View Full Version : Need Galleries

The Mad Piper
2003-09-17, 08:44 PM
|afro| I would gratefully apprieted if webmasters could e-mail me some tgp galleries to be listed on my tgp themadpiper.net

No recip needed just e-mail me the url with a description to webmaster@themadpiper.net!

Or could anyone suggest an url of where to get galleries!! I've been using gallerypool.com but it doesn't seem to be working!!

Thanks in Advance fro any replies!

Mad Piper |jester|

2003-09-18, 01:56 AM
You can use my clean galleries from this list: http://www.rusfetish.com/galleries.html

Soon I'll put them with descriptions here: Adult-gateway (http://adult-gateway.com/webmasters/news.html)

Dr Bizzaro
2003-09-18, 07:55 AM
You have mail.

2003-09-18, 08:06 AM
ok, I've written descriptions for my galleries. Now you can look at them here: Galleries (http://www.adult-gateway.com/webmasters/galleries.html)

The Mad Piper
2003-09-18, 10:32 AM
My Many Thanks to everyone!

Your help is greatly appreciated and most welcomed!