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NY Jester 2008-12-01 12:17 PM

Feeder Blogs Network
I wanted to ask, as Im not sure..but can a network of 20 or so hand written (not rss fed) feeder type blogs be profitable? Meaning could they not only serve as a step off point to the main blog but can they sustain themselves and bring in their own sales?

EDIT: The 20+ blogs are all niche specific

NY Jester 2008-12-01 01:24 PM

well, maybe I was misrepresenting what it was I was after. I guess they wouldnt be so much feeder blogs if I hand wrote them after all. I guess the question should have been is 20 niche specific blog network be able to sustain a pretty good flow of traffic and sales

HowlingWulf 2008-12-01 02:35 PM

If 1 blog can get traffic and make sales, why not 20? I guess I'm not sure what you're asking... in any case it probably boils down to the benevolence of the search engine gods.

walrus 2008-12-01 02:52 PM

I think the answer to your first question would be yes but then the question I would ask is why.

What I would do is create a single general niche blog and then split out the categories and treat them as seperate blogs. With wordpress's templating system you could even have different templates for each category.

In other words, I might start with amateurs as the general, then solo girls as a category...etc. Link trade at the root with general amateur sites and link trade at the category level with solo girl sites.

Some people get a little snooty about having an index page link but fuck'em. It's more important to have a relevant trade than where it appears on a site. Just most people don't know how to build any link juice to anything other than the blog index.

dirtykodo 2008-12-01 02:54 PM

Well, as the guy said above, i totaly agree.
You can have time for one good blog, but updating 20 ?

NY Jester 2008-12-01 03:11 PM

Well, as many know blogging is fairly new to me. I was always a Gallery guy, so Free Sites and Blogs are new (just a year into it and blogging just 3-4 months) Is it best to keep internal traffic or is it imperative to get outside traffic sources other than directories?

HowlingWulf 2008-12-01 03:57 PM

I'm almost on the same path as you. My blogs are a few months old as well, but let me tell you how I have mine set up. Each automatically publishes a random hand-written draft every two days. If no drafts are available, it will take the oldest post and re-publish it as new. That way when I first start out I can crank out a couple dozen or so posts and let it run. I can add new posts at any time into the draft sequence, and if it runs out that's ok as it will still update with old posts. I'm not under any self-imposed deadline and can work on my own schedule. That allows me to handle many blogs at once.

For traffic I'm looking for SE, blog dirs, link trades, and clicked traffic from my TGP galleries and freesites. Blog dirs are great when first submitted you get some great traffic, but as your blog is pushed down the pages traffic typically drops to 0.

Useless 2008-12-01 07:43 PM

I agree with everything. |thumb

There are distinct SEO advantages to both methods. If you place twenty different blogs on twenty niche-specific domains, you may pick up some extra love due to keywords in each domain. However, you can build internal page rank by having a single blog consisting of hundreds of interlinking pages.

I couldn't tell you which method is more likely to create more traffic/sales.

You're gonna get varying opinions on traffic sources. I'm not a type A link exchanger. I don't seek links from other sites and don't enjoy that part of the business. I'm a type B guy. I prefer to work in the shadows and link to my new projects from my old projects. In other words, I like to build my own traffic whenever possible. I also _believe_ that you're better served by linking to one of your sites or niche-specific pages from within a chunk of your own SEO text than swapping links with a stranger's completely whored-out site. In other words, if you're blogging about some pretty little cocksucker in a blowjob post, and she just happens to have a nice set of big natural tits, it's worth the 3 seconds of effort to link 'big natural tits' to your big boob page/boob category/post about large natural tits.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

walrus 2008-12-03 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by Useless Warrior (Post 431083)
In other words, if you're blogging about some pretty little cocksucker in a blowjob post, and she just happens to have a nice set of big natural tits, it's worth the 3 seconds of effort to link 'big natural tits' to your big boob page/boob category/post about large natural tits.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

I'm sure glad most people only read the UW posts for his rants and ignore him when he's being serious. This is way to valuable information to be giving away in such a public manner and I thought it was supposed to be our little secret!

LeRoy 2008-12-03 11:36 AM

Ive noticed a few people building hubs using Thumblogger. IMO those are giving links to someones AFF ref code.

I'm toying around with a Wordpress MU. So I'm going to build my own :) using my own links.

Also I post about my freesites and link the post to a mirrored main page. That main page has links back to my hub and one of those annoying pop up dating IM things. They are slowly bringing in traffic and a few signups. Nothing big so far but its a start.

bDok 2008-12-03 01:05 PM

20 blogs will bring in sales if they are all hand written. Not sure if it's going to bring in tons and tons of sales every month, but it will bring sales.

If possible trading with people you really know or people you trust will help at the start of things. Growing your network like UW said to a point where you can just be trading with yourself is really the key though.

Sandra 2008-12-04 01:58 AM

HowlingWulf, would you be willing to share what plug-in you're using (if any) that does the automatic posting of the old posts? Would it be the same plug-in that posts the random hand-written draft? Also, can you indicate which of the old posts to repost?

I spent about an hour looking over plug-ins but couldn't find anything that matched your set up.

Thanks. :-)

HowlingWulf 2008-12-04 09:08 AM

Well I took the mod at
but it doesn't work. I fixed the code and added some features and sent it back to the author many weeks ago but he hasn't released it yet.

Sandra 2008-12-04 10:12 AM

HW, thank you. I'll bookmark the site and maybe by the time I'm ready to use it he'll have changed it. :-) There is a comment on the site that a new version to fix all the problems is in the works.


Element115 2008-12-04 08:54 PM

I agree with a lot of what others have said, but I just want to warn you in case you were thinking about it. DO NOT, under any circumstance, feed your own handwritten content to other sites that you own if they are on the same hosting. I tried this thinking that maybe if I took a few of my blogs and fed a bunch onto another blog it would pick up different search results. Let's just say that Google wasn't very amused....

ArtWilliams 2008-12-04 09:00 PM

I assume that all were using the same IP address?


Originally Posted by Element115 (Post 431578)
I agree with a lot of what others have said, but I just want to warn you in case you were thinking about it. DO NOT, under any circumstance, feed your own handwritten content to other sites that you own if they are on the same hosting. I tried this thinking that maybe if I took a few of my blogs and fed a bunch onto another blog it would pick up different search results. Let's just say that Google wasn't very amused....

Element115 2008-12-05 12:39 AM

Yeah, they were.

NY Jester 2008-12-06 01:54 PM

unique IPs would do the trick or eliminate the problem with the same hosting.

To touch on what UW said, the internal traffic circle is what Im looking to build. I think a good mix between Traded links and Self Links is the best way (for me anyway) I appreciate all the tips that have come from my very simplistic posed question.

faxxaff 2008-12-27 02:14 PM

20 blogs is a lot. I do the same thing at the moment and it's a lot of work. I think Useless Warrior gave the best advice regarding the interlinking of pages between those blogs. It's important to do deep category and article interlinking within the own network to catch more SE love.

Most bloggers do the mistake of building up external recip links after they have established the first 5 articles and they think it's all they need.

If you build many blogs consider to create a hub like a blog directory in addition. Everything that widens your circle will help.

It's possible to generate a nice chunk of income with just one blog. Why not with 20?

Latif 2009-01-16 02:59 PM

Hand-written blogs can DEFINITELY WORK
Hi guys,

A bunch of hand-written blogs can *** DEFINITELY WORK ***, it is working for me. I have about 35 or so "blogs" (I don't update them often or even at all) that get healthy amounts of targeted SE traffic and make enough sales to make some pretty great money.

If you want to see some examples, here's a list of my blogs:

They are all on their own IP addresses (probably important), own domain (possibly not that important SE-wise however it becomes a more credible site for trading + submitting to LL's/directories when the blog is on it's own domain) and they are interlinked in my blog network more or less by niche.

I have first page Google results for a bunch of quality targetted niche keyphrases. Average traffic to each blog varies from maybe 50 uniques a day to 400+ to 1300!

I also have an automatic link exchange script (LinkEx) on all of them which brings in about 75% spammy links (which I just delete) but the rest of the trades are good and seem like they keep my pages relevant or even climbing in the SEs.

Also I interlink my blogs before submitting them anywhere, therefore they get spidered right away and start getting a trickle of traffic even before "finished".

The blog script I use is a very simple one I got from Tom's Newbie Booster ( - no affiliation) back in 2006.

As I mentioned... I am having $$$ success with my blog network of about 35 or so hand-written adult blogs (and I'm making more).

Don't forget what your job is. Not to entertain the surfer but to make $$$. (At least, that's what my focus is.)

I see my blogs as text-heavy SE-friendly targeted traffic and sales generators. When you have 35 it starts to add up.

Sorry for the novel! There's a ton more I could say if anyone's interested or if you have a specific question.

~ Latif

FuckingBastard 2009-01-16 08:44 PM

Bukkmarked.Thanks all.
Great advices here.
But how can be interlinked pages?It`s really pain in the ass to put on index every link to page1 from post1 , page2 from post 2,page3 from post 3 ....... 1000 maybe,in a short or long period.If you start at begining with this idea it`s ok.But when you have already thousand of post,what should i do?

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