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Greenguy 2009-02-27 07:20 AM

Final February Friday Festivities For Feveryone!
Feveryone is a word! |couch|

Morning |waves|

I have a sore throat - been fucking with me for 2 days now. Too much cock I assume :D

Nothing major planned for today except more banner rotations.

boobookitty 2009-02-27 07:38 AM

How alliterative :P

Good morning to all |bananna|

I have had the insomnia monster all night but have put it to good use by working. My immediate plans are to hopefully become sleepy and go to bed..
After that I shall see what time I wake up before making future plans.

Cleo 2009-02-27 07:41 AM

Trying to get these gelatinous orbs in my skull open after another night of wetware updating.

Espresso, oatmeal, gym, work, and then finally vegging out on the couch to watch the forth from the last episode of Battlestar Galactica is my plans for today. |potleaf|

MrMaryLou 2009-02-27 07:43 AM

Good Morning and Happy Fish Fry Friday :)

JackDaniel's 2009-02-27 08:02 AM

Good Morning Everyone |waves|

spookyx 2009-02-27 08:38 AM

good morning all!


bluebrit 2009-02-27 08:48 AM

Good morning campers. I have been up all night working on a new site, so now i'm off to bed for a couple of hours.

sue-fl 2009-02-27 09:04 AM


We are off to the park with the 3 little ones for the day. We are letting our daughters go shopping and the nannies are in charge of the babies. Wish us luck |loony|

Have a nice day and weekend all |thumb

stuveltje 2009-02-27 09:34 AM

Good afternoon all:D and again i am in a good mood|bananna|even we have rain already all day!
I have bin busy with food shopping all day, on this moment i am making beouf de bourgonie (or something like that) and hell it smells good:D, i also found out what hobby i wanna pratice...shooting!
suddenly on a boring moment yesterday eve, i remember that my dad learned me to shoot since the age of 9, i also remember that my dad forbid me to handle a gun with the age of 14 (that because of my bad temper and he was afraid i would shoot him if we got in a fight again), now guns are forbidden here in holland, unless you practice shooting as a sport, or use those co2 guns, so now i only have to think shall i use the co2 guns, that way i can practise at home with the kids ( or on the kids|jester|....just joking:D) or will i realy go to a shooting school and can never practise at home, i think i go for the co2 guns, those are fun too!
I am glad its fryday, in some hours hubby will be home and i can bug him allllllllllllll weekend:D
I wish you all a great day and eve|boobies|

Hoffman 2009-02-27 09:35 AM


Toby 2009-02-27 09:47 AM

Mornin' y'all,

Been up for several hours, busy busy swapping out trade scripts on another of my TGP's.

Second pot of |coffee is on, help yourself...

Jim 2009-02-27 09:59 AM

Good Morning
My sinuses seem to be killing me today. Perhaps I to have had a touch too much cock.

Just a regular day, I hope. :)

Mike-mijen 2009-02-27 10:23 AM

My throat is sore also. To much to drink last night not sure how it got sore!|noclue| ( I'm not sure I want to know)
Peace Mike

Preacher 2009-02-27 10:41 AM

I have a tax appointment in 6 days and nothing prepped for it and I'll be out of town part of the weekend. So I guess I better get on that shit today. :(

Ramster 2009-02-27 10:45 AM

Good Morning.

Going late here but up and working away.

Maya 2009-02-27 10:53 AM

Morning everyone!

Far too much offline work this week, but at least that's money in the bank, something I can't say about my porn-pushing these days :)

LeRoy 2009-02-27 12:02 PM

Morning all. It's Friday but that doesnt mean a whole lot for me.

Cuz I'm gonna work this weekend on my personal stuff :)

HowlingWulf 2009-02-27 12:08 PM

Well I set up dual monitors this morning, so that's supposed to increased my productivity... we'll see.

JustRobert 2009-02-27 12:18 PM

Good Morning :)
Need to run to the post office and bank this am. Dr appt this afternoon and going out to dinner with the wife and a bunch of her colleagues. Guess I will squeeze in a little work, but not much :D

Tekster 2009-02-27 12:41 PM

Good Morning,

On the phone most of the morning, and I have to say that customer service in on a steep decline. :(

No plans today except work.

Beaver Bob 2009-02-27 01:00 PM

Good morning,
off to the studio for the day and then back tonight to write blog posts and build a freesite.

docholly 2009-02-27 01:18 PM

|yawn| Morning..
I really need to open the tax documents that arrived from the IRS a week ago. I'm sure it's my "judgment" papers and how I can start paying down my massive account. Maybe I'll have a few bloody marys to ease the pain of opening it.

Otherwise, not much besides work and more work.. which I am very happy for. My company won 2 awards last night.. one of the Best Companies to work for and some National Media Award. |thumb

Glad to see Hoffman still posting.. |lol|

Have a good Friday.. make some $$ |bananna|

bDok 2009-02-27 01:21 PM

Good morning. I'm up late as last night was thirsty thursday and I caught a smooth buzz and also puffed and watched a bunch of stargate sg1 that I've imported from netflix. :) Today going to be super busy on a ton of crap until going to dinner at a mexican joint with some college friend of my lady.

More importantly it marks the time I officially check out until Monday afternoon. This weekend I'm going to vegas to see the Nascar race. |headbang| I'm staying downtown at the Plaza. hehe Going with my brother and sister. It's going to be an absolute shit show on fremont street.

Have a good one everyone.

Twiceshy 2009-02-27 01:32 PM

Good Day and happy Friday .. slept late so time to get my ass in gear and try get some work done freesites and other misc work related items on my list today. I need Coffee , toast and sunshine .. can someone send me lots of sunshine i know its out there some were :P

NY Jester 2009-02-27 01:52 PM

The mighty winds have spoken.... its a balmy 53' outside and the wind is a steady 20 mph WTF?!

Preparing myself for Monday as I have to move 11 mainstream clients sites to a new server..JOY!

But its back to submit pages for now.


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