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Greenguy 2016-01-11 07:30 AM

The "What Are You Working On?" Thread - Week Ending January 16th 2016
Just updated LOR & plan to update Chubby Links today, assuming this Hurricane Blizzard that is hitting us doesn't get too blizzardy |snowman2


So, Skippy, what are YOU working on this week? |shake|

JustRobert 2016-01-11 11:58 AM

Made some small changes to a domain that handles one of the skinny nudes section that's in the network of stuff. Will probably apply these changes to more of the network.

ecchi 2016-01-11 03:01 PM

Created a few banners for Alerana's book "Spells To Make Money". When I've finished, I'll probably try to talk you lot into using her as an affiliate program (and I'll probably fail).

ecchi 2016-01-12 04:04 AM

Just added a new joke to my jokes website. It does not really need a new joke yet, but I am supposed to be finishing off tidying up the site, and that is such a boring job that I decided to add a new page rather than get on with the job I was supposed to be doing!

lezinterracial 2016-01-13 07:30 AM

Gonna work some on I want to keep it simple, yet make it look better. I want to add some more text. Maybe make the text change depending on the first letter of the model or time of day. Something to make my site different from others using the Chaturbate API.

Greenguy 2016-01-13 08:46 AM

Just the usual updates of LOR & Chubby Links for me :)

JustRobert 2016-01-13 11:02 AM

Did apply those small changes across most of the network.

I finished all 9 seasons of X Files yesterday as well and now ready for the come back :D

Sodo 2016-01-13 01:30 PM

How is this business doing? Been Years since my last post and years since my last porn site.

Hope everyone i know(if any left) is doing well.

Kind regards

PhoneMistress 2016-01-13 10:28 PM

This week? Still working on recouping my rank after moving to https

ecchi 2016-01-14 05:20 AM

Last night I finally finished tidying up my jokes website, should have only taken a few days but took over a month because it was bloody boring work and I kept giving up and doing something else instead.

So today I have started a "Half Price Website Links" offer to try and restart sales of ads and links on that site.

ecchi 2016-01-14 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by Sodo (Post 541859)
How is this business doing?

:) For most people horrible. But that is mostly because I keep telling them how to improve sales by selling "non adult" products on their sites, and they keep ignoring me! |couch|

Plus it is because they are ignoring the obvious way of becoming rich - which is by selling my book. |couch| |couch| |couch|

JAI-LING 2016-01-14 06:44 AM

We reached our goal of $125k just a couple of hours ago. Still, we are going for what Kickstarter calls "stretch goals" so we can add more content for the release.

This is the first of what promises to be many releases both VNs, and video games from MiKandi Japan.

If you haven't gotten involved yet, please consider it now. If you are looking for new genres and products to promote, this is a hot market.
Some companies are raising 7 figures from the crowd.

ecchi 2016-01-14 04:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Several years ago I took a "funny photo" intending to put it on Home Grown Laughter, but later decided I wanted to keep the site "text only". So I decided to start a "funny photos" site and started taking more pictures. But most were not really good enough, so I gave up on the idea.

I just found that photo, so posted it on my Facebook jokes page.

It has only taken me about three years! but it is the first "funny photo" that I ever made!

Greenguy 2016-01-15 09:58 AM


ecchi 2016-01-15 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 541874)

Yes - but, Shhhh, don't give the game away. Have you any idea how long I spend rearranging that weed so it looked like it was still growing naturally in place, but had obscured the sign so that it looked like something else?

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