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Useless 2014-04-18 08:58 PM

"Responsive" Hosted Galleries. Who Cares?
I receive sponsor emails about their new responsive galleries that work seamlessly on different devices. I have great difficulty caring about such things. Maybe it's because even when viewing the interwebs on my antique cell phone, everything looks fine. It seems gimmicky to me, but I don't spend much time surfing on anything other than a full-size computer.

Also, PimpRoll pushes a lot a lot of mobile hosted galleries that are otherwise useless. How many happy pervs are purchasing memberships on their phones? That has always seemed so desperate to me. All I can imagine is someone jerking off in a bathroom stall at work, hoping their 8 million dollar iPhone doesn't slip into the toilet. :)

I am confessing my ignorance here. I don't understand the mobile market at all. Responsive galleries don't mean anything to me because my sites that I'd be linking from aren't responsive. So, why bother? Should a dinosaur like me spend some time working on this new-fangled hoopla?

Cleo 2014-04-18 09:58 PM

I sell a far amount of mobile.

I don't push mobile at all, but I do turn on mobile redirects with places link PimpRoll.

I don't surf porn on my iPhone, but I do use it as reading material while sitting down and making clean water disgusting. We used to have magazines in all the bathrooms. Now we have empty magazine racks.

Useless 2014-04-18 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Cleo (Post 533582)
I don't surf porn on my iPhone, but I do use it as reading material while sitting down and making clean water disgusting. We used to have magazines in all the bathrooms. Now we have empty magazine racks.

I usually text friends and tell them that I'm on the toilet.

ecchi 2014-04-19 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by Useless Warrior (Post 533581)
I am confessing my ignorance here. I don't understand the mobile market at all. Responsive galleries don't mean anything to me because my sites that I'd be linking from aren't responsive. So, why bother? Should a dinosaur like me spend some time working on this new-fangled hoopla?

When I moved into the area I now live, many years ago, there was a video rental shop just round the corner from me. DVDs were just coming in but he felt that he had no need to spend large amounts of money building up a stock of DVDs, they were expensive, they were in the minority as not many people had DVD players yet, and it would simply cost him money, time, and 50% of his valuable shop space to start renting DVDs as well. So he stuck with video.

Two years after I moved into where I live now, there was NOT a video shop just round the corner anymore. The guy who owned it had lost everything he had invested in the business. And after many years of making good money running his own business, he was back working for someone else at minimum wage.

I have no idea how old you are, but if you are old enough to be considering retiring within a few years then fine, go on ignoring mobile devices, it will take a few years before they are popular enough to become a problem. But if you are young enough to want to still be in business for some time yet, then you need to know about this here new fangled mobile technology.

Then, in a few years time you will need to learn how to market your sites on whatever new technology comes along after that. And a few more years further down the line you will have to learn all about whatever technology that brings... And so on until you either retire or die.

If you don't, you will find yourself selling gas lamp mantles in a world of electric lights.

In your post you use the analogy of calling yourself a "dinosaur". Well how many real dinosaurs do you see roaming the jungle nowadays!?!

(And this is not coming from some young tecno savvy kid, this is coming from an old guy who is currently surrounded by some very old computers, who still moans that he has to use a PC and cannot still work on a Commodore Amiga anymore, and who is constantly wishing it was still the 1970s. But who is sitting at a modern computer, has a selection of tablets, and several cell 'phones that he hates but uses because he accepts that they are the future - an evil future he does not think he will like, but a future he knows he must adapt to in case his doctors manage to find him a new kidney in a few years time and he does not drop dead for want of a working renal system.)

Useless 2014-04-19 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by ecchi (Post 533585)
In your post you use the analogy of calling yourself a "dinosaur". Well how many real dinosaurs do you see roaming the jungle nowadays!?!

I am very old. I'm one month older than |greenguy|. I'm 43! |jackinthe

Okay, so I'm not old, but looking at all that has occurred in the industry has made me feel old and left behind. I really want to keep doing the things I have always done, which were never successful, with hopes of success. Shit, I am the definition of crazy. |loony|

Cleo 2014-04-19 08:25 AM

What's a DVD???

Toby 2014-04-19 09:09 AM

I *am* and olde pharte, 54 in a couple weeks...

I've been asking for a number of years now, just how many people actually join sites from their cell phones. Those who have access to the numbers have been unwilling to share, even percentages. That tells me the numbers aren't likely all that impressive. I believe the vast majority of mobile sales are from users on tablets, not cell phones. That also means they have a large enough screen to use a standard browser.

I see it all merging into one completely platform independent format, it's has been happening for some time now and will continue. IMO mobile pages are necessary at this time for member areas, but of a more limited value for galleries and site tours.

jollyhumper 2014-04-19 09:58 AM

I'm having a hard time understanding how people can enjoy porn on a cellphone....
When that is said I'm more and more reading newspapers on my cellphone. I think that's where I read most of the news nowadays.
I'm definitely going to look deep into cell-phone traffic and responsive design, I think that's the future, unfortunately.


MeatPounder 2014-04-19 01:34 PM

Not sure how many people watch porn ON their cell phones

But some people have sex WITH their cell phones!

faxxaff 2014-04-19 03:47 PM

I think the deal is about people no longer wanting to buy desktop and laptop computers anymore. A tablet is really all an average user needs. No need to pay and update an operating system is a great advantage. We are all sick of paying another 100 bucks for another uselss Ballmer fee. That said, the secret in converting mobile traffic lies in being more tablet friendly in terms of accepting payments. A mobile tour won't convert with old fashion signup forms .... just my 2 Cents.

Ramster 2014-04-20 08:25 AM

Responsive designs are the way to go for the future as more and more people stop using desktops.

Toby, Twistys has 20%, maybe as much as 30% of sales from mobile. I thought NO WAY, but true.

The porn tubes, their traffic was/is 40% mobile!! 40%!! (of course a lot of the young crowd surf tubes)

Toby 2014-04-20 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by Ramster (Post 533608)
Toby, Twistys has 20%, maybe as much as 30% of sales from mobile. I thought NO WAY, but true.

But of that 20% what was the split between smartphone and tablet? I'd wager most of that was tablet users not phones.

Point being, tablet users can view a regular width page.

Simon 2014-04-20 08:51 AM

Pretty much everything new I'll work on will be responsive, and using the "mobile first" theory for designs. A lot of people read their mail on their phones and tablets, so I started sending responsive newsletter mailings this year and noticed an uptick in opens, click-thrus, and signups. Eventually I'll go back and retrofit existing sites to be responsive too. So any tool that a sponsor offers that isn't responsive will wind up being replaced with something that is.

I haven't looked into it, but I think there's probably a nice business niche for converting people's existing sites to fully-responsive versions.

Good to see you around again UW.


Ramster 2014-04-20 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Toby (Post 533609)
But of that 20% what was the split between smartphone and tablet? I'd wager most of that was tablet users not phones.

Point being, tablet users can view a regular width page.

Probably a LOT of tablets yes compared to cell phones. As UW said even regular tours will "adjust" to cell phones but responsive is still better I think. A big company can do all this easily, not so much for us 1 man shows.. hahaha

Useless 2014-04-20 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Simon (Post 533610)
Good to see you around again UW.


Thank you kind sir! |waves|

StinkyPink 2014-04-20 08:30 PM

I am currently building all our members areas to be responsive, next we will work on the tours, after that the galleries. We will be generating our own traffic in-house, then move into the affiliate market once all the work is done. Entering this industry, or re-entering it seems vital to use the latest standards, and everything it has to offer. Responsive design has a lot of advantages. The HTML5/CSS3/JS combo is quite the magician if you ask me. Faster load times and adding/omitting content per "viewport" size. This doesn't necessarily have anything to do with mobile "per se". However, think of xbox, playstation, roku, google tv, handheld systems with internet browsing capabilities... and old farts who still run commodores in 640x480 screen resolutions.

If you plan on being in any online biz for any reasonable lenght of time, start building with new technologies, which may or may not include responsive designs, but interactive animation, div layers, html5 video and the possibilies there-in. SO MUCH TO LEARN, so don't waste any time. ;)

babymaker 2014-04-21 04:07 AM

Mobile and responsive is essential these days, I need to redo any old sites I have to be responsive. And anything I work on now will be responsive.

housekeeper 2014-04-23 02:41 PM

At this point you'd be unwise to base your promotional decisions based on your own experiences, preferences, or personal cell-phone usage or habits. I'm happy to see the responsive galleries and will start using them exclusively within' my promotional networks.

Social media has become one of the top sources of promotion and traffic, blogs and other stationary hubs are not the greatest destination for traffic, and if fact are almost obsolete. With that in mind, you have to take into account how people are accessing SM, and the answer is through cell/smart phones.

It's also clear to see how attached the culture is to cellphones, I think even more so than tablets. So without trying to rationalize how the consumer is getting off with the phone, it is wise to view it in terms of how are they becoming aware of the content, and you have a lot of competition in that regard.

So responsive is the deal-e-o, all the kids at the malt shop are digging the scene man. You should also be mindful of video delivery methods, make certain your delivery method is mobile friendly, and that goes for your tubes and other sample selections.

geirlur 2014-04-23 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by jollyhumper (Post 533595)
I'm having a hard time understanding how people can enjoy porn on a cellphone....

I have no idea why but for some reason I find it more exciting to watch porn on my phone. Maybe because I've grown tired of seeing it on my computer every day for 15+ years :-p

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