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AndyS 2007-09-06 01:33 PM

Flash Movies
A little question to all the owners and reviewers, is there any general consensus about if flash movies are allowed instead of 3/4 downloadable ones?

Preacher 2007-09-06 11:09 PM

My guess is most owners are waiting to see how others come down on this, because non-downloadable content could be good for our business structure.

However, there aren't many linklists that I know of that allow flash anything on a freesite, including flash banners. It's the fear of what malicious shit could be coded into it.

Jel 2007-09-07 02:17 AM

What Preacher said.

Woud be nice to have movie links point to a page with embedded movies in wmv format, downside is that FF users without a plug-in wouldn't see the movies, then there's the whole thing where it's pretty much the same as pics on a html page, so most LLs wouldn't be down wid dat.

Might suggest that in the LL gripe thread.

ps obviously it wouldn't stop more knowledgeable surfers downloading, but it should help somewhat anyways.

mb 2007-09-08 11:56 AM

I love flash for sites listed on

Maybe it's because I offer these ads on


Useless 2007-09-08 12:48 PM

If we hadn't become such a slow moving, backward thinking industry, we would already have a rule in place stating that all free clips must be flash. Imagine how much bandwidth theft would be reduced by not having heavy mpgs hotlinked by cheaters.

AndyS 2007-09-10 03:35 AM

Think it has been mentioned in the gripe thread now which is good. Flash movies seem to be the way things are moving with surfers being used to them with you tube etc.

Cleo 2007-09-10 05:31 AM

Still pretty easy to download, on a Mac anyway, but it does make it a bit more difficult then linking to .mpg or .wmv vids like we do now.

Seems like the big issue with Flash is on the Windows side not wanting to use ActiveX plus it is too easy to embed nasties into Flash movies.

Personally my choice is H.264 vids with the player embedded like this one but it is still not that hard to download if you want and know how.

Sadly as I'm sitting here chopping up movies to release them as free content I'm rendering them all as .mpg since that is what this industry uses.

AndyS 2007-09-10 08:22 AM

I would agree with you that H.264 looks a good standard with excellent compression rates from what I have read, but in my opinion it will be a couple of years before it becomes widely used which means it will be about 2012 by the time it gets used in adult.

Cleo 2007-09-10 08:48 AM

Started using H.264 in the member's area of the paysites that I manage and so far the members have been very happy. Only a few years ago most wanted wmv vids but now most already have QuickTime installed due to iTunes so they just click and watch not even knowing that they are watching a mp4 vid.

Seems like the popularity of the iPod/iPhone is driving acceptance of the H.264 format.

Also Youtube announced that they were re-encoding everything as H.264.

But I agree that this biz will be using mpg and wmv vids in promotional stuff for a very long time.

AndyS 2007-09-10 09:57 AM

Yeah you are probably right the fact it is apple derived and its adoption on their products will speed up its general use. I am thinking about using H.264 on my next couple of sites instead of the previous wmv, real, divx and mpg, do you just offer H.264 on foxy. Etc if you don’t mind me asking?

Cleo 2007-09-10 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by AndyS (Post 364955)
do you just offer H.264 on foxy. Etc if you don’t mind me asking?

First movie in H.264 on FoxyAngel went up a few weeks ago in small, med, large, and ipod sizes. All new movies will be in H.264 format in these four sizes although we may add a fifth iPhone size if I feel it is needed but the iPod size seems to look very decent on the iPhone and even the AppleTV. It is amazing how well these movies scale up on my 52" TV but then again I don't own a HD TV yet.

On the Foxy's new site all the movies are in H.264 in the same four sizes.

Also on Ana's site, which I also manage, all the movies started being put up in H.264 in the same four sizes starting with the last update which was about two months ago.

So far zero complaints and lots of positive feedback on the quick start and high quality.

I put up a Movie FAQ for Foxy's member's since a few couldn't figure out how to download embedded movies but not one single complaint about the movie format which surprised me since a few years ago her member's were bitching about the vids being in mpg format and them wanting wmv format which we never did do.

AndyS 2007-09-10 11:18 AM

The samples above definatly look good. With the latest ipod touch basically looking the same as the iphone i would not imagine another format would be necassary. Would you mind if i messaged you and asked a couple of questions about the sites and H.264

Cleo 2007-09-10 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by AndyS (Post 364971)
The samples above definatly look good. With the latest ipod touch basically looking the same as the iphone i would not imagine another format would be necassary.

The only reason I could think of is the screen is bigger but I went to the Apple store and played some of Foxy's movies on the iPhone and they looked fine.


Originally Posted by AndyS (Post 364971)
Would you mind if i messaged you and asked a couple of questions about the sites and H.264

That would be fine :)

Cleo 2007-10-09 11:28 AM

Interesting article about different movie formats including side by side examples.

AndyS 2007-10-09 01:15 PM

Interesting article that, a bit over my head in places but thanks Cleo.

carcassi456 2007-10-09 06:06 PM

can someone explain how does Flash prevent bandwidth theft via hotlinking?

HarryM 2007-10-09 06:40 PM

It dosn't really, you can still hotlink someone's flv file and protecting them took me a combination of htaccess/cookies/php, where mpgs was just htaccess right?

Cleo 2007-10-09 06:48 PM

I thought you could add .fiv to your htaccess but I may be wrong and it may be like .wmv which can not be protected with htaccess..

I know that .mpg and .mp4 files can be protected using htaccess.

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