View Full Version : Tuesday, July 16th 2024

2024-07-16, 04:03 AM
It's a rainy day but the temperature is cool. In the 70's.

Busy on some new projects. Cutting videos with Filmora.
Highly recommend it.

I hear Hawaiian pizza is back on the menu at Costco so I will be going this week. Never attracted me to the variety before the last few years but I like it a lot.

2024-07-16, 07:03 AM
Morning! |waves|

We had some bad storms come thru yesterday & were under a tornado watch for about an hour. This is just after last week's 4 or 5 tornados that hit about 15 miles south of us last week. But Climate Change is in my Libtard head |crazy|

The above caused The Bitch's work to ask her to work overnight, which she did because she's a good egg |thumb

Of course, that'll really fuck with my naps today :D

2024-07-16, 10:05 AM
Good Morning :)

Biz grunting and a couple of errands to run today and that's about it.

Enjoy your Tuesday!