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eman 2007-05-25 10:55 AM

NEW listings - how long?
What do you typically expect?

What do you typically get?

Should you expect more?

What would you like?

Fonz 2007-05-25 11:31 AM

I'd say 7 days on the first 3 questions and forever on question #4 :)

JohnnyR 2007-05-25 11:39 AM

eman, could you please rephrase that question for me? I didn't get what does the question refer to.

eman 2007-05-25 11:39 AM

Don't you think you should expect more?

Who set the rules, anyway?

eman 2007-05-25 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by JohnnyR (Post 349008)
eman, could you please rephrase that question for me? I didn't get what does the question refer to.

Hi JohnnyR

This is it in a nutshell.

You submit your free site to a link list - it might be Link-o-rama, jays-xxx-shit, hadafew - whatever ...

That site will be listed as NEW for so many days (typically 7 - but there are a certain few quality sites who will give you more - hadafew for one (the only?))

The benefits of a "new" listing on a linklist are at least twofold.

Onefold - your site appears on the Whatsnew page
Twofold - your site appears on the relevant category page identified as "NEW"

Thus the horny surfer will identify your site as fresh fodder.

My question therefore is thus:
How long would you REALLY like your site to qualify as "NEW"

JohnnyR 2007-05-25 12:09 PM

ok. get it now.

guess it's up to the LL owner - and in my mind they should make a decision based on how often does the vast majority of the bookmarkers return? do a high percentage of them (say 70%?) come back on a weekly basis? Then 7 days is probably enough. Do they come back every two weeks? Then 14 days :)

Guess a script could also be forged, which would strip away the NEW stars from a certain site for each particular surfer once the surfer clicked on it (got it displayed to him x times?).

Also this probably has to do with how many sites get added daily to that category. Some LL's have like 10 sites/page and your site could be qualified as new forever and it won't do you any good since it's buried on page 17. Others have just 1 page for each category and they never delete a site once it gets accepted - in which case the NEW stars are always good to have, to distinct your site from the crowd.

From a submiter POV, I've to be happy with what I get.
Of course, more is always better @ this sort of thing :)

Greenguy 2007-05-25 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by eman (Post 349009)
...Who set the rules, anyway?

The site owner? |couch|

With LOR, it's 7 days on the newsites page, 14 days with the "new" tag next to the description.

eman 2007-05-25 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Greenie (Post 349020)
The site owner? |couch|

With LOR, it's 7 days on the newsites page, 14 days with the "new" tag next to the description.

That sounds like VERY good value, to me. I'll just pack up and go home.

How do you do that?

I wish I had privileged access to Richard!

Anyway, I'm still thinking that the vast majority of link lists have conformed to a perceived 7 day cycle. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong - whatever - I'll still be richer for the experience (These new positive-thinking pills are amazing!).

Greenguy 2007-05-25 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by eman (Post 349024)
How do you do that?

I wish I had privileged access to Richard!...

Yeah, my newsites page is special :)

eman 2007-05-25 02:27 PM

Just for the record, I typically give a 14 day NEW listing - that's both on the the WhatsNew and Category pages. And I sometimes extend it to 18 days.

Sounds a bit weak, now.

But on the positive side, it's better than most :)

ladydesigner 2007-05-25 04:23 PM

I keep links on the new links page for 10 days and also the NEW tag next to them on the cat pages for 10 days (on both my LL).

stuveltje 2007-05-25 04:30 PM

it depends on different factores, because i own some linksites i can change the new listing every day, so when i am to far behind on reviewing i can change that to a 2 months new listing, normally it would be a 7 days new listing, you have to love that you own an linksite yourself and you make the rules and you can change them everyday:D

stuveltje 2007-05-25 04:34 PM

with this i realy go against all submitters, but now i alos understand the linksite owners, submitters have an bad attitude ( heay i was a free site submitter myself ones) and yeah i thought the linksites had an bad attitude, but after going myself as an free site submitter, but more important as and reviewer for already 4 years, you free site submitters can nag about not gettig listed, but hell be there and deal with it, then you wil understand, stil i am suprise myself, if the rules of an linksite are that easy, why the fuck you still wanna try to get listed an different way..:)

stuveltje 2007-05-25 05:18 PM

oke i am gonna tel something here wich is never bin told before...........some people who have an linksite dont even know them self how to make a free site........and yeah i am not only talking about newbies i am also takling about oldies, or years i reviewed for alot of linksites, what i see is , people have a linksites and dont fucking know themself what the rules are of a linksite, so a linksite owner makes a site which is totally agains the rules of other linksites...well guess what i wont list you, why the fuck i would list you with your shitty free sites and you have demands about other submitted free sites, lol believe me i have had alot o arguments about that wit other linksites owners i reviewed for.......i dont mind "having the friends policy" but why i should accept those persons with the same mistake the normal submiiters make, why because they have a linksite?......bulsshit, having alinksite dont mean you are better (stu keep out the older linksites, like DD, Greenguy, richard realm, tommies bookmarks, linkster, cleo) i just hate to see some linksite owners reject other submitters while they themself even cant make an free site by the normal rules

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