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Kezza 2004-12-19 07:32 AM

They were just too lazy to make all those little boxes with specific category links in them!

Move on and submit to someone else, if it shits you!!!

And I agree with Dave (YAY!!!) I cant see how a cat specific link helps any one... but do see the value in a non recip link... I link you from my link list cat and you link me from your free site to my main LL... it just makes sense.

Cheerful1 2004-12-19 08:35 AM

Re: Re: Question For All Freesite Submitters

Originally posted by swedguy
If it wasn't clear before.... the whole thing was a joke ;)
I am laughing even now as I type Swedguy. Reason?
While reviewing earlier I came across this doozy of a recip and after seeing that, naturally took this thread literally

MadMax 2004-12-19 12:50 PM

Great discussion, and I haven't even been run over |rasta|

I knew there was something quite iffy about the idea, but as I'm still enough of a newb that SEO is one of my weakest points I also knew I'd never figure it out on my own. Like most things that seem initially tantalizing this concept as well looks like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

DD, would you mind expanding on what you said about category recips being pointless?

anteyes 2004-12-19 05:01 PM

Yeah, I am curious as well. Why do you feel category specific recips are useless? I thought in the SEO aspect, it would provide you with more anchor keywords that link to your pages optimized for those keywords, which would help to bring you higher in the SERP's for those niche specific keywords.

Am I wrong about this? I'd love to hear some opinions on this.

Rorschach 2004-12-19 05:08 PM

If one link list has a recip with 15 links on it, and the rest of the recips in your table have 2 (index and cat pages) then it is unfair on the other LL owners. Say on a free site you have 9 recips (x2 links each), + 3 sponsor links, enter link and a link in the footer to your index page - that is a total of 23 links on the page, of which the link list owners all share equally of the incoming page rank (minus dampening factor) to that page.

If one LL tries to seize the lions share with a 15 link recip then they are taking a disproportionate amount of PR, especially when you consider that you get more linking benefit from a larger authority LL than a small one. Not only is it unfair on the other LL owners, but it also totally cuts down on the residual trickle down PR effect for the free site builder - there might not be much PR left after the recips have filtered off their share, but the effect can be significant over tons of pages... but not so much with 15 link recips. Now I realise that PR is not so cut and dried any more but it's still clear that all G really cares about is links... JMHO of course. :)

GeorgeTH 2004-12-19 05:50 PM

General answer: I don't mind the niche related recip link tables, but please make them easier to find!
The system currently used on most sites is a nuisance, and the few times I have submitted I have made some mistakes simply because on a long page of link tables I scrolled past the one really suitable for my submission...

Very few sites have a set-up where you pick your category first from a well sorted list (which fits easily onto one screen) and then you go to a submission page with only the single relevant recip link on it! MUCH EASIER TO USE!

If you think your script is preventing you from doing this please consider a frame page set-up, or iframes - these are not too complicated ways to archive the above!

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