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Sloerie 2004-05-31 06:29 PM

lots of questions on common freesite practices!
OK, before moving over to the TGP and Link list forums I'ld better start asking here...
I am building a site where i want to have maximum flexibility, and want to incorporate things like recips management etc.

These questions are about freesites rules, i sure don't want to build something that ends up breaking a lot of rules!
So there we go;

1st question, before moving into details, would anybody now a good document about tgp and freesite RULES on the net?

2nd when building a freesite, is it required that on the mainpage there are only links to just 2 galleriespages, or is it an option to incorporate 3/4 or even more galleries?

3rd I read somewhere that a maximum of 3 outgoing links (out of the domain?) on an entrance page is custom. If a link to the same url get's repeated as a banner on top of the page , a text link somewhere in the middle, etc etc, is this considered 1 outgoing link or separate?

4th is a link to the domains root considered an outgoing link on a freesite? For example, a trial page of mine links to
Is this outgoing, and therefore counted as such?

5th is an exit link (to another non-adult site of mine of course) obligatory? Or would the advice to leave the site be enough?

6th Am i correct in assuming that when using recips on a freesite the only correct place to put them is on the entrance/warning page? (and not on the main or gallery pages?)

7th when using recips, is 12 an accepted number of recips, or will having less recips give me a better chance on getting listed?

You see, I have a lot of those simple but crucial questions up my sleeve, as I am trying to get things right as much as possible the first time.
Of course please feel free to shoot at as well, especially with regards to nono's. This freesite will not be submitted anywhere until i get a go from this board!

Thanks in advance, and by all means feel free to contact me on icq 228923621 to discuss matters in person, if you don't want to humiliate me in public...

Bill 2004-05-31 07:10 PM

a partial answer to question 3:

Usually two links to the same paysite seperated by more than a quite small amount will be counted as two links.

Some linklists will let you 'group' links in small table ads, as long as all the links in the table ad point to the same sponsor. However, if you are just starting out building freesites, you should stick to the strictest possible interpreation of the rules.

Some linklists are quite strict, some are less strict.

a partial answer to question 4:

many linklists will let you place a small link to your domain root at the bottom of the page as part of a copyright. This is more of a priviledge than a right, and some reviewers are tougher than others, even at the same linklist.

Otherwise you should count a link to your root as one of the three allowed outgoings.

Sloerie 2004-05-31 07:21 PM

Thanks Bill, this is allready very helpfull!

security_man 2004-05-31 08:27 PM

first of all, i think alot of your questions come from a missunderstanding of free sites... a free site isnt just a site that is free, the one you put in your post doesnt look bad, but if you are looking to use recip management and flexibility it makes me think you are planning on working on it and updating it over a long period of time. imho free sites should be built and forgotten about because the time it would take to update that one source of traffic is more time than it would take to build more sources of traffic over the long term... however, with that said i will try to answer your questions:

1st - there isnt really a standard free site rule document because all linklists are different, however the "standard" more or less is but if you throw on there no blind links, no free hosted sites, no free email addresses, then you pretty much have the basic no nos on every site although some will have rules as to popups and fpas and pix on html pages etc.. so read the rules of any linklist you submit to.

2nd - no it is not required, but why would you want to have more than two galleries? all that does is give away more porn so they are less likely to buy, not to mention it uses half again as much content which would be better used on more sites imho

3rd - this one is a bit tricky becuase it depends on the reviewer and how they define things, but for the most part (and no its not per domain its three ads per page) they are talking about ads which go to sponsors. one link usually dosnt equal an ad, it usually means a spot on the page that is trying to attract them to click and buy something, however if the one ad spot with three hrefs on it go to three different urls then it is three different ads, while that same ad spot if it had three hrefs all going to the same url then it would only be one ... like i said its tricky cuz its hard to explian and the definition changes with any list you submit to.

4th - see what bill said cuz i would prolly just confuse you LOL

5th - i personally dont know of many linklist that have specific rules on this, but if you do have an exit link i wouldnt link it to another adult site... they wanted to leave. i also wouldnt link it to google or disney or whatever either cuz they get enough traffic without your charity... find a mainstream sponsor who will make you some money on the little traffic that does click the exit link

6th - more or less you are correct... most dont put them anywhere but on the index/warning page because having them on other pages will make them too much of a traffic leak... those pages you want to make money on

7th - again it depends on the linklists, some wont have a problem with it some will, however that is why most of us mirror the site or the index page and submit to mulitple linklists that way

hope that helps :)

Sloerie 2004-05-31 08:48 PM

security_man thanks a lot for taking the effort to write all of this down!
It certainly clarifies a lot, and is very helpfull

1 i will study them to full extent!
2 the idea is to get extra chances for the visitor to get horny on the model and also extra chances for them to click on my banner!
Anybody objecting?
3 understood. RTFR! (read the fucking rules!)
But I am safe when assuming any link above 3 (except for recips on the entrancepages and internal links to the freesites main or gallerypages) might cause trouble.
4 ok, i will count it as an outgoing link, just to be safe.
5 ok, so having no exit link seems no problem. Of course, if I'll put one up it will be linked to one of my non-adult money generating sites!
6 ok, on the entrance (or start or begin or whatever mirrored index page) they will go.
7 yes i will mirror the index pages for different recip groups, the system I'm building is totally flexible.

So the following question more or less remains;
2 anybody objecting to more than 2 gals per freesite?

And of course all further remarks are very welcome!

Thanks again to security_guy and Bill!

security_man 2004-05-31 10:45 PM

if you cant get them horny enough to click after 20 pics you need to send them to a hub or a links page to give them more opportunities, another gallery only gives them more to jack off too before they have to pay... trust me, you dont get any good out of using more content than what is required to get listed.

as a matter of fact, if you go to my linklist in my sig i wrote a specific rule about this for webmasters cuz it bugs me so freakin much... its just a waste of content and training surfers that they dont have to pay to get off imho.

and i should be allll about webmasters wasting content, i own a content store too LOL

Sloerie 2004-06-01 04:27 AM

LOL, this is good stuff!
I get the msg, i won't ever use more than 20 pics/2gals per freesite! If you've got a rule about it that's enough for me to not consider more than 2 gals per site.

I am trying to boil down the strictest interpretation of rules on the different linklists, so I get a basic design rule for my future freesites.

Greenguy 2004-06-01 08:17 AM

1 - I'm sure there are, but not on this site - LOL I know I wrote one for Netsurprise back in the day, but I have no idea if it's still on their site.

2 - personally, I wouldn't go more than 3 galleries on a free site - 30 free pics is enough for a free site

3 - the 3 banners/ads rule means that you can have 3 ad spots per page, so if you had a banner on top & a banner on the bottom to the same sponsor site, that'd be 2 ad spots.

4 - some will count this link as one of the 3 from #3

5 - exit links are not required, but are pretty much standard practice for me.

6 - most people put them on the 1st (warning) page but I think most Link Lists allow them to be on the 1st or 2nd page

7 - the number of recips is more of a design thing as opposed to a set number - if you can get 12 on the page & not have the page look like shit, go nuts :) I usually do 9 (3x3 table)

Sloerie 2004-06-01 07:31 PM

Thanks Greenguy, your help is very appreciated here!

I presume you would count the exit link as an "ad" just to be safe?

I am slowly getting there, i think by the end of this week I can start posting!

More work to be done first, filling the recips tables etc, and more work on the template system to meet all the rules!

Thanks again, and if anybody has more comments on these questions I am all ears!

Greenguy 2004-06-01 07:44 PM

It'd depend on where the exit link when, but probably not.

Surfn 2004-06-01 07:48 PM

Come to On the Bench Saturdays with MrMaryLou 3pm EST and get more answers :)

Altheon 2004-06-02 04:31 AM

Good points everyone, this thread really helped clarify things for me since I too am new at Free Sites.

A small tip based on what Security_Man mentioned. If you have a non-adult site put that as the exit link. I've actully gotten some pretty good traffic to my templates site this way.


Fonz 2004-06-02 04:37 AM


Originally posted by Surfn
Come to On the Bench Saturdays with MrMaryLou 3pm EST and get more answers :)
Most of us Europeans are in a bar by then, or at least I am :)
Building freesites isn't that hard but for some reason some people seem to make a mess with it all the time :(

Surfn 2004-06-02 04:53 AM


Originally posted by Fonz
Most of us Europeans are in a bar by then, or at least I am :)
It's always a matter of priorities. :)
Those who need it the most don't show up. |sad|

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