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JustRobert 2020-08-04 10:15 AM

Finished season 2 of The Umbrella Academy last night and we enjoyed it.

Not sure what's next but the queue is full.

Greenguy 2020-08-05 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by JustRobert (Post 561319)
Finished season 2 of The Umbrella Academy last night and we enjoyed it.

I finished that, too & really liked it. Set themselves up for S3, too |thumb

I started watching Connected: The Hidden Science Of Everything and while I like the topics, I can't stand the host & really dislike how parts of it were shot/presented. Kinda cheesy.

The Speed Cubers was a quick interesting little doc on people that can solve a Rubix cube in under 7 seconds.

...and finally, I watched all 10 episodes of The Last Dance which is about Michael Jordan & the Chicago Bulls 2 3-peats in the 90's. REALLY good sports doc |thumb |thumb

Ramster 2020-08-05 01:58 PM

Might have to add Umbrella Academy to my watch list as I am out of stuff to watch lol. Finished Good Girls season 3, I like that show.

JustRobert 2020-08-06 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Ramster (Post 561340)
Finished Good Girls season 3, I like that show.

That's been in my queue for a while so good to see someone else watched and more importantly like it.

Watched the series October Faction. Mixed bag between being good, with some unnecessary cheese and parts being bad. Really only continued watching because of Tamara Taylor but overall it was ok.

Spaceballs :D Decided to watch it last night (its on netflix) and graphics from the eighties were amazing |lol|

Greenguy 2020-08-06 11:33 AM

I started watching 100 Humans and I really want to bang that redhead...I mean so far it's a really cool show :D

JustRobert 2020-08-11 11:21 AM

I have started the new Wizards: Tales of Arcadia which is a kids cartoon series from Dreamworks for my morning watching. This sorta follows from Troll Hunters and 3 Below that my grandson got me watching. I'm a kid.

Then the wife and I started In the Dark for my lunch and evening watching which is I find quite funny.

jollyhumper 2020-08-12 03:15 PM

Just finished After Life season 2.
I loved it, pretty dark, though. Funny and emotional as well.
Looking forward to s3

Other than that I dunno what I'm going to watch next.
Started on Tiger King, but it doesn't interest me at all.
Why should I waste time watching a loony loosing it?


Greenguy 2020-08-12 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by jollyhumper (Post 561440)
Why should I waste time watching a loony loosing it?

That's EXACTLY why you should watch it. And, there's more than one |loony| |crazy| on there |thumb

JustRobert 2020-08-13 09:51 AM

Finished the first season of In The Dark and I like it. On to S2.
What's not to like a hot blind woman that like to drink and have meaningless sex and gets entangled with drug dealers and murder.

Greenguy 2020-08-13 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by JustRobert (Post 561448)
Finished the first season of In The Dark and I like it. On to S2.
What's not to like a hot blind woman that like to drink and have meaningless sex and gets entangled with drug dealers and murder.

Adding this based on your description |thumb

JustRobert 2020-08-16 10:31 AM

Finished the cartoon series Wizards: Tales of Arcadia and I liked it.

Morning viewing is now The New Legends of Monkey which is cheesy but it's kinda like a cartoon but live action so it's fine for the time slot.

JustRobert 2020-08-20 09:51 AM

Finished In The Dark season 2 and it started out kinda slow but really enjoyed the last 5 episodes though I'm not sure about how it set up for season 3. Still like it |thumb

We started Daybreak and it's a Ferris Bueller take on a post-apocalyptic society. Matthew Broderick is even in it. The one liners are making me |lol| though it's a little cheesy. I read they cancelled season 2 already but that' okay as I'm enjoying it so far.

Greenguy 2020-08-20 12:32 PM

I did watch Project Power with Jamie Foxx & the kid from 3rd Rock - it was OK but I wouldn't exactly recommend it. Would've been a "direct to DVD" movie back in what the kids call "the day" :D


Originally Posted by JustRobert (Post 561516)
We started Daybreak and it's a Ferris Bueller take on a post-apocalyptic society. Matthew Broderick is even in it. The one liners are making me |lol| though it's a little cheesy. I read they cancelled season 2 already but that' okay as I'm enjoying it so far.

Added to my list based on this |thumb

jollyhumper 2020-08-21 07:59 AM

I'm a game-addict (as you've probably noticed).
So I guess there's no surprise in me falling in love with the docu-series "High Score".

Making slowly progress in Tiger King, decided to see it through.
I still don't get the fascination, though. |loony|

Greenguy 2020-08-23 07:29 AM

I started watching the cartoon series Hoops and I was literally LOLing a couple times an episode. Very funny & very inappropriate. Here's the trailer:


Originally Posted by jollyhumper (Post 561523)
I'm a game-addict (as you've probably noticed).
So I guess there's no surprise in me falling in love with the docu-series "High Score".

I binged that yesterday. Really great little doc series for anyone that played video games in the 70s/80s/90s |thumb

JustRobert 2020-08-24 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 561543)
I started watching the cartoon series Hoops and I was literally LOLing a couple times an episode. Very funny & very inappropriate.

That's in my queue :)

We finished Daybreak and liked it overall though it was a cheesy comedy.

Greenguy 2020-08-25 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by JustRobert (Post 561556)
We finished Daybreak and liked it overall though it was a cheesy comedy.

I gave it a shot, but after 2 episodes, I'm throwing in the towel :(

JustRobert 2020-08-26 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 561570)
I gave it a shot, but after 2 episodes, I'm throwing in the towel :(


I started watching Troll Hunters (cartoon series from dreamworks) mostly because when my grandson was over last time he wanted to watch it again which got me wanting to do the same.

Wife and I are watching the last season of Lucifer as well right now.

Greenguy 2020-08-26 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by JustRobert (Post 561576)
Wife and I are watching the last season of Lucifer as well right now.

That's been popping up a lot on the Netflix |spam| - any good?

JustRobert 2020-08-26 10:29 AM

If ya haven't watched it at all it started as a network tv show for a few seasons before Netflix picked it up for 2 more after being cancelled.

Wife and I watched it when it was on tv and liked it.

Greenguy 2020-08-26 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by JustRobert (Post 561582)
If ya haven't watched it at all it started as a network tv show for a few seasons before Netflix picked it up for 2 more after being cancelled.

Wife and I watched it when it was on tv and liked it.

I thought it looked familiar. Maybe I'll give it a shot |thumb

That does remind me: The Bitch & I did start watching In The Dark an even though I'm no longer a fan of any regular TV dramas (the cliffhangers before where the commercials would be suck balls) this one is kinda edgy & we both like it so far (we're only 4 episodes in so don't ruin it!)

JustRobert 2020-08-27 10:18 AM

Wife and I finished what we thought was the last season of Lucifer. As the last show ended I said to my wife they're going to end it like that only for ending credits to say more episodes coming soon.

JustRobert 2020-08-28 09:54 AM

I finished Hoops and it was alright. I thought some of it was kinda bad but then it would have me LOL the next moment.
If they add a second season I would watch it because the funny parts I found really funny.

Greenguy 2020-08-28 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by JustRobert (Post 561610)
I finished Hoops and it was alright. I thought some of it was kinda bad but then it would have me LOL the next moment.
If they add a second season I would watch it because the funny parts I found really funny.

Yeah there were some |zzzzzzzzz in between the|lol|'s

JustRobert 2020-08-29 11:06 AM

We watched Rob Schneider: Asian Momma, Mexican Kids and I found it to be pretty funny. Probably because we are the same age and a bunch of the humor was relatable.

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