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Greenguy 2017-01-04 02:39 PM

The "What Are You Working On?" Thread - Month Of January 2017
I seriously considered replacing "January" with "Year" |lol|

I put Anal Sex Fest on the back burner for now. Seems the LOR Link Admin is the only admin that I know for sure works with the listing sites in multiple categories, so I might try to copy that admin over & see what happens (meaning see what I can break)

Still updating LOR Mon thru Sat and Chubby Links every Saturday.

Need to get some trades going on LOR - can anyone send like 5-10 hits a day from one domain? If so, hit me up! |thumb


So, Skippy, what are you working on this month? |shake|

JustRobert 2017-01-05 10:36 AM

I've updated a bulk of my sites yesterday with fresh thumbs and such. Since I lost use of a script I've had to do them manually so once a month they get a fresh look. Need to do the rest of them and that's on the game plan, sorta.

Have a couple of sites I want to add tgp script to but I'm not that technical, don't really have time to learn, so may need to hire someone for that since I would like to keep submits going.

redchicken 2017-01-05 04:19 PM

this month i'm working on building casino directories as i'm getting into the gambling industry

Pagan 2017-01-05 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by JustRobert (Post 544931)
Have a couple of sites I want to add tgp script to but I'm not that technical, don't really have time to learn, so may need to hire someone for that since I would like to keep submits going.

Give me a holler when you are ready. I can help you.

JustRobert 2017-01-06 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Pagan (Post 544945)
Give me a holler when you are ready. I can help you.

Thanks, I'll keep you in mind.

ecchi 2017-01-08 02:05 PM

At last finished changing my old witchcraft blog for a new client, and added his money making spells page. I'm really getting sick of doing "magic" sites, but you have to go where the money is!

ecchi 2017-01-08 02:12 PM

Oh yeah, and I fixed my sig at last!

Greenguy 2017-01-10 09:47 AM

I fucked up good today! Short version is that I forgot to properly timestamp all of today's new links on LOR |banghead| so while they are all listed on the category pages, the new sites page shows 0 new links |banghead| Oh well - can't fix it so fuck it! Let them jerk off to yesterday's links :)

Mojo is starting to move me off of Colo's servers today. Seems they wanted to do me last so they could test everything 1st on everyone else|lol| I'm special! |pokefun||greenguy|

Wazdom 2017-01-10 08:28 PM

G'Day everyone .. been a long time .. lol
I've started rebuilding everything from scratch, have secured after years not in my possession. Stupid amount of work to do but looking forward to using my IT skills again which haven't been tested in a long time.

Greenguy 2017-01-11 10:36 AM

NOTHING against Mojo, but I miss Sparky :( When he moved me from Nat Net to Colo, everything just worked. This move is NOT gonna be nearly as smooth |banghead|

Greenguy 2017-01-11 11:38 AM

Oh great! (who owns my email address) is trying to charge me $150 because my account was supposedly suspended??? I pay my fucking bill!!! For fuck's sake, it's on autopay!!!

It's bad enough I pay $10/month for a fucking 20 year old email address, but this really pisses me off |angry|

Pagan 2017-01-11 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 545014)
NOTHING against Mojo, but I miss Sparky :( When he moved me from Nat Net to Colo, everything just worked. This move is NOT gonna be nearly as smooth |banghead|

Yep. I used to host there too, and thought it was the absolute best hosting ever. When he left, I felt like last year's stale moldy bread. I moved to my current host and never look back. I LOVE my current host. Cheap, outstanding service, and a control panel that works. Need I say more? Oh, and the very few trouble tickets I have ever submitted have been answered within 30 minutes and totally resolved within hours. I love them so much I moved my non-adult sites over on a different account.

Greenguy 2017-01-12 06:39 AM

My email addy is gonna be the death of me.

1 - Still fighting with but I do have them down to 1/2 what they initially wanted to charge me.

2 - Being the dummy that I am, I'd basically used that email address for EVERYTHING adult since I got it, so that means I had to go to ALL the affiliate programs I'm signed up to & change my email addy to This is actually going smoothly except for...

3 - I have 747 affiliate accounts at CCBill. Anyone ever tried to change their email address with them? You'd think there'd be 1 master location/admin where you change your email address & Bob's your uncle. Well, I asked & they told me that I have to change my email in the admin with EACH INDIVIDUAL AFFILIATE PROGRAM!!! |banghead| Being conservative at it taking 1 min each to change, that's 12.5 HOURS!! Search & Replace still exists, right?? I can't wait until I move & have to change my mailing address |angry|

4 - I haven't even begun to look into all the mainstream accounts I've used this email address on


Greenguy 2017-01-13 08:25 AM

Well, Mojo moved Chubby Links yesterday & it finally propagated for me over night. The bad news is that the Link Admin isn't working (500 Internal Server error). The good news is that the Sitemap Generator is also not working (500 Internal Server error). Why is this good news? Because my guess is that the same problem is affecting each & the Sitemap Generator people are still alive & well, so troubleshooting that should be simple. Fingers crossed!

hincapie 2017-01-13 02:49 PM

Sounds like permission problems on the 500s.

Can trade you on if you like ?

Greenguy 2017-01-13 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by hincapie (Post 545044)
Sounds like permission problems on the 500s.

That was my 1st thought, but every file is exactly the same as on the old server :(

Cleo 2017-01-13 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 545046)
That was my 1st thought, but every file is exactly the same as on the old server :(

Paths on the new server is different as is the version of PHP.

On my server I would have to modify hundreds of paths in scripts on multiple domains.

Greenguy 2017-01-13 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Cleo (Post 545050)
Paths on the new server is different as is the version of PHP.

On my server I would have to modify hundreds of paths in scripts on multiple domains.

They did that - I looked at a couple of files where I knew there were directory paths & they had the new ones in there.

For those that don't know, Mojo just told me to change the DNS on Chubby Links back to Colo's, seeing as the site works there :)

Cleo 2017-01-13 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 545051)
They did that - I looked at a couple of files where I knew there were directory paths & they had the new ones in there.

For those that don't know, Mojo just told me to change the DNS on Chubby Links back to Colo's, seeing as the site works there :)

Our stuff was done over so many years some so long ago.

I have tons of scripts, Wordpress installs custom crontabs that run even more scripts. Plus dozens and dozens of email accounts from multiple businesses that would all change. |loony|

Not to mention scripts that would need to be replaced due to them not working under newer version of php.

I'm glad that you are staying on colo as the more that stay the longer we will be supported.

hincapie 2017-01-14 01:13 PM

Vacares managed to move us - including hundreds of WPs, linkx´s, tgpx´s, paysite cms´es etc from Amerinoc with minimal problems (they make a specific user host all the JMB soft domains and have it running an older php than the rest of the users etc)

Pagan 2017-01-16 04:29 PM

Goal for this last two weeks of the month -- ADD CONTENT in a big way. I got rid of most of the old old stuff and now it is time to add new treats all around.

I still have some aesthetic issues out there, mainly some divs that are not behaving for me with new layouts, but I felt it was more important for people to have working links to look at and new galleries than it was to be picture perfect and have very little.

I took my BBW, Anal, and Lesbian link lists and turned them into TGPs. When I started it, the tiny 88x88 thumbs looked like crap. So.... I decided to recut the thumbs on just the galleries for now. Hot N Dirty and Foxy Paradise will always be link lists with text descriptions, and will always take free sites, blog posts, galleries, etc. It has kept me busy and off the streets. I'm actually pretty pleased with it. Now, I am working through my Teen list. I recut thumbs several hours a day and then go upload new content. Kind of a vicious cycle, but one that is paying off.

ecchi 2017-01-29 05:24 PM

Fixing my sig again!!!!

I only fixed it a few weeks ago, then the new target domain crapped out on me. Got it sorted now, but hate playing the "Which domains are important, and which can I let go so that I can afford food" game!

sarettah 2017-03-30 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 544919)
So, sarettah, what are you working on this month? |shake|

Most definitely feeling picked on here.

I don't fucking remember what I was doing in January. I am sure I was working on something because I managed to get the fucking bills paid dammit.

Lol, I am not really mad. You guys know that, don't you.

Fuck fuck fuck. I just realized that Greenguy is running a hack and whoever looks at the thread sees, So, username, what are you working on.....

I am such a rube some times.

I actually thought some one cared about me :(

Oh well, back to being nothing.

Greenguy 2017-03-30 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by sarettah (Post 545916)
I actually thought some one cared about me :(

I care about all my board members :)

sarettah 2017-03-30 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 545917)
I care about all my board members :)

Yeah. Uh huh.

You are sitting there laughing your ass off. I can hear you.

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