View Full Version : question for Jim

2003-04-02, 09:38 AM
I feel kind of newbie"ish" not knowing this but what program(s) do you and did you run in the present/past?

It seems like everyone else knows you but for some reason your name just isn't ringing any bells.


BTW these smilies kickass! :horse:

2003-04-02, 10:25 AM
Let's see....
I started by being a partner in the now defunct Ultracash :) Damn, Ultracash was good back then.

I then was the Vice President of Marketing for Cybererotica

And until last month, I was the Director of Marketing for Flashcash.

I also ran several free sites here and there but the 3 I mentioned were the big ones. :)

I was also a founding member of YNOT back when YNOT was an exclusive club and I wrote the code of ethics for them that it seems, everyone honest seems to still follow today.

If you want to know the sad story of Ultracash, go here

2003-04-02, 10:28 AM
By the way...that page about Ultracash is the first time I have discussed this in public.

Except for one drunken night with greenguy, myself and someone with an AVN camera :)

2003-04-02, 10:30 AM
One more thing.
Because of my experience, I know how almost all sponsors programs work. Always feel free to ask me anything and I will always give honest answers.

2003-04-02, 11:38 AM
Damn Jim, that's fucked up. I just don't understand why people do shit like that. /mad/

2003-04-02, 11:51 AM
You are right...it was fucked up. I built Ultracash from being an average sponsorship program to something great. People that were around back then remember, how good Ultracash once was.

But...one good thing came out of it. I met Greenie because of Ultracash.

2003-04-02, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Jim
One more thing.
Because of my experience, I know how almost all sponsors programs work. Always feel free to ask me anything and I will always give honest answers.

This is something I will definately ask you about with a sponsor sometime....

2003-04-02, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by Jim
Let's see....
I started by being a partner in the now defunct Ultracash :) Damn, Ultracash was good back then.

I then was the Vice President of Marketing for Cybererotica

And until last month, I was the Director of Marketing for Flashcash.

I also ran several free sites here and there but the 3 I mentioned were the big ones. :)

I was also a founding member of YNOT back when YNOT was an exclusive club and I wrote the code of ethics for them that it seems, everyone honest seems to still follow today.

If you want to know the sad story of Ultracash, go here

Fucking A, Jim, I'm left completely speechless after reading that.

For what it's worth, you just earned my respect.

2003-04-02, 05:50 PM
Over the years I've heard bits and pieces of what took place. It's nice to be able to read what actually took place. Yeah that is some fucked up shit. :(

2003-04-02, 06:07 PM
Sorry but what a fuckin' asshole, Jim you have a lot of patience man.

2003-04-02, 06:41 PM
Wow, that's quite a story. you defiantly have my respect. If you know greenguy, you must be a good person :)

2003-04-02, 06:48 PM
I was around then and use to premote ultra cash
this is going back like 5 or 6 years

as far as I know everything Jim wrote on that page is just about true

I know its sort of bad to make jokes
but saying you were the number 2 program is a bit ............

it wasnt like today
There was only like 3 programs open to webmasters to premote :D

2003-04-02, 07:02 PM
Damn interesting tale you have there Jim.

It is nice to see that with all those hardships pushed upon you that you still kept your head. Most people, myself even, probably would have cracked, folded everything, and ended up in jail for 1st degree murder charges.

You are the man!


2003-04-03, 06:47 AM
Originally posted by Tommy
I was around then and use to premote ultra cash
this is going back like 5 or 6 years

as far as I know everything Jim wrote on that page is just about true

I know its sort of bad to make jokes
but saying you were the number 2 program is a bit ............

it wasnt like today
There was only like 3 programs open to webmasters to premote :D

There were programs Tommy...CE, Maxcash, Ifriends, Intergal...etc...I have an article a mainstream publication wrote about the busiest web sites back then. I will have to dig it out for you.

2004-09-22, 10:28 PM
Oh My god!!
That was one of the touching incidents I have read about this industry. How can a person show so much of ingratitude? Lucky that I have come across only good webmasters on this board and webmasters like Sleazy Bear and others on *******.
Thanks for sharing your experience Jim.

2004-09-23, 01:58 PM
I just finished reading the story Jim ... you're a powerful man ... most likely your psychic is highly developed .|shake|

And ... be sure I'm gonna post here to ask about new sponsors that I intend to promote in the future.

2004-09-23, 02:46 PM
Thanks alessandro
Damn, this was an old thread :)

2004-09-23, 04:26 PM
old thread but always something good to look at for the new people|violin| learning and knowing..........

2005-06-24, 12:07 AM
Interesting story, Ultracash was a great program, and I remember there being a lot more than 3 sponsors at the time. I think I have a disc of ultra content somewhere.
It's nice to know why and how it closed at, all I heard at the time is that he 'got religion'.

I seem to remember that towards the end you went to a webmaster expo and came back with a license to use FM's stats engine. Being as how ultracash had *the best* stats of any sponsor at that time, and I hated cybererotica's midnight updating stats with a passion, I wasn't too thrilled and I think thats when I switched the bulk of my traffic to JoeE's program which paid $45 with the condom bonus. Anyway I digress, I have always wondered why you switched stat engines when yours was so far ahead of everyone elses.

So what was the deal with switching engines :)
And are you involved with an affiliate program now?

2005-06-24, 12:17 AM
Old, old, old thread - but I bet I can hook you up with the man who wrote the program you are talking about. ;)

Chop Smith
2005-06-24, 03:43 AM
I thought all these old threads got lost on Black Monday, the day of the crash.

2005-06-24, 05:13 AM
Threw me for a minute too, but as Stu pointed out, good for newcomers to read and learn :)
I thought I'd posted about this before but obviously not, so I'll just add that it obviously suckd bug time, but as you say, you met Greenie through it, so without trying to sound too cliched, in this instance the old saying 'Every cloud has a silver lining' turned out to be true |thumb

2005-06-24, 06:42 AM
old thread but still very interesting :)

btw: hey Kush, are you still alive man? :)

2005-06-24, 07:15 AM
Interesting story, Ultracash was a great program, and I remember there being a lot more than 3 sponsors at the time. I think I have a disc of ultra content somewhere.
It's nice to know why and how it closed at, all I heard at the time is that he 'got religion'.

I seem to remember that towards the end you went to a webmaster expo and came back with a license to use FM's stats engine. Being as how ultracash had *the best* stats of any sponsor at that time, and I hated cybererotica's midnight updating stats with a passion, I wasn't too thrilled and I think thats when I switched the bulk of my traffic to JoeE's program which paid $45 with the condom bonus. Anyway I digress, I have always wondered why you switched stat engines when yours was so far ahead of everyone elses.

So what was the deal with switching engines :)
And are you involved with an affiliate program now?
We did have the best stats. And Sparky was a big part of that. But, the people that built the program never believed us when we told them how much traffic would be hitting it. And, Sparky can correct me if I am wrong but, Oracle could not handle being on the front end.

We ended up buying CEs stats program from Ron and they were rock solid. Sparky made many enhancements and it worked good.

I forgot...I can't talk about any affiliate program I may or maynot be involved in yet.

2005-06-24, 10:36 AM
That was a very moving story Jim. I'm sorry you and your family had to go threw all that shit. But you got threw it and came out on top. From reading all your posts I gained respect for you for the fact that your a family man. Now I have even more respect for you from reading that story.

Life is not always good to us, we all suffer threw bad times. But to be able to pick yourself up and start again only makes us better people. Which you sure did Jim..... |thumb

2005-06-24, 11:01 AM
Guys, I am glad this came up for people that never knew the entire story. But something not mentioned was that I was not alone. Sparky (cd34) was screwed by this thief as well. So were his hosts and just about anyone that worked for him.

Something else...if it were not for Greenguy and Meatman coming to my house uninvited and slapping me around telling me to snap out of it, I would either be living on the street or perhaps even dead. See, I was in a deep depression for over a year and couldn't work. I owe these two gentlemen my life. And I will never be able to repay them. So, in case I never said it, thanks guys.

2005-06-24, 11:15 AM
And, Sparky can correct me if I am wrong but, Oracle could not handle being on the front end.

Oracle couldn't handle the stats for an adult affiliate program? :)

2005-06-24, 12:22 PM
Oracle couldn't handle the stats for an adult affiliate program? :)
Yep, as I understand it, oracle was used at the front end. I believe we ended up paying almost $250k for it without the source code.

2005-06-24, 12:23 PM
But, it did do shit that programs today still don't do :)

2005-06-24, 12:24 PM
Problem is...it kept breaking
It was my theiving partner's idea to find a firm not in the adult business world to build it. They never saw that much traffic before and didn't believe us when we told them how much there was.

2005-06-24, 12:25 PM
We loved having a "Powered by Oracle" logo on our program. That is, until they asked us to remove it. I think it cost $15k to license it for use on the web.

2005-06-24, 12:26 PM
One more thing...
Those were the days...
Months of getting checks of well over $120k for my 10% partnership. It went to 20% but the thief denies it.