done before breakfast where I'll watch it.

Some house work mix in with biz grunt work and naps is this weekends plan. I know, it's pretty much my every day plan.

Enjoy your weekend!

2023-07-01, 09:55 AM
^ Moving into a new house. Nice!

Happy Canada Day! |coffee

I'm not feeling that great today. I've got a couple of easy things to do and then I think I'll just watch the ball game mid-afternoon.

Have a good one! |thumb

2023-07-01, 11:43 AM
Happy Canada day!

Both F2 and F1 gave us some really good racing today 😊

Rest of the day is all about surviving this hot apartment.
