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tadpole 2016-01-08 11:56 AM

1 month anniversary
|verysadToday I am totally in the doldrums. 1 month anniversary of being hit by Cryptowall 4 Ransomeware. Once a year I do an image of my hardrive. I backup daily on a flashdrive. I was hit 1, yes ONE day before I was due to do a new image and my flash drive was backing up as I got hit. So that was my backup drive and my hard drive encrypted. One years work lost, to the day.

Cryptowall 4 also destroys all your shadow volumes, restore points - including those made by 3rd party programs. It also doubles the ransome if it goes unpaid for a set number of days. I will not be blackmailed - Ha ha I do have some principals|crazy|

I have spent the last month trying every data recovery software I can find, and am not getting much back. My biggest loss is photos of my dogs, past and present(my children) , earnings and a year of research into an offline business I wish to start.

One good thing happened today |thumb I got a call from a courier, and when I collected my parcel , it contained six bottles of injectable immune therapy for my little Rocket (apple of my eye) Jack Russel who suffers terrible seasonal allergy. I am so grateful to the Vets in USA as Africa does not offer blood analysis and immune therapy treatment for dog and cat allergies. Bad news is my poor little totty is gonna have to have a lot of jabs.

JustRobert 2016-01-09 10:58 AM

Sorry to here you lost a years work. You say you were hit when backing up so I can only assume that during back up you were online, a mistake you will never make again. Been there so I understand.

I've said this before but the best investment I made was a couple years ago buying a $200 chrome book. My work computer is just for building/uploading and spread sheets/financials. I only go online with that computer to visit my own network script, absolutely nothing else. Any online work plus screwing around is now done on the chrome book which has nothing on it so if it gets attacked no big deal, pitch and buy another.

ecchi 2016-01-10 09:51 AM

My sympathies. I lost a lot of valuable work stuff (including a lot of paid for content) some years back on a harddrive crash. Since then my rule has been weekly backups (I use the grandfather/father/son method, and backup overnight so I don't waste work time).

As to your loss of personal photos: I always download to two drives before deleting from the camera or 'phone. I'd never risk personal photos by having only one copy!

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