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Pendo 2009-03-14 01:13 PM

Problem with wordpress
I just upgraded wordpress, and it worked well. But when I added first post my sidebar.php went bellow the page. I didn't touch anything on index.php, it just went down. Tried to just update the sidebar.php and index.php, but no good. It's the same when I change the theme...Can someone help me how to get it back ?

whitey 2009-03-14 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Pendo (Post 444524)
I just upgraded wordpress, and it worked well. But when I added first post my sidebar.php went bellow the page. I didn't touch anything on index.php, it just went down. Tried to just update the sidebar.php and index.php, but no good. It's the same when I change the theme...Can someone help me how to get it back ?

It is something in your theme and the underlying code in your posts.

I had this problem on a site onetime and it was a consequence of the theme not reading the default alignment code for images in the wordpress image manager. I overrode that with the text alignment button in TinyMCE to align images. When I updated Wordpress, the sidebar dropped to the bottom. When I overrode it by using a
coding to center my pics, the sidebar returned. Be aware that using
tags in your TinyMCE editor will be overwritten by WP if you switch back to the visual editor and each time you go back to edit the post.

Without seeing the coding on your theme, however, it is difficult to tell the specific thing that is causing this. As an experiment, I would suggest removing all alignment codes used on your images in your posts on the front page and see if that solves the problem. Your images will be aligned left, but your sidebar may return. If you can live with that, you can offset the images using the
    tags in the TinyMCE editor.

    Additionally, you can then experiment with alignment using
    tags to recenter your images. Just publish/update the post while still in HTML mode and then do not go back to visual mode.

    Also note that using the text alignment function to center images in the TinyMCE editor will play games with theme coding on many older themes - and 2.5+ optimized themes on WP 2.5+. If you are using the text alignment code to center images, it will cause many problems in newer versions of wordpress because of the implementation of the media placement elements in 2.5 and above and shortcodes. The solution to that is to eliminate all TinyMCE coding from around your images or delete them and reupload them using the image placement capablilities of wordpress and see if that works.

    All of the above experiments assume you are not comfortable with css and php coding. If you are, you can probably find the cause in your theme templates - likely function.php, page.php,index.php,home.php, post.php or your stylesheet. I solved this once on an older theme, but, not being a php expert, it took me quite a few iterations to solve, and I have long forgotten the details of that little excursion.

    Finally, you could experiment with different themes. Just be aware that they will each treat your current image alignment method differently. If the theme is optimized for 2.7, or at least 2.5 or above, they should work with the default image placement method in the wordpress image management interface as image centering was always a pesky thing prior to 2.5.

    A little confusing but I hope that it helps.

Pendo 2009-03-15 02:41 PM

I tried with differen themes, found some made for wp 2.7, and they are working but I'm missing some things in the sidebar.
So I tried to remove those
tags and when I movev them from the now obvious post is all worked. But with the post above everything is fine, without div tags. So I made another new post, didn't entered any div tags and the image is centered. So only one post will have that image go left, but it's fine, as long as new posts work fine.

Thank you very much man, your post helped me a lot!

anasporn 2009-03-15 03:38 PM

I've tried to resist ... but can't help but observe how often "problem with WP" shows up in thread titles! I started with WP back with v1.5, and hung with it through 2.3.3 but I just can't take them anymore. Walrus has broken WP every whcih way and thrice on Sundays, and even he has gotten fed up with the stupid bloat in it now.

I'm beginning to think a better thread title to see is: "What are the alternatives to WP?"
I've heard B2Evo, Serendipity, Nucleus, and a couple others whose names escape me right now.

whitey 2009-03-15 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Pendo (Post 444633)
I tried with differen themes, found some made for wp 2.7, and they are working but I'm missing some things in the sidebar.
So I tried to remove those
tags and when I movev them from the now obvious post is all worked. But with the post above everything is fine, without div tags. So I made another new post, didn't entered any div tags and the image is centered. So only one post will have that image go left, but it's fine, as long as new posts work fine.

Thank you very much man, your post helped me a lot!

If you have lost some widgets with theme changes (if you do not remove all of them prior to changing themes, they will disappear), thry this...

Justin is a good guy and good coder so the plugin works great. One caveat though, if you had custom text or links in some of your widgets, you will have to redo them. At least, however, you can get the functionality back with this widget.

To extend the functionality of your widgets (for example using your links widget on more than one sidebar), try this plugin...

Wish you the best; sounded like a bit of work.

whitey 2009-03-15 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by anasporn (Post 444641)
I've tried to resist ... but can't help but observe how often "problem with WP" shows up in thread titles! I started with WP back with v1.5, and hung with it through 2.3.3 but I just can't take them anymore. Walrus has broken WP every whcih way and thrice on Sundays, and even he has gotten fed up with the stupid bloat in it now.

I'm beginning to think a better thread title to see is: "What are the alternatives to WP?"
I've heard B2Evo, Serendipity, Nucleus, and a couple others whose names escape me right now.

The alternative, other than Drupal, that is getting the most developer attention right now is Habari. Click Here for the project page.

It shows alot of promise because the programming is object based and, therefore, should run leaner.

The problem with Habari is that it is new. As a consequence, theme, plugin, and functioonality support is not anywhere near what Wordpress and Drupal is. For a pornblog, however, much of that is uneeded because most pornblogs are not really Web 2.0 pubs. And, enabling Web 2.0 functions as well as the attempt to make Wordpress a simple CMS tool (talk about bloated, try Joomla) is what makes Wordpress heavy.

Habari may be a very good solution for most porn blogs. I am putting it on a site and may develop a minimalistic theme for it just to see where it goes.

More Habari project information can be found at the following links..

One of the motivations for the Habari project, btw, was the GPU 2 liscense versus the commons or GPU 3, which has numerous implications for its open source development - mostly good, imo.

anasporn 2009-03-15 04:53 PM

whitey, I have seriously thought about going back to flat files for what I do (I blog only when I have something to say LOL) but if you can translate that Habari stuff into "idiot-ese" for me, particularly the themes and plugins bits, it sounds like it may be something like what I am looking for. (Ask Walrus, I am the Original Script Idiot and no script is idiotproof until it is Ana-proof)

whitey 2009-03-15 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by anasporn (Post 444647)
whitey, I have seriously thought about going back to flat files for what I do (I blog only when I have something to say LOL) but if you can translate that Habari stuff into "idiot-ese" for me, particularly the themes and plugins bits, it sounds like it may be something like what I am looking for. (Ask Walrus, I am the Original Script Idiot and no script is idiotproof until it is Ana-proof)

Ana..I am likely going to do a full install sometime in the next day or two. I have only tested it. I will let you know if it is simple to use.

Ahh...and the values of static pages are being lost, but they are most valuable.

I will keep this thread in mind and get back to you when I play with it a bit more. If easy to use, I will let you know.

anasporn 2009-03-15 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by whitey (Post 444648)
Ana..I am likely going to do a full install sometime in the next day or two. I have only tested it. I will let you know if it is simple to use.

Ahh...and the values of static pages are being lost, but they are most valuable.

I will keep this thread in mind and get back to you when I play with it a bit more. If easy to use, I will let you know.

SSSHHH!!! Don't tell everybody!

Pendo 2009-03-15 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by whitey (Post 444645)
If you have lost some widgets with theme changes (if you do not remove all of them prior to changing themes, they will disappear), thry this...

Justin is a good guy and good coder so the plugin works great. One caveat though, if you had custom text or links in some of your widgets, you will have to redo them. At least, however, you can get the functionality back with this widget.

To extend the functionality of your widgets (for example using your links widget on more than one sidebar), try this plugin...

Wish you the best; sounded like a bit of work.

I didn't use any widgets, but now I have learned a lot about them and should use them in the future. I just edited the sidebar in HTML... Tried to instal some but my theme is not widget aware.

dunc 2009-03-15 06:40 PM

Try textpattern - but just take the css out of the database and turn off visitor logs...

whitey 2009-03-15 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by dunc (Post 444654)
Try textpattern - but just take the css out of the database and turn off visitor logs...

hmmm...I have been intending to try Textpattern for a mainstream client. Seems simple as well.

anasporn 2009-03-19 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by whitey (Post 444648)
Ana..I am likely going to do a full install sometime in the next day or two. I have only tested it. I will let you know if it is simple to use.
I will keep this thread in mind and get back to you when I play with it a bit more. If easy to use, I will let you know.

any news? I am in an "I hate WP" mood again today (although thankfully I haven't killed any more databases .... yet *knocks on wood*)

walrus 2009-03-19 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by anasporn (Post 445097)
any news? I am in an "I hate WP" mood again today (although thankfully I haven't killed any more databases .... yet *knocks on wood*)

Looking through the plug-ins for it I didn't see any anti-spam. Did have an Askimet plug-in but it said it no longer worked on the current version.

I'm impressed...NOT

anasporn 2009-03-19 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by walrus (Post 445108)
Looking through the plug-ins for it I didn't see any anti-spam. Did have an Askimet plug-in but it said it no longer worked on the current version.

I'm impressed...NOT

Well, I have become rather anti-social when it comes to blog comments. And Askimet trashed my mainstream blog, even after repeated requests to whitelist it as per their support page. So they can kiss my redneck ass, their spam filter is junk IMO.

cd34 2009-03-19 04:44 PM

Not that it solves 100% of the issues, but:

does have plugins for a number of platforms and has a pretty simple to use API.

whitey 2009-03-19 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by anasporn (Post 445097)
any news? I am in an "I hate WP" mood again today (although thankfully I haven't killed any more databases .... yet *knocks on wood*)

Probably this weekend. Got sidetracked into a complicated purchase, transfer of domains, sever moves, and complicated 301 stuff associated with that. Hope to use it on a mainstream commerical blog this weekend (at least that is my current goal). No problem with the follow up.

boobookitty 2009-03-20 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Pendo (Post 444524)
I just upgraded wordpress, and it worked well. But when I added first post my sidebar.php went bellow the page. I didn't touch anything on index.php, it just went down. Tried to just update the sidebar.php and index.php, but no good. It's the same when I change the theme...Can someone help me how to get it back ?

Just a thought - If you write your posts in a formatted venue such as WordPerfect, the formatting will push the sidebar down to the bottom on some themes. I always c&p my posts into something that removes all formatting such as Notepad, and then paste into WordPress. The later versions have an option where you can post directly from WordPerfect to WordPress, but I prefer doing it old school.
As far as not liking it - I think really it's a matter of just getting used to it and learning all the arbitrary rules. Spend some time on their forum, and research it, and you will be rewarded. Wordpress is not nearly as intuitive as HTML or CSS code is and it nearly ran me batshit at first. But once you learn it you'll be amazed at the stuff you can do with it. Just my two cents |loony|

anasporn 2009-03-20 10:53 PM

booboo ... I have learned it ... starting with v1.5! It was a much better program then. Now it's buggy, jacked up, riddled with "security issues" and needs constant upgrading ... and they seem to change up the interface with damn near every so-called upgrade.

boobookitty 2009-03-20 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by anasporn (Post 445260)
booboo ... I have learned it ... starting with v1.5! It was a much better program then. Now it's buggy, jacked up, riddled with "security issues" and needs constant upgrading ... and they seem to change up the interface with damn near every so-called upgrade.

Ah ok.
It seems good to me, a LOT easier than coding things myself, but then I am a relative newcomer and don't know how it was before.
I do hate the change in interface starting with 2.7.
As far as upgrading I use fantastico, so that is pretty easy.

anasporn 2009-03-24 04:37 PM

bumping for whitey's review of Habari ... I have something I need an alt to WP for ...!

whitey 2009-03-25 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by anasporn (Post 445652)
bumping for whitey's review of Habari ... I have something I need an alt to WP for ...!

I am working with it and textpattern (dunc mentioned it above) tonight. I, as well, need something to generate some quick sites (domain parking in my case) that can produce a static site more easily than WP but still have a dynamic component for the SE's. So, I am installing both tonight and may have some feedback in a day or so.

whitey 2009-03-25 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by anasporn (Post 445652)
bumping for whitey's review of Habari ... I have something I need an alt to WP for ...!

Got it installed as well as textpattern. Having significant ISP problems today - first in about 2 years - and am giving up in frustration for a couple of beers.

Hopefully, be able to PM you later or tomorrow with observations.


anasporn 2009-03-25 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by whitey (Post 445775)
Got it installed as well as textpattern. Having significant ISP problems today - first in about 2 years - and am giving up in frustration for a couple of beers.

Hopefully, be able to PM you later or tomorrow with observations.


Do it tomorrow LOL I can read typoese, but not drunkese ;) |cheers|

whitey 2009-03-26 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by anasporn (Post 445776)
Do it tomorrow LOL I can read typoese, but not drunkese ;) |cheers|

Quick Review of Habari:

First off, my overall evaluation is that it is a fast, simple platform for publishing a blog. I think one would have to tweak it, as they do with Wordpress, to do a static site or a static site with a bit of dynamic content. It runs fast, uses few resources, has an intuitive interface and your page loads quickly (when I have my site ready, I will publish the url here).

That said, there are some issues to be aware of (are there not always issues with software and scripts). I would say this platform is about 95% ready for the adult blog market, out of the box so to speak.

The overall issue is that this is a platform written by true coders. As such, it is elegant and runs fast AND the docs are written for coders - meaning it takes some time to decipher the docs for a regular person. Once decipered, however, it is easy to install and run with the following warnings:

1. You need object oriented php modules installed in your server - .pdo and iconv. I run my own servers and they are configured as such, but most hosts will have to load these specifically at your request.

2. The install is easier if you have shell access.

3. As mentioned, the docs are a bit coderesse. As such, it takes time to figure out how to do something. Once figured out, it is always elegant, logical, easy and fast to use, but figuring it out is the issue. Right now, I am trying to figure out the image manager and placement editor.

4. Some of the plugins are extremely version sensitive. Trial and error solves this.

5. Some of the plugins that I want to use do not completely interface with the product - easy to solve but takes some time. I use tinyMce and it works when writing but not editing due to a path issue.

6. There are limited themes - about 25. That is changing rapidly.

7. As it currently stands, there is no allowance for categories, only tags.

Summary: I love how it works for a simple blog and the plugins to make it adult and SEO friendly are there (with a few bugs that are mostly path/theme related). That said, the documentation needs to be made clear and simple for the average blogger and some of the plugins need to be improved so the path issues disappear. I am going to plow through all of my issues and put a simple install and publishing doc on one of my sites, but it will take a few days. After I am able to do that, it will be a nice, clean, fast running, stable, customizable alternative to WP. I would advise, however, the technically uncomfortable to not venture there quite yet (at least until someone, me maybe, publishes some clean docs).

On Textpattern:

I uploaded textpattern to do a static site. I will say this, once configured and the site laid out, it will be a very clean and easy publishing device for both blogs and static pages.

The problem is, setting up the initial theme or customizing it takes mucho time. The buzz and support for the project also seems to have died, although they recently released an update.

I never made it very far with it because I concluded that it did not meet my immediate needs which were:

1. A simple, fast running alternative to WP for straightforward blogs.

2. A simple static site publisher for small, SEO driven sites on the 1000 plus inactive domains I have.

I will try it to develop a unique content static site one day as I liked the logic behind the platform, but that is another project for a another time.

Hope this helps. I do not think it helps you right now. I am,however, going forward with Habari and intend to figure out the bugs I am encountering, submit some fixes to the project, and publish a layman's guide. That is on the top of my list right now (I have some mainstream web publishing sites that will benefit traffic wise from doing this), but it will take some time, particularly at tax time here in the US.

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